The Introduction
Subheading Usually without for article May be used in academic paper format (e.g., thesis or dissertation) May also be referred to by “Chapter” e.g., Chapter I
Introduction Establishes boundary of study Provides background History of project Origins of idea From previous work by same investigator From work from other investigators Literature review Purpose of the study
Literature Review In journal articles - may be a part of the Introduction Thesis/dissertation - often stands alone e.g., Chapter II
Components of the Introduction Problem statement Background Theoretical or conceptual framework Pertinent literature review Purpose
Problem Statement Specific “aim” of the study What is the context of the investigation? Who is/are the subject(s)?
Background From what idea(s) did the study derive? May include brief history of project Is this an applied/clinical study? Is this a basic science study?
Theoretical Framework Is the study: Theory based? Clinically based? From what theory does the study derive or what theory is being tested? Dynamic systems Inverse dynamics CPG Are there competing theories?
Literature Review Discussion during a separate class session
Purpose Usually a component of the last paragraph States the overall objectives May refer to subject(s) May include brief description of design Case study Single subject design Quasi-experimental, etc. Variables studied