Microsoft Publisher 2010 Illustrated Introductory Improving A Design
Objectives Critique a publication Strengthen publication text Rearrange elements Modify objects Refine a page Experiment with design elements Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Introduction Design involves the selection, formatting, and placement of elements on a page, as well as coordinating the elements throughout all the pages Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Critiquing a Publication Take in all the elements Text Objects Assess distractions Decide what is important Does the design achieve the goal? Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Critiquing a publication (cont.) Share the message Assemble visual elements Crop, delete, and rearrange objects Utilize white space Keep it simple Minimize clutter Don’t overuse effects Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Critiquing a publication (cont.) Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Strengthening Publication Text A masthead is an arrangement of text and/or graphic elements that informs Featured prominently Rarely changes (except date and volume information) Located on first page A mask is an object designed to hide a specific area Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Strengthening Publication Text (cont.) Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Rearranging Elements Arrange elements to best convey the message Optical center is the point around which all objects on the page are balanced Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Rearranging Elements (cont.) Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Modifying Objects Position objects around the optical center In a symmetrically balanced page, objects are placed equally on either side of an imaginary vertical line An asymmetrical balanced page uses white space to balance positioned objects More dynamic and informal design Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Modifying Objects (cont.) Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Refining a Page Use objects and formatting to add visual interest to elements Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Experimenting with Design Elements Use design elements that enhance the story Avoid distractions Experiment with different layouts and elements Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Experimenting with Design Elements (cont.) Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Using contrast to add emphasis Use contrasting elements to make certain graphic objects stand out Create contrast by Changing the sizes of objects Varying object weights Altering the position of an object Drawing attention-getting shapes or a colorful box behind and object to make it stand out (also called matte) Adding carefully selected colors that emphasize the object Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory
Summary Critique a publication Strengthen publication text Rearrange elements Modify objects Refine a page Experiment with design elements Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 – Illustrated Introductory