Direct Personnel Information Management


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Presentation transcript:

Direct Personnel Information Management Human Resources Plans and Operations Course Direct Personnel Information Management Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School April 23, 2018

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Direct Personnel Information Management (PIM) Conditions: Given classroom instruction, AR 600-8-104 (Army Military Human Resource Records Management), FM 1-0 (HR Support), applicable MILPER/ALARACT Messages and an awareness of the Operational Environment. Standard: Score 80% or higher on a knowledge based exam consisting of the following learning activities: 1. Define PIM and its relationship to other HR Core Competencies and HR Key Functions 2. Communicate primary HR Enabling Systems used by BDE S-1s 3. Define BN and BDE Personnel Automation System (PAS) Management Responsibilities 4. Disposition of paper records. 5. Identify the components of the Army Military Human Resource Records Management (AMHRR) SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform the students of the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) requirements. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM 3-11.4, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM 3-11.5, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination.   RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated at the end of the Provide HR Services Module. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. Understanding PIM’s relationship with other HR Core Competencies and Key Functions is critical to your success as an HR Professional. This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, system architecture, and HR enabling systems

PIM / PA-SR / PRM Relationships Interrelated and Interdependent READINESS SRC-12 OPERATIONS G-1 / S-1 OPERATIONS PRM HRC COPS PRM coordination w/ G-1 Oversight ASCC G-1 Management of JPERSTAT (SR) HRSC Management of DTAS (PA) PA SR DTAS / eMILPO SHOW SLIDE: PIM / PA-SR / PRM RELATIONSHIPS Learning Step/Activity 1. Define PIM and its relationship to other HR Core Competencies and HR Key functions Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 10 mins The HR key functions of PIM / PA-SR / PRM are interrelated and interdependent upon one another. This slide shows an over arching view of PIM / PA-SR / PRM relationships and how they collectively support personnel readiness for the brigade-centric Army. The two HR communities that support Army personnel readiness are the SRC-12 (AG) units, which execute theater HR operations, and the S-1s / G-1s responsible for their respective command’s successful and sustained HR support and readiness during combat operations. The HRSC is responsible for the theater Personnel Accountability (PA) portion of PA-SR and executes this mission through its PATs and support to subordinate commands. The Strength Reporting (SR) portion of PA-SR is an S-1 / G-1 responsibility. Highlights of the PIM / PA-SR / PRM relationships follow: PIM. Upon arrival in theater a Theater Gateway PA Team will capture the Personnel Accountability (PA) of individual Soldiers entering, exiting or transiting the theater in DTAS (part of the PIM system). BDE / BN S-1s will execute PA maintenance tasks (i.e., duty status change, grade change, AEA codes, etc.) ensuring eMILPO keeps the PIM system up-to-date. PA-SR. The HRSC is responsible for the theater PA portion of PA-SR and executes this mission through its PA Teams and support to subordinate commands. The SR portion of PA-SR is an S-1 / G-1 responsibility and relies on the PIM system for SR accuracy. The lynch pin of SR comes through the submission of PERSTAT and JPERSTAT reports generated by S-1s / G-1s, which ultimately supports PRM. PRM. Requires PA-SR to provide analyzed personnel strength data in order to further process and determine Soldier distribution and further personnel requirements impacting allocation decisions and replacements operations. HRC has a direct PRM relationship with Army Brigades, which streamlines the personnel readiness process while the G-1 maintains oversight. X SR to G-1 (JPERSTAT) Theater APOD S-1 PA CAPTURE into DTAS PA MAINTENANCE of DTAS / eMILPO I I TG PA Team P I M DTAS / eMILPO S-1 PIM SUPPORTS HR KEY FUNCTIONS OF PA-SR AND PRM

PIM PIM INFO Proponent = Army G-1 HR Core Competencies Proponent = Army G-1 Supports the execution of all HR Core Competencies Objective is to collect, process, store, display and disseminate critical information about Soldiers, DoD Civilians, units, and other personnel as directed Goal is to ensure timely and accurate personnel data on Soldiers and civilians for commanders and other decision makers that affect other HR core competencies. Commanders at all levels depend on accurate and timely troop strength and accountability information during the planning process and overseas contingency operations eMILPO EDAS TPS TOPMIS INFO PIM Collect Process Store Display Disseminate DTAS DCIPS COPS MEDPROS SHOW SLIDE: PIM NOTE: Refer students to FM 1-0, Chapter 3, para 3-90 thru 3-92. Personnel Information Management supports the execution of all HR Core Competencies; everything starts with information management. It requires the connectivity of all other HR functions and multifunctional programs. HR Managers must ensure that the information they provide to commanders is timely and accurate. This information assists commanders at all levels in making sound decisions in a timely matter whether it concerns Soldiers in AC, Reserve, National Guard, and includes retirees. As the Army leaps forward, HR Managers must be prepared to provide commanders with the most updated information on Soldiers via new HR system integrations and current systems. The Army’s corporate database is the Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB). The TAPDB supports the Regular Army, the ARNG, and the USAR. Most of the personnel automation systems in use interfaces with, or updates, the TAPDB. In the current operating environment, AC, ARNG and USAR are supported by separate databases. Due to the integrated nature of current personnel systems and databases, it is essential for all HR professionals to ensure accurate and timely updates on systems they operate. The Army G-1 manages most automated personnel information systems through HRC. The goal of PIM is to ensure timely and accurate personnel data on Soldiers and civilians to commanders and other decision makers that affect other HR core competencies. Current legacy systems rely heavily on the HR provider to understand the underlying business processes involved in updating and storing personnel data. Future systems will move toward a more integrated concept with automated processing of the business processes. Additionally, these future systems will consolidate personnel and military information in a single database. As this transition happens, HR providers must understand the linkage of how one process affects/updates other processes. RLAS RCAS

