ENTSO-E CIM implementation Olivier Aine CIM user group 7 June 2018, Ljubljana
Content What is ENTSO-E? Network codes implementation Why ENTSO-E uses the CIM? Success stories and lessons learnt Future developments
What is ENTSO-E
Our network “Enabling the energy transition”
ENTSO-E in numbers 1 136 795 MW net generation capacity 43 TSOs, 36 countries 1 136 795 MW net generation capacity 3 597,1 TWh electricity consumpion 500+ million citizens served 478 132 km cross-frontier transmission lines 424 139 GWh of electricity exchanged between TSOs
In the middle of implementation of the Clean Energy Package…? 2009 2014 2017 2020 2025 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 NC implementation Clean Energy Package draft Data platforms and tools Work products 2.0 Board strategy for more leadership in energy transition NC implemented New codes on cybersecurity and flexibility? Regional cooperation CEP entry into force Foundation Development of mandates: codes, TYNDP In the middle of implementation of the Clean Energy Package…?
Network codes implementation
The code families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUjRJ_a93Pc Network codes are a set of rules drafted by ENTSO-E, with guidance from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), to facilitate the harmonisation, integration and efficiency of the European electricity market. Each network code is an integral part of the drive towards completion of the internal energy market, and achieving the European Union’s 20-20-20 energy objectives of: at least 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. at least a 27% share of renewable energy consumption. at least 27% energy savings compared with the business-as-usual scenario. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUjRJ_a93Pc
The code families CIM
Timelines Third Energy Package … CACM implementation Network codes 2009 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 … Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management CACM implementation Forward Capacity Allocation FCA implementation Third Energy Package Electricity Balancing EBGL implementation Progressive harmonization System Operation SOGL implementation
Projects from the codes Market Imbalance Netting EU platform Replacement Reserve EU platform Automatic Restoration Reserve EU platform Manual Restoration Reserve EU platform Cross Zonal Capacity Allocation for balancing Single Allocation Platform Harmonised Physical Transmission Right Nomination Rules Day ahead and Intraday Market Coupling Coordinated Capacity Calculation (including flow based) Common Grid Model Methodology Publications to ACER Coordinated Security Analysis IGM/CGM merging for Y-1, DA and ID including boundary management Operational Planning Data Environment (OPDE) Outage Planning Coordination (Pan-European and regional) Short-Medium Term Adequacy Assessment forecast Pan-European Verification Function Operation
Two examples of projects Electricity balancing Common Grid Model
Electricity Balancing FCR Automatic activation Up to 15 minutes aFRR Automatic activation 30 s to 15 min mFRR Semi-automatic or manual activation Min. 15 min RR Semi-automatic or manual activation Min. 15 min Frequency (50 Hz) Δf Total balancing energy (idealized) Balancing energy FCR: Frequency Containment Reserve t0 t0+30 s t0+5 min t0+15 min t0+45 min Time Sync. area Affected TSO
Electricity Balancing All TSOs governance CZ capacity Used cross-border capacity … TSO N TSO 1 BSPs Bids EU platform Offer which must be activated (activation call) … TSO N TSO 1 BSPs EU platform EU platform Demands Satisfied imbalance needs Settlement European platforms coordinate balancing energy activation requests of TSOs. Communication with national BSPs remains local. Platform describes business processes on European level supported by different functions potentially performed by different IT systems. Page 14
Common Grid Model Merging IGM to CGM Enable services from the Regional Security Coordinators
CGM dependent Business Processes Individual Grid Model (IGM) production IGM validation IGMs Merge CGM publication Execute Operational Services Master Date Network Model Loca l Quality Control Boundery Manage-ment Network Security Analysis Outage Planning EMS / Operational Planning Pan European Verification Function (PEVF) Outage Planning Market data Market data Short Term Adequancy Network Planning CGM Aligment Function Transmission System Operator Regional Security Coordination Capacity Alocation
