EUMETSAT Agency Report 2018 Tim Hewison, Peter Miu, Dorothée Coppens, Rose Munro, Sébastien Wagner, Rob Roebeling, Alessandro Burini… EUMETSAT
Personnel supporting GSICS Executive Panel Ken Holmlund EUMETSAT representative Data Working Group Peter Miu Co-chair + Data management expert Simon Elliott Formats Expert Research Working Group Tim Hewison Vice-chair GRWG + chair IR sub-group Sébastien Wagner VIS/NIR + Lunar calibration Rob Roebeling Climate records + SCOPE-CM + Event logging Rosemary Munro Chair UV sub-group Dorothée Coppens Hyperspectral IR expert Joerg Ackermann Microwave Sub-group member Supported by Viju John Infrared (Meteosat - HIRS) + MW Frank Ruetrich Visible (Meteosat) Alessandro Burini Sentinel-3 (SLSTR & OLCI) Rüdiger Lang UV/VIS Spectrometers Point of Contact for Operational Matters Harald Rothfuss
Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2016.1 Show entries Search: Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2016.1 Action Id Summary Lead Expected Completion Actual Completion Deliverable Usage Status GIR.2016.3c.1 Rob to consider including an analysis of GEO-ring bias monitoring statistics provided by ECMWF as part of IOGEO. EUM(Rob) 2017-annual meeting Not possible in 2017. Pending GIR.2016.3c.2 EUMETSAT to coordinate input for GEO-ring test dataset from all geostationary satellite operators 9/1/2016 Ftp structure setup. Met-7 & -9 recal data available - can upload (incl link to GSICS corrections). GIR.2016.3p.3 EUM + CNES (POC: Denis Jouglet (CNES) and Dorothee Coppens (EUM)) to work on the inter-comparison between CrIS and TANSO-FTS. EUM(Dorothee), CNES(Denis) EUM could compare IASI and TANSO-FTS Pending GIR.20160908.2 Dorothee Coppens (EUMETSAT) to look at impact of CrIS responsivity changes related to apodisation. EUM(Dorothee) On-going. The outcome of this study could be circulated in summer 2018 GVNIR.2016.4h.2 NOAA and EUMETSAT to liaise for comparison with time series of MSG full disk Moon irradiance measurements over same time period. NOAA to report back in one year time. NOAA, EUM 2017-annual meeting
Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2017.1 Show entries Search: Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2017.1 Action Id Summary Lead Expected Completion Actual Completion Deliverable Usage Status A.GVNIR.2017.8f.1 Seb to contact ICWG via Andy to evaluate re-calibrated MSG reflectance data. EUM(Seb) 2018-03-01 Pending A.GVNIR.2017.8ha.1 EUM(Seb) to arrange web meeting in April to finalise date and venue for lunar calibration workshop. 2017-04-26 Closed! A.GRWG.2017.4c.1 Rose to investigate what tasks and tools are needed to pursue the work presented by Larry in the broader context of the UV Subgroup and in particular to identify resources needed with the aim of bringing this to the attention of the EP. Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2i.1 EUMETSAT (P. Miu) to provide info to ISRO regarding the access to IASI data. Peter Miu (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2i.2 EUMETSAT (P. Miu) to investigate hosting ISRO GSICS products on the EUMETSAT GSICS collaboration server. A.GWG.2017.3o.1 Rob (EUMETSAT) to report back at the next annual meeting on the investigation to do an homogenisation in the radiance space (instead of in the spectral space with the SRFs). Rob Roebeling (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2k.1 EUM to provide the degradation model for GOME-2 to NASA (Dave Doelling).
Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2017.1 Show entries Search: Update on EUMETSAT Actions 2017.1 Action Id Summary Lead Expected Completion Actual Completion Deliverable Usage Status A.GVNIR.2017.8f.1 Seb to contact ICWG via Andy to evaluate re-calibrated MSG reflectance data. EUM(Seb) 2018-03-01 Pending A.GVNIR.2017.8ha.1 EUM(Seb) to arrange web meeting in April to finalise date and venue for lunar calibration workshop. 2017-04-26 Closed! A.GRWG.2017.4c.1 Rose to investigate what tasks and tools are needed to pursue the work presented by Larry in the broader context of the UV Subgroup and in particular to identify resources needed with the aim of bringing this to the attention of the EP. Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2i.1 EUMETSAT (P. Miu) to provide info to ISRO regarding the access to IASI data. Peter Miu (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2i.2 EUMETSAT (P. Miu) to investigate hosting ISRO GSICS products on the EUMETSAT GSICS collaboration server. A.GWG.2017.3o.1 Rob (EUMETSAT) to report back at the next annual meeting on the investigation to do an homogenisation in the radiance space (instead of in the spectral space with the SRFs). Rob Roebeling (EUMETSAT) A.GWG.2017.2k.1 EUM to provide the degradation model for GOME-2 to NASA (Dave Doelling).
Actions on IR Sub-Group 2017.2 Show entries Search: Actions on IR Sub-Group 2017.2 Action Id Summary Lead Expected Completion Actual Completion Deliverable Usage Status A.GIR.20170627.1 Tim Hewison to set up web meeting to discuss IASI-A/B double differences and migration at end 2017. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) 2017-12-31 Web meeting held 2017-12-14 Closed A.GIR.20170627.3 Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) to consider inclusion of SLSTR results in IASI-A/B double difference analysis. 2018-03 Considered, but will be reported separately. A.GIR.20170627.4 Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) to add CMA, JMA, NOAA and KMA contributors as authors to Traceability Report and export to ZoHo and circulate. Discussed at 2018 meeting
Other EUMETSAT GSICS Achievements during 2017 GRWG+GDWG: Drafted and circulated user requirements document for further development of GSICS Plotting Tool GSICS IR: Started generating GEO-LEO IR products for Meteosat-11/SEVIRI GSICS VNIR: Lunar calibration: GIRO benchmark + tested against ROLO See # 7f GSICS VNIR products generated for Meteosat-11/SEVIRI automation planned by end Q1 2018 USC Released 33 years of recalibrated MVIRI/SEVIRI IR and WV radiances Reconstructed MVIRI spectral response in the framework of Fiduceo Released pre-beta of 26 years of recalibrated MVIRI VIS radiances In collaboration with JMA, recalibrated the IR and WV channels on GMS 1-5, GOES, and MTSAT 1a and 2 UV?
EUMETSAT GSICS Products 10/11/2018 EUMETSAT GSICS Products Monitored Instrument Product Type / Band Reference Instrument GSICS NRT Correction GSICS Re-Analysis Correction GSICS Bias Monitoring Meteosat-8-11 SEVIRI GEO-LEO IR Metop-A/IASI Metop-B/IASI Operational Plots RAC Meteosat-7 MVIRI Demo GEO-LEO IR Prime IR Anchor Need to plot Double Diffs Meteosat-8/10/11 SEVIRI GEO-LEO VIS Aqua/MODIS Need to plot RAC GEO-LEO VIS/NIR Aqua/MODIS SNPP/VIIRS In development
Support to GDWG Activities Collaboration Servers closer to realisation For all collaboration servers, EUMETSAT has developed a tool to automate the generation of the configuration scripts and files to create GSICS product directories and configure THREDDS to detect and serve these products to the user community. Support to the serving of KMA GEOLEOIR products from the EUMETSAT GSICS server. Provided input to the distribution of the GIRO and GLOD to users. Developing a software framework to simplify the generation of GSICS products; development has stalled due to lack of resources.
