Literary Elements English 1 Mr. Jarot
What can we conclude about this setting? The time and place of the story’s action. Setting includes ideas, customs, values, and beliefs. What can we conclude about this setting?
Protagonist The main character. Not always a “good” guy!
Antagonist Character in conflict with the main character. Not always a “bad” guy Not all stories have antagonists.
Point of View First Person Narration The narrator is a character in the story, referred to as “I.”
Point of View Third Person Limited Narration The narrator reveals the thoughts of only one character in the story, referring to that character as “he” or “she.” Sometimes no character thoughts are revealed. Third Person Omniscient Narration The narrator knows all about the story’s events and reveals the thoughts of all characters.
Theme The central idea or message of a story, often a perception about life or human nature. For example, the theme of “Little Red Riding Hood” might be… Be suspicious of situations (and people) that do not appear the way they should.
Plot the sequence of events in a story. Each event causes or leads to the next. Often created through conflict
Plot PYRAMID Climax Rising Action Falling Action Exposition Resolution
Plot Exposition – introduces the story’s characters, setting, and conflict. Rising Action – occurs as complications, twists, or intensifications of the conflict Climax – the emotional highpoint of the story Falling Action – the logical result of the climax Resolution –presents the final outcome of the story
Conflict the struggle between opposing forces. Internal Conflict Person vs. Self External Conflict Person vs. Person Person vs. Nature Person vs. Society Person Vs. Technology Person vs. Weather
Characterization Direct characterization Indirect characterization The author directly states a character’s traits Example: “She was one of those pretty, charming young women” Indirect characterization The author provides clues about a character based on what a character does and says. Example: “Whenever he [Rainsford] looked up from his plate he found the general studying him, appraising him narrowly”
Imagery Descriptive language used to create word pictures for the reader using details of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, or movement Imagery allows THE AUTHOR to show the reader – not tell. Example: “…he kept his head down so that the light from the lamp beside him fell across the upper part of his face, leaving the chin and mouth in shadow.” – Roald Dahl, “Lamb to the Slaughter”
Symbol (Symbolism) A concrete object , scene, or action that has deeper significance – often connected to an important idea or theme in a work
Irony Generally speaking, irony INVOLVES OPPOSITES. Dramatic Irony – when the reader knows something a character does not know Ex: The girl goes upstairs, and we know there is a killer waiting there. Verbal Irony – when a person says one thing but means another Ex: “Cool shirt.” ::eye roll:: Sarcasm! Situational Irony – When the outcome of an event or situation is the opposite of what is expected. Ex: “A local man died when he was accidentally run over by an ambulance.”
Metaphor Definition: A comparison of two unlike objects without the use of the wordS like or as. Example: “The cat's eyes were jewels, gleaming out of the darkness.” simile Definition: A comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as Example: “Shine bright like a diamond.”
Personification Definition: Giving human attributes and/or feelings to an idea or thing as if it were human.
Simile Definition: A comparison of two unlike objects using the word like or as.