Grid Model across Time Horizons Grid Planning Market & Operational Planning Grid extension Maintenance Capacity & Security Security Execution Year ahead Month ahead Week ahead Day ahead Intraday Real-time Confidence level
Common Grid Model
ECP ECCo SP EDX Based on MADES (IEC 62325-503) ECP provides Security Integration Transparency Reliability Standard Portability EDX provides Publish/subscribe Service providers Integration channels Consumers
Why ENTSO-E uses the CIM ESMP and CGMES
So why should we use the CIM? https://transparency.entsoe.eu/ https://tyndp.entsoe.eu/
So why should we use the CIM? Question appeared already in 2009 when ENTSO-E was mandated to build the Transparency Platform and the Ten-Year-Network-Development-Plan (TYNDP) In these two projects, 43 TSOs needs to send their data to a central platform (which need to understand them) Therefore, a standardized format is needed for the data exchanges. In 2012, ENTSO-E choose to use the CIM
How ENTSO-E became a proactive user of the CIM ENTSO-E has Working Groups of TSOs expert to work on the data formats and liaises with IEC TC57 WG13-WG14 and WG16 ENTSO-E maintains close collaboration with Network code drafting, implementation project and CIM profile development ENTSO-E follows step-by-step approach from use case to sequence diagram to profile
1: ENTSO-E WGs and liaisons Liaisons with IEC TC57 WG 13/14/16 CIM Expert Group (EDI+CGM WP2) Liaison with IEC TC57 WG 10 AhG 61850 (Hierarchy)
2: ENTSO-E collaboration structure IEC/CENELEC Draft the Network Codes Draft profiles in WGs Standardization process Liaison D implement NC projects Regulated by ACER / NRAs Maintenance requests
3: ENTSO-E step-by-step approach Business Requirement Specification Identification of Generic Use Cases Network codes drafting Map GUCs to SGAM Locate requirements for standards Sequence Diagram Standardization analysis Identify existing standards and new gaps Definition of standardization projects Standardization preliminary phase Work on existing, modified and new standards, including profiles Close collaboration with Network Codes implementation projects Standardization preparatory phase Test on functions and interoperability Publication of standards in IEC and/or CENELEC Standardization approval phase Generic Use Cases (GUC)
Success stories and lessons learnt
Offer which must be activated CIM profile for the balancing ATC (ECAN) BSPs EU balancing Platform XB Capacity TSO 1 Bids Needs Offer which must be activated & needs satisfied remaining XB capacity TSO n . MOL* (ERRP) Incremental XB schedules Res bid* (ERRP) Schedule (ESS) Reporting doc Verification platform Transparency balancing Energy Account Transparency platform Settlement process
CGMES profile for IGM / CGM merging TS IEC 61970-600-1 – Energy Management System Application Program Interface (EMS-API) – Part 600-1: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) – Structure and rules (proposed IEC 61970-600-1 TS) TS IEC 61970-600-2 – Energy Management System Application Program Interface (EMS-API) – Part 600-2: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) – Exchange profiles specification (proposed IEC 61970-600-2 TS) IEC 61970-552 IEC 61970-301 IEC 61970-302 IEC 61970-452 IEC 61970-453 IEC 61970-456 IEC 61970-457 IEC 61968-4 CGMES Individual Grid Models (IGMs) Boundary Data EQ [.xml] SSH [.xml] SV [.xml] TP [.xml] EQ_BD [.xml] TP_BD [.xml]
All our CIM profiles are on ENTSOE.EU https://www.entsoe.eu/publications/electronic-data-interchange-edi-library/ https://www.entsoe.eu/digital/common-information-model/
Challenges and future developments More and more business process link the grid model and the electricity market CGMES was first built for grid planning, some further improvement will be needed for system operation Even when there's none left, there are still some: after the network codes will come the Clean energy package (4th package) Clean Energy Package is more oriented towards DSO: Network codes on distributed flexibilities? CIM for retail market? CGMES for DSO use cases? CIM to support TSO/DSO data exchanges? ENTSO-E participates to the H2020 EU funded project TDX ASSIST ENTSO-E participates to the SGTF on data format and procedures
Thank you Olivier Aine – olivier.aine@entsoe.eu