Plot Elements and Conflict
“When Gertrude Grew Great” Author’s Purpose: Genre: “When Gertrude Grew Great” Subgenre: Narrator’s Point of View: Summarize the text:
Plot is the series of events in a story. It is what happens. Example Gertrude talks to her teacher. Gertrude has a dream.
Setting The setting is when and where the story takes place. One story can have more than one setting. Example At a middle school in the present day. 10 years into the future.
The exposition introduces the characters and setting. Examples?
Conflict Conflict is the problem the main character faces, which drives the story. Internal Conflict Man vs. Self External Conflict Man vs. Person Man vs. Environment Man vs. Society Man vs. Technology
As you read a story, keep your eyes open for: Narrative Structure Most stories can be broken into four parts. Identifying the turning point is key. This also help identify the main events of a story. As you read a story, keep your eyes open for: Foreshadowing: Flashbacks:
It was rarely in the middle of the story. Climax The climax is the turning point of the story. This is what the story has been building up to. It was rarely in the middle of the story. Example Gertrude dreams of the future. Many climaxes have the character: Learn a lesson Change
Rising Action The rising action is what happens before the climax. Rising action also introduces the conflict. Example Gertrude gets ‘C’s. Gertrude talks with her teacher.
Falling Action The falling action is what happens after the climax. Falling action also ties things up. Example Gertrude tries harder. Gertrude becomes great. Important! - If the climax is rarely in the middle, how much falling action do you think there would be?
Resolution/Denouement The resolution is how the story ends. This is the end of the conflict. Example Gertrude gets a job and her own place.
The story revolves around the…. Helpful Hint: The story revolves around the…. climax