Making Results Public: Data Management Data Visualization Data management feeds into Data Visualization and also feeds into Species Pages which Nancy will talk about later. This is about what is now and what will be. What is new since Peter last gave you a status report more than a year ago. CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee Data Management, Mapping and Visualization Team: Bob Groman Peter Wiebe Nancy Copley (GeoZui3D) Dicky Allison Huang-Xian Xu (grad student) Charlton Galvarino (contractor) CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee Data Management: CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee Data Visualization CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee Right Now CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee We’re taking advantage of the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office. I’d like to show you how this interface works. CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee Soon CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee In Addition CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CENSUS OF MARINE LIFE All Program Meeting Mapping & Visualization Pat Halpin November 2007 Auckland, New Zealand We will certainly learn from the CoMl Mapping and Visualization Team but we are active participants in this effort because we have our own expertise that we bring to the table. CoML maps show you where the data are but you cannot get them that way. With our map interface, the data are accessible directly. Just click.
CMarZ Steering Committee We will take advantage of what they have done. We will work within their constraints. We will complement them. The CoML picture of stations is not interactive. It’s also not particularly attractive. If people want to use this ugly map, we’ll do it, but we’ll get to the data. CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008
CMarZ Steering Committee March 9-10, 2008