First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday. Join Us Afterward, Upstairs in the Café.
Speaker Schedule: APR. 25 – Nyke Gatlin May 2 – Kent Husted May 9 – Red McDaniel May 16 – Ken Tucker
Today’s Speaker: MBC Regional Pastor (North) Nyke Gatlin MBC Regional Pastor (North) Reston | Herndon | Chantilly | Sterling | ashburn | leesburg
David | Lead Courageously 1 Samuel 17:32-52
“Gentlemen we must expect great things from God and we must attempt great things for God.” – William Carey
“32 David said to Saul, “Don’t let anyone be discouraged “32 David said to Saul, “Don’t let anyone be discouraged. Your servant will go and fight this Philistine!” 33 But Saul replied to David, “You aren’t able to go against this Philistine and fight him! You’re just a boy! He has been a warrior from his youth!” 1 Samuel 17:32-33 (NET)
“Christian courage is the willingness to say and do the right thing regardless of the earthly cost, because God promises to help you and save you on account of Christ.” – John Piper
How do we Kill Our Fears so we can LEAD COURAGEOUSLY? By Drawing on David’s courage to LEAD COURAGEOUSLY
Drawing on David’s source of courage: We draw courage from the smaller; past victories God has given us. – (PAST VICTORIES) vs. 34-35
Drawing on David’s source of courage: We draw courage from the spiritual perspective of God. – (SPIRITUAL REALITIES) vs. 36-37
Drawing on David’s source of courage: We draw courage from the skills God has given us. – (SKILLS | TALENTS | GIFTS) vs. 39-40
Drawing on David’s source of courage: We draw courage from the supernatural resources of Gods. – (FAITH) vs. 45-47
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How would you define “personal courage”? And what fear holds you back most often from leading courageously? What is a “giant” that is intimidating you right now? What equipment do you need to fight it? How can you come at it in God’s perspective? David finds courage and strength by looking back on God’s past faithfulness as assurance of his future faithfulness (defeating lions and bears were the training ground for defeating the giant). Share a specific example when God has been faithful to you in the past and a way that past example can help you trust God more for a present struggle?
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First Light Survey Results April 2018
Comments on Survey Forms Note: Results might be skewed to give a higher rating to “Pride” in that it was the presentation topic the morning the survey was distributed At each stage in life, my ranking would have been different. I have had problems with all of these at some point in time First-time Visitor/Just started attending First Light For men in general, these are all issues. Some are high at one point than another in life Men struggle with all these! I’ve ranked them based on what the stats and literature tell us. Perhaps a better question would be what each individual struggles with All of these are not relevant for every man, nor carry the same weight of 1- 10. One of these may be a 5 points out of 10 and some a 0
38 (59%) 20 (31%) 5 (8%) 1 (2%)
49 (79%) 7 (11%) 4 (6%) 2 (3%)
1 2 3 4* 4* 5 6 7 8 9
5 Challenges Experienced By Christian Men Today – (http://www 5 Challenges Experienced By Christian Men Today – ( (Australia) “Men are more vulnerable to various disorders at all ages across the lifespan, engage in more health risk behaviors but less help-seeking, and are less likely to have strong and supportive social networks.” Men don’t know what a man is Men have greater demands on their time Men are crippled by sexual temptation Men are far too easily pleased Men don’t have friends
5 Man-Killers That Threaten to Take Men Down (https://www After many years of ministry to men, it is clear to me how simple men are. They are all threatened with the same basic man-killers. I've discovered that what plagued the heroes of the Bible, men throughout church history, and the men I know in 21st century America are all basically the same.” Fear Lust Anger Feminism Abdication
Professional Guidance for Issues Men Face ( “Standing firm as a godly man in this culture is anything but easy. Pressures and temptations assault us all day long, from every side. We deal with work stress, family struggles, and worldly influence. Even if we’re not in crisis, it takes great effort and wisdom to be a loving husband and lead a family.” Anxiety and Depression Anger Pornography and Sexual Addiction Integrity and Servant Leadership Chemical Addiction Marriage and Family Crisis and Trauma Work and Career Spiritual Development
What’s the biggest problem Christian men face today Statistics of pornography addicts in the Church: 67% of men 25-30% of women 50-58% of pastors
The Journey to Manhood - 12 Challenges ( Manhood: Master the essentials of biblical manhood The Gospel: Build a firm foundation in the faith Relationships: Build godly relationships and marriage Fathering: Father the hearts of our children/grandchildren Disciplines: Become a spiritually disciplined man Work: Serve God in our work Mission: Commit to a personal ministry Money: Use money for God’s glory Integrity: Live as a man of integrity and character Sacrifice & Suffering: Be shaped by sacrifice and suffering Leadership: Grow in leadership Outreach: Share Jesus’ story