Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture the owner : ADCA, Aurangabad the competition anchors : G. S. Mandal’s M I T department of architecture Aurangabad Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad dfsfsf
Photo No.1 : Aerial-view of a stadium (proposed site) From north-side looking towards south-side which having 24.0 m main approach road National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf
PHOTO NO.2 : COMMUNITY APPROACH ROAD 9.0 M WIDE ABUTTING ON NORTH-SIDE OF THE STADIUM Photo No.3 : West – side of the stadium – residential cum commercial developments on 24.0 m. wide road National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf
PHOTO NO.4 : SOUTH –SIDE VIEW Photo No.5 : NORTH- Side VIEW , EXISTING ADCA, OFFICE & RESIDENTIAl DEVELOPMENTS ON THE SIDE National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf
PHOTO NO.6 : WEST –SIDE VIEW Photo No.7 : WEST- Side VIEW , HAVING COMMERCIAL -DEVELOPMENTS ABUTTING THE CRICKET GROUND National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf
PHOTO NO.8 : EAST-SIDE VIEW HAVING LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS ABUTTING THE STADIUM National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf
Coordinates: 19.88°N Climatic data: 75.32°E Climate classification Hot & Dry Solar radiation Summer Winter Monsoon Intense Medium % of diffuse radiation Low Mean temperature 22-42 oC 10-25 oC 24-32 oC Winds Dry & Dusty Strong winds from S -W Dry & Cold winds from north Relative humidity Annual 25-35% Average Rain fall Varies between 600-650 mm Coordinates: 19.88°N 75.32°E National Level DESIGN COMPETITION for Students of Architecture Design of Cricket Stadium at, Aurangabad, (M.S.),For: ADCA, Aurangabad dfsfsf