Data Pipeline Town Hall May 17, 2018 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of email, names, adding phone numbers. Thank you Samples of email kick-backs Delivery Problems No Longer Valid Email Address Undeliverable – failed to reach recipient Resigned Left the district New Point of Contact 3
Colorado Department of Education Identity Management Access Management Frequently Asked Questions 1-12 #12 Where can I find the Identity Management role mappings for Data Pipeline and other applications? 4
What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE (303-866-6395) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt emails to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted email or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Directory SBD School Discipline and Attendance Teacher Student Data Link Special Education End of Year READ Collection Student End of Year
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory (School Code Changes (Due 6/30/2018) RITS EDIS Periodic Designated Agency (Due 8/31/2018) AEC READ School Discipline and Attendance CO PSAT/SAT (Opens May 17th) Interchanges Student Special Education IEP Staff Teacher Student Data Link Discipline Interchange 10
Open Data Pipeline Collections 11/10/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link Snapshot Student End of Year Snapshot Special Education Discipline Snapshot Special Education End of Year Snapshot Coming Soon CMAS (Opens May 21st) CoALT DLM (Opens May 30th) 11
4 Day School Week The Data Pipeline Directory 4 Day School Week application submission is now closed. All of the completed application have been gathered and are being reviewed prior to getting approval from the Commissioners Office. Thank you! for all of the submissions, there are 108 districts that have schools that serve less than 160 contact days.
School Code Changes Reminder if you have a school code change for the 2018-19 school year please send submit them by June 30th 2018. Forms Changes that need an electronic form submission: Name Change New School Code Request Closing School Grade Change
School Code Changes If a school is growing by a grade every year you would need to submit a grade change request form each year. If you have a school transferring districts let me know and I can assist you in completing this process. If you need assistance please contact Dennis St. Hilaire at or call 303- 866-6840.
SBD Collections Assessment Unit
Tentative Review Dates 2018 SBD Reviews Tentative Collection Dates Assessment Tentative Review Dates IDM Group 1 ACCESS for ELLs March 15th-March 28th ACC 2 CO PSAT/SAT May 18th or May 21st- ????? SAT 3 CMAS Science/Social Studies and ELA/Math (including CSLA) CoAlt Science/Social Studies May 21st-May 31st CMS 4 CoAlt DLM May 30th-June 6th DLM
PSAT9, PSAT10, and SAT are the High School assessments SAT SBD PSAT9, PSAT10, and SAT are the High School assessments Only students with in grades 9, 10, and 11 SBD is the ONLY CHANCE to review this data Test is given on paper and there is no vendor system for student transfers or data review Since these tests are taken on paper and data is often bubbled in by students there will be lots of errors Duplicate Records If an answer sheet does not have a label and the bubbled data cannot match and existing Pre-ID record then it creates a new record. Both records will be in the SBD data. Missing/Invalid SASIDs Most of these records are likely to be duplicates of Pre-ID records that couldn’t be matched There may also be new students or National Test registrations where the student didn’t not bubble in a SASID.
SAT SBD New Processes Student Moves Missing SASIDs NO FAILSAFE! If a student was in two different districts for Pre-ID and Testing both districts will see the record Responsible District and School will be blank and can be filled in by both districts. If the districts disagree, CDE will review and contact them to resolve Missing SASIDs Missing SASID COGNOS report provides matches from the CDE system based on available data Updated SASIDs can be uploaded to Pipeline as an SBD file and a new SBD file can be pulled with the interchange data that links to those SASIDs
CMAS Math, ELA and CSLA, CMAS and CoAlt Science and Social Studies CMAS SBD CMAS Math, ELA and CSLA, CMAS and CoAlt Science and Social Studies Assessments for Grades 3-8 Students will have one record per assessment Data clean up was also available in the Pearson system SBD allows for additional validations like SASID checks and accountability checks on the continuous fields Things to watch for Invalid SASIDs Off grade testers (especially Algebra and Geometry) Missing/incorrect continuous enrollment fields Data is calculated from the Student Interchange based on October count
SAT and CMAS SBD Documents for this collection are in periodic collections – SBD PSAT9/PSAT10/SAT CMAS SBD Manual is updated Shorter Step by step SBD walkthrough nesbdmanual030718 Please review the manual and documentation before you start the SBD review!
