October 6, 2017 Language Arts/Classroom Skills Math Science Identifying & writing our first name Pencil, scissor and glue skills Letters Ee and Ff (sound, letter recognition, handwriting, and sign language) Listening skills Color word – green Literature about leaves Math Calendar math Number 4 and 5 Shapes – circle, square & triangle Tally marks Number bonds Ten frames Even and odd numbers Science Senses: Eyes and ears Where did this week go?! We were so busy learning in kindergarten that the days flew by! The students had their first few days of playing out on the blacktop for recess because of the ERB testing that was taking place in the upper grades. They played some basketball, colored with sidewalk chalk, practiced on jump ropes and tested their hula hoop skills! It’s always fun to do something new Many friends are starting to use their lowercase letters when writing their name and it is wonderful! Homework will be coming home to reinforce these skills and I appreciate your help! Next week we will learn more letters, numbers and shapes. We will also talk about fire safety since it is Fire Prevention Week. Monday (DAY 5) Gym – wear sneakers!! Tuesday (DAY 6) Science Wednesday (DAY 1) Music Thursday (DAY 2) Library - No Checkout Friday (DAY 3) Art Sept/Oct – Mini Me Presentations -Check your form for your child’s day October 20 – Pumpkin Extravaganza -Check the Sign-Up Genius to volunteer October 27 – Fall Festival 6:00 October 31 – Halloween Parade 10:15 Szymendera_megan@tesd.net 610-240-2031