Support to GRWG Activities GSICS IR: Chairing IR Sub-Group Started generating GEO-LEO IR products for Meteosat-11/SEVIRI GSICS VNIR: Lunar Calibration Workshop See # 7a Definition of a benchmark for the GIRO to support verification/validation against the ROLO + comparisons with alternative models/other implementations (see # 8i) Hosted two visiting scientists to work on lunar inter-calibration GIRO and GLOD: JMA, USGS, KMA, JAXA, CNES, ESA signed the agreement (to date) distribution of the GIRO started. GLOD needs to be consolidated but will follow… USC coordinate knowledge exchanges between GSICS and Fiduceo towards a common calibration event logging infrastructure UV Chairing UV Sub-Group White paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV-Vis-NIR-SWIR spectrometers in preparation
EUMETSAT Satellite Status 20 March 2018 & Planned launches Orbit Status Meteosat-7 GEO 57°E End of Life – Summer 2017 – incl Decontamination Meteosat-8 GEO 41.5°E Operational full disc IODC Meteosat-9 GEO 3.4°W Backup Meteosat-10 GEO 9.5°E RSS service Meteosat-11 GEO 0.0°E Prime 0°E service Metop-A SSLEO 09:3x Started Orbit drift as part of End Of Life Metop-B SSLEO 09:30 Operational Metop-C Launch scheduled 2018-09-17 Jason-2 NSLEO Jason-3 Launched 2016-01-17 – Operational Sentinel-3A SSLEO 10:00 Sentinel-3B Launch scheduled 2018-04-25 – Tandem Phase 30s from S-3A for 4M
Metop-B is in the same orbital plane as Metop-A Morning Orbit Equator crossing time: 09:30 LST Orbit phasing: 48.93 min. Metop-B Metop-C in 2018 Metop-A Metop-A
There will be three Metops in orbit 2018 – 2021 Metop-A in drifting orbit; last OOP manoeuvre in August 2016 (EOL end 2021/early 2022) Metop-B prime satellite LTDN 9:30 LST Metop-C launch planned for late 2018 LTDN 09:30 LST Metop-A Metop-B Metop-C
Agency’s GSICS activities to be discussed in this joint meeting. Plenary: How to Blend References (+Fiduceo Feedback) ( See # 3l, 4q) IOGEO GEO-ring ( See # 3o) Fiduceo ( See # 3p, 3q) GSICS IR: Development of Sentinel-3/SLSTR inter-calibration monitoring ( See # 4j) IR REFerence Uncertainty TraceABiLty rEport ( See # 4p) – Slow Roll-out of IASI processing changes ( See # 4n) GSICS VNIR: Lunar Calibration Workshop – covered by Tom Stone ( See # 7a) Rayleigh scattering and inter-calibration ( See # 7t)
EUMETSAT future programmes overview – Thank you! YEAR... 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 METEOSAT FIRST GENERATION METEOSAT-7 METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION METEOSAT-8 …Extended lifetime ........................................ METEOSAT-9 …Extended lifetime ........................................... METEOSAT-10 …Extended lifetime ... MSG-4/METEOSAT-11 …………….. METEOSAT THIRD GENERATION Mandatory Programmes MTG-I-1 : IMAGERY MTG-S-1: SOUNDING MTG-I-2: IMAGERY MTG-I-3: IMAGERY EUMETSAT POLAR SYSTEM (EPS) MTG-S-2: SOUNDING METOP-A …Extended lifetime .............. MTG-I-4: IMAGERY METOP-B …Extended lifetime .............. METOP-C …Extended lifetime .............. METOP SECOND GENERATION METOP-SG-A1 METOP-SG-B1 METOP-SG-A2 METOP-SG-B2 Operational Development METOP-SG-A3 METOP-SG-B3 JASON JASON-2 JASON-3 JASON CONTINUITY OF SERVICE (JASON-CS) Optional and Third Party Programmes COPERNICUS SENTINEL-3a/Sentinel-3b (Q2/2018) SENTINEL-3a SENTINEL-4 ON MTG-S SENTINEL-5 ON EPS-SG YEAR... 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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