Accountability Data Quality emails will not be sent to all districts SBD Changes for 2017-2018 Accountability Data Quality emails will not be sent to all districts The Data Quality report in Data Pipeline provides the same information and can be accessed by any LEA User Includes both vendor data and SBD data once files are uploaded District Assessment and Accountability contacts may request the report, instructions for accessing it are on page 20 of the SBD Manual Districts with serious data issues may still be contacted directly by accountability
Please start by sending an email! SBD Support Email: Phone: 720-696-0185 Please start by sending an email! Emails create helpdesk tickets automatically that can be tracked or sent to the most appropriate person to answer your questions Phones will be primarily manned by Assessment staff unless we experience very high call volume and voicemails to do not create automatic tickets If your question involves PII, do not send it by email or leave it on a voicemail
School Discipline and Attendance Data (SDA)
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) VS School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) VS. Special Education Discipline Interchange/Snapshot Special Education Discipline Interchange/Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange/Snapshot Process Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline; AU’s create and finalize Discipline Snapshot data Periodic Collection Process School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts Submit data and finalize data within Pipeline SDA - Annette Severson -
SDA Files Count of Firearm Possessions by School with Action Taken Count of Attendance by Student Demographic Information Required for All Public Schools Count of Students Disciplined by Demographic Information Count of behaviors by school with Action Taken Count of Allegations by School for CRDC Discipline by Action Discipline by Student Demographic Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Attendance Data SDA - Annette Severson -
SDA - Annette Severson - 2017-2018 Collection Dates Date Event April 11th (Wednesday) Collection open April 18th (Wednesday) Webinar training from 2-3 pm May 1st (Tuesday) Webinar training from 10-11 am May 9th (Wednesday) Webinar/Office Hour: CRDC Reporting 1-2 pm June 1st (Friday) Suggested Date for having No Reportable Incidents tab updated June 8th (Friday) Suggested Date for having at least 1 file uploaded June 15th (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files uploaded June 22nd (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files error free June 29th (Friday) Deadline for SDA to be finalized To join webinar trainings: and call in number: 1-855-397-4421 SDA - Annette Severson -
No Reportable Incidents A separate tab in Data Pipeline, under “SDA” Option to use when a school has no incidents to report to CDE; either No Disciplinary Incidents and/or No Firearms to report Can be updated throughout the SDA process. If marked as “No” initially, this can be updated to “Yes” for a school if needed and vice versa, until the data is finalized. Must update each page or select ‘all’ per page to update all schools in one screen SDA - Annette Severson -
No Reportable Incidents Screenshot After logging into Data Pipeline: *If there are multiple pages, please be sure to list ‘All’ per page OR save each page after updating the status indicators SDA - Annette Severson -
No Reportable Incidents – Disciplinary Incidents Disciplinary Incidents column: “Yes” indicates: the school is included in the Discipline by Action file AND The school is included in the Discipline by Student Demographic file “No” indicates: The school is not included in the Discipline by Action file AND The school is not included in the Discipline by Student Demographic file If all schools are marked as “No”, then the LEA will not upload either the Discipline by Action file or the Discipline by Student Demographic file. SDA - Annette Severson -
No Reportable Incidents – Firearm Incidents Firearms brought column: “Yes” indicates: The school is included in the Firearm (GFSA) data file uploaded “No” indicates: The school is not included in the Firearm (GFSA) data file uploaded. If all schools in the district have this indication, then the LEA will not upload the Firearm (GFSA) data file. SDA - Annette Severson -
Uploading Data Files Order (based on No Reportable Incidents tab) If 1 or more school(s) have “Yes” indicated for Incidents in the Disciplinary column and “Yes” in the Firearm column: Discipline by Action File Discipline by Student Demographic File Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File Attendance File If 1 or more school(s) have “Yes” indicated for Incidents in the Disciplinary column and “No” in the Firearm column: If ALL schools have “No” indicated for Incidents in the Disciplinary and Firearm columns: SDA - Annette Severson -
