North Elementary Panther Pride Garden 2017 WV PTA Convention
The North Elementary Garden A joint project between the West Virginia University Benedum Collaborative 5-year Teacher Education Program and North Elementary. Introduce self, overview of North/structure of collaborative Interested in garden based learning at your school? Laura VanHorn NBCT, North Kindergarten Teacher
History of the Panther Pride Garden Joint project between North Elementary and the Benedum Collaborative 5 year program at WVU- $5,000 grant from Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Started with 13 raised beds, now expanded to 33 including a high tunnel and perennial gardens (certified Wildlife Habitat) Parents—WVU extension office/Mater Gardener’s—Business partners
Reaping the benefits of garden based learning Elementary GLOBE in 2010 Integration of math, science, language arts, parent involvement (pizza making, tomato investigations, summer harvesting)
Our garden grew… Lowe's Toolbox for Education Sharing the Dream (international bed) Whole Kids Foundation/Foodcorps
and grew…
and grew! Click 3 times Gigapan camera and images elementary if connected
and grew! Funding from WV Office of Child Nutrition
How did we get there? and Where can you find us now? Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Sharing the Dream Whole Kids Foundation/Foodcorps West Virginia Farm to School Program WVDE Child Nutrition Office WVU Extension Service Gigapan Earthbox in our Schools Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Morgantown Community Design North Garden-Based Learning Video Talk about grants— Connections and visibility have been lifeblood of program Other connections: business partners, Black Bear North Garden special… video after this slide
We continue to dream at the North Elementary Panther Pride Garden.. Questions from the audience?