D64 Electricity Generation
D64 Electricity Background All energy can be measured. So where does electricity come from? Electrical energy comes from transforming natural resources. They can be renewable or non-renewable. Renewable resources have a continuing supply like sunlight, water, wind, and biomass. Non-renewable resources have a limited supply like coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Once it is used up there is no more of it.
Challenge Question & Reading CHALLENGE QUESTIONS: What is an ADVANTAGE? Something helpful What is a DISADVANTAGE? Something NOT helpful
D64 Electricity Reading pD55 WHERE DOES ELECTRICITY COME FROM? COPY… Electricity Generation refers to the types of energy transformed into electricity. Power Plants are where the transformation is done, and then the electricity is distributed. Alternative Energies are the newest ways of generating electricity, like solar and wind. Turbines are large fans that use mechanical energy to turn blades. Generators turn turbine rotations into electricity.
D64 Electricity Reading pD55+ In text look at the graphs on page D56 and be prepared to answer questions about them. Now you will be doing some reading. Each section is about a different kind of fuel. Write down the advantages and disadvantages listed in the reading about each fuel, and be prepared to discuss what you have read. Begin on pD57. Stop at end of each section.
D64 Electricity Data Table NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES FOSSIL FUELS: Natural Gas, Petroleum, and Coal 1. Convenient 2. A lot of energy released 1. Non-renewable 2. Makes carbon dioxide
D64 Electricity Data Table: ADD NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES NUCLEAR ENERGY: Plutonium and uranium 1. No pollution or carbon dioxide. 2. Largest amount of energy released. 1. 35% efficiency. 2. Radioactive waste causes health problems. 3. Non-renewable.
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES BIOMASS: wood, paper, organics, and garbage 1. Reduces waste 2. Renewable 1. Makes carbon monoxide 2. Pollution 3. Not efficient
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES GEOTHERMAL: heat from the Earth 1. No pollution 2. Needs little room or energy to run it 1. Not efficient 2. Some bad smells 3. Not always available
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES HYDROELECTRIC: moving water turns a turbine 1. Efficient 2. No pollution 3. Renewable 1. Floods 2. Expensive
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES SOLAR: Energy from sun 1. Little pollution 2. Convenient 1. Not efficient 2. Needs a lot of panels
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES TIDAL HARNESS: ocean energy from tides 1. Efficiency 90% 2. No chemical pollution 1. Needs large waves 2. Affects wildlife
D64 Moon and Tides
D64 Low Tide
D64 Electricity Data Table RENEWABLE RESOURCE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES WIND: air moves turbines 1. No pollution 2. Renewable 1. Noisy 2. No wind=no electricity
D64 Electricity Analysis: Date________ Name______________________ Hr__ Answer all questions in complete paragraphs. List/describe renewable energy sources. List/describe non-renewable energy sources. Explain the best type of energy source. Explain the worst type of energy source. A sunny and windy city near a mountain river needs more electricity. Which energy sources should the city use for the future? Explain.
D64 Electricity Analysis: Date________ Name______________________ Hr__ Answer all questions in complete paragraphs. List/describe renewable energy sources. List/describe non-renewable energy sources. Explain the best type of energy source. Explain the worst type of energy source. A sunny and windy city near a mountain river needs more electricity. Which energy sources should the city use for the future? Explain.