Data Pipeline Website 11/10/2018 Data Pipeline Website Periodic Collections -> School Discipline and Attendance Overview Deadlines File Layouts Business Rules Templates Trainings Additional Resources Direct Link: Will also find Safe Schools Act Accreditation Report link here SDA - Annette Severson -
Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
TSDL Snapshot Timeline 11/10/2018 TSDL Snapshot Timeline Date Event Wednesday, Jan 17th 2018 Snapshot open Friday, June 1st 2018 Target: All districts create a TSDL snapshot Friday, June 15th 2018 Target: TSDL Interchange files error free Friday, June 22nd 2018 Target: TSDL Snapshot error free Friday, June 29th 2018 Target Deadline: Recommended date to finalize the TSDL snapshot. After this date, many school systems roll over to the next school year. Friday, August 31st 2018 Final Deadline: Snapshot must be finalized TSDL- Annette Severson -
TSDL Fields Used to Create TSDL Snapshot Course Enrollment File Course Instructor File Name of Field School District/BOCES Code School Code Local Course Code Section Number SASID Student's Last Name Student's First Name Student's Gender Student's Date of Birth Roster Start Date Roster End Date Student’s Grade Level Term Credits Granted Final Grade/Course Completion Status Name of Field School District/BOCES Code School Code Local Course Code Section Number EDID Staff's Last Name Staff's First Name Staff's Gender Staff's Date of Birth Term Staff Role Used to link records in the TSDL Snapshot TSDL- Annette Severson -
Student Discrepancy Report Displays ALL students reported in the Student Interchange that are NOT included in the TSDL Snapshot Also calculates and displays ‘Weeks Enrolled’ Can be used to sort- those enrolled for a long period of time should be included Can download report into excel to sort as necessary Report has been updated this week- there should no longer be negative numbers displayed in the ‘Weeks Enrolled column’
TSDL Snapshot Resources TSDL Interchange Documentation found at: TSDL Snapshot Documentation found at: For assistance with either Interchange or Snapshot: Annette Severson 303-866-6824 TSDL- Annette Severson -
Special Education End of Year
Frontline connection to Data Pipeline We heard from a number of folks yesterday issues sending EOY files to Data Pipeline and are looking into it. Please submit tickets to Frontline so we can track them.
Special Education IEP Errors?
Questions? If you have ANY questions about the Special Education IEP Interchange or the Special Education End of Year Snapshot please feel free to contact us. No question or concern should remain unanswered of unresolved. We are just a phone call or email away! Kristi Gleason (303) 866-4620 Lindsey Heitman (303) 866-5759 Orla Bolger (303) 866-6896 Email protocol – please include: Administrative Unit # Phone number where you may be reached. Be sure to get that added in Access Management. Subject of the email NOTE: Never send files or reports via email – contact us to determine best technical assistance avenue. Special Education EOY Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620
READ Act Data Collection
2017-18 READ Collection Timeline READ Act – Whitney Hutton – April 2: READ collection opens June 15 (1 month away!): Districts complete submission of READ files and Budget Planning Survey by close of business – all files are finalized and submissions will be locked June 22: CDE conducts duplicate SASID process June 22-June 29: Districts work with each other to clear duplicate SASIDS July 2: Districts resubmit files with duplicates removed and the READ collection closes July 6: READ data verification forms due
READ Collection Updates READ Act – Whitney Hutton – Current Defects Budget Planning Survey not submitting after saving answers (not happening for all districts) Recently Corrected Issues “File Extract Download” now working for 2016-17 & 2017-18 data
How to Report Students with Disabilities READ Act – Whitney Hutton – In 2015 the Colorado Attorney General confirmed that the READ Act legislation is for all general education students Therefore, students with disabilities are no longer exempt from taking a READ Act assessment These students will have a READ status of ‘1’ or ‘2’ based on their assessment The Colorado Attorney General has confirmed that the READ Act is for EVERY child in kindergarten through 3rd grade. The READ Act legislation is for all general education students. Students receiving special education services are general education learners first. Special education is a supplement to general education. The presence or suspicion of a disability does not warrant a child to be exempted or excluded from the READ Act. This would be a violation of a child’s 504 rights. Per the opinion above from the attorney general these students will no longer be exempted, therefore those codes do not exist in this collection. These students will have a READ status of “1” or “2” based on their assessment.
How to Report Students with Disabilities READ Act – Whitney Hutton – Scenario Coding I cannot find the READ status for students with an IEP that I want to exempt. What READ status do I us? Per the opinion from the attorney general these students are no longer exempt, therefore those codes do not exist in the collection. These students will have a READ status of ‘1’ or ‘2’ based on their assessment. Which READ test do I use to assess these students? There are a couple of choices, if a student is able to access one of the approved assessments then you would indicate that through the READ test choices. For example, if a student is able to access your district assessment of PALS then you would code READ test of 03 (PALS). If the student is unable to access one of the approves assessments and requires an alternative pathway assessment then READ test will be coded as 13 (alternative approved measures) What READ score do I use? If the student was able to access one of the approved assessments then the score will be reflective of that assessment and the cut scores for determining an SRD would apply. However, if the student accesses an alternative approved measure (READ test 13) the actual score(s) are not reported or submitted in this collection. You will use a place holder score of ‘8888’.
How to Report Students with Disabilities READ Act – Whitney Hutton – Scenario Coding How would READ status be determined for students who access an alternative approved measure? Option #1: Braille - In order to determine if a student has an SRD versus a score impacted by slower braille reading, the general education teacher and the teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) will work together. This team will decide yes or no to confirm whether any concern areas are indeed about reading challenges versus expected slower braille reading. Option #2: Students with a hearing impairment who cannot be accurately assessed for a possible SRD with one of the state approved assessments will be assessed with two subtests from the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement: Letter Word Identification and Passage Comprehension. The two subtests will be averaged and students scoring <84 Standard Score (SS) measuring 1 Standard Deviation (SD) below will be identified as having a READ status of 2 (SRD) Option #3: Students with a significant cognitive disability who are receiving their instruction on the alternative achievement standards (Extended Evidence Outcomes) who are being assessed on emergent literacy skills and will have a an SRD until they are able to access an approved assessment. This may or may not occur within the K-3 time frame.
READ Resources READ Act – Whitney Hutton – READ Collection resources can be found at: ine Recorded webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard Hutton, READ Data Collection Manager Email: Phone: 303-866-6421
Student End of Year
Student End of Year Trainings: Tuesday, May 15: 2pm-3pm Wednesday, May 23: 3pm-4pm 855-397-4421 Both trainings will cover the same material so you only should plan on attending one. Additional webinars will be offered during the month of June. Morgan Holmgren – 303.866.6961 –
Pre-cross LEA Phase timeline Student End of Year Pre-cross LEA Phase timeline Date Event Thursday 06/07/2018 Target: Create first End of Year Snapshot Snapshot should include records 06/28/2018 Target: Interchanges Error Free 07/26/2018 Target: Error free Student End of Year Snapshot 09/06/2018 Soft Deadline: Submit Student End of Year Snapshot 09/13/2018 Deadline: Submit Student End of Year Snapshot Approve initial data summary reports Morgan Holmgren – 303.866.6961 –
Thank You Next Town Hall: Thursday, May 24, 2018 9 a.m.-10 a.m.