PIM Doctrinal Responsibilities (2 of 3) Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC): Division G-1 / Corps G-1: Brigade S-1: Manage/monitor PIM on all assigned/attached units Manage Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting through access to personnel database of record, DTAS, and other theater systems Manage personnel files and records Establish and manage PIM policies and procedures Establish local PIM SOPs and manage BDE/STB PPA Manage subordinate unit access and provide oversight Manage strength related information and deviations Manage personnel files Provide technical assistance to supported users Establish and maintain ASCC personnel database Manage personnel information on assigned/attached personnel Manage Theater access to PIM systems Manage Theater Personnel Accountability Provide PIM technical guidance to HROB, G-1s, and BDE/STB S-1s Publish implementing instructions for personnel polices and programs Provide technical assistance to supported units on all personnel automated systems SHOW SLIDE: PIM DOCTRINAL RESPONSIBILITIES (2 OF 3) NOTE: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-98 The Division / Corps G-1 either directly or indirectly manages PIM for all assigned units. The Division / Corps exercise these responsibilities primarily through their role of managing PA-SR, coordinating EPS, and managing the casualty reporting system for the Division / Corps. Division / Corps G-1s manage PIM though the following processes: (1) Monitor personnel information (manual and/or electronic) on assigned and attached personnel that updates the following systems: eMILPO, TPS, DTAS, DCIPSand iPERMS. (2) Manage personnel files IAW governing regulations and policies. (3) Establish and manage policies and procedures that affect PIM for subordinate units. NOTE: Inform the students that the Division / Corps G-1 provides technical guidance in the management and execution of PIM within their operational area.

Check on Learning What is the objective of PIM? The objective of PIM is to collect, validate, process, and store critical information about Soldiers, DoD Civilians, units, and other personnel as directed. The goal of PIM is to ensure timely and accurate personnel data on Soldiers and civilians to commanders and other decision makers that affect other HR Core Competencies. Explain the PIM / PA / SR / PRM relationship and why they are interrelated and interdependent. SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. How does PIM support the execution of the HR Core Competencies?

HR Enabling Systems Introduction HR Systems Architecture The Adjutant General Army Personnel Records Division (formerly Soldier Record Data Center (SRDC)) HR Systems Overview HR “Self-Service” Tools SHOW SLIDE: HR ENABLING SYSTEMS Learning Step/Activity 2. Communicate primary HR Enabling Systems used by Bde S-1s Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 10 mins We are now going to review the existing HR system architecture and over 20 HR enabling systems and self-service applications you should become familiar with. **INSTRUCTOR NOTE: In the past, some students provided feedback that several slides in this section are “too busy” or “too complex.” Particularly, the systems and eMILPO architecture slides (13 and 16). Ensure students are aware that these slides reflect reality and, although the number of systems S-1s are required to know can be overwhelming at time, students must understand the multiple interfaces and relationships in order to grasp the “big picture” of PIM.

HR Enabling Systems TAPDB eMILPO COPS TOPMIS II eTOPMIS EDAS TPS DTAS DCIPS MEDPROS VSAT DARTS iPERMS ROAMS TDMS JPAS RLAS = USAR systems DPRO iMARC RCAS/SIDPERS = Active Systems = ARNG systems SHOW SLIDE: HR Enabling Systems NOTE: Refer the students to FM 1-0 (beginning at para 3-104) to review the acronyms and descriptions of each of the systems. Inform students that systems with an asterisk will be taught hands-on in future lessons. Highlighted on this slide are the various enabling systems utilized by HR personnel during day-to-day operations. The different colors represent the component to which the systems belong. Red is the Active Component (AC) systems black are systems that all components use. Green is the Reserve Component (RC) systems Blue is the National Guard (NG) systems As an S1, you and your section must learn the systems that apply and retain a high degree of technical competence. The Total Army Personnel Data Base (TAPDB), the first bullet highlighted in bold black, is the Army’s corporate HR data base. Many of these systems either pull or are pushed data from TAPDB and feed updates into the TAPDB. The greatest challenge for transforming S1 sections is gaining the correct accesses to the systems and developing training that allows the section to gain and sustain proficiency on the systems. NOTE: Inform the students that each system will be covered in more detail on future slides. = All components FM 1-0, para 3-104 thru 3-172 8

HR Enabling Systems TPS MEDPROS RCAS/RLAS (RC) DTAS COPS DCIPS EDAS eMILPO (PA/SR/PIM/EPS/PRM) -Record Updates -DD93/SGLV Updates -Query (DATASTORE) -PERSTEMPO -Personnel Actions -Status Updates -System Administration -Error Reconciliation -PA / SR Tool (TAPDB Update) *Feeds Other Systems MEDPROS (PRM) -Medical Readiness TPS (PA/SR/PIM) -Manifesting -Task Organizing RCAS/RLAS (RC) (PA/SR/PIM/EPS/PRM) -Query -Strength Management -Mobilization DTAS (PA /SR) -Deployed PA / SR -JPERSTAT -Soldier Daily Locator -Task Organizer COPS (PRM) -Query -Strength Management DCIPS (CAS) -Casualty Reporting -Update Casualty Status TOPMIS/eTOPMIS (PRM/PIM) -Officer Records Updates -ORBs -Query -Promotion Orders -RFOs -DAPMIS Photo View SHOW SLIDE: BDE S-1 HR ENABLING SYSTEMS This slide highlights the various HR enabling systems that the S-1 section must use during day-to-day operations…note the numerous systems for which the section must gain and retain technical competence. The uses for the systems are highlighted on the slide. One of the greatest challenges for S-1 sections is gaining the correct accesses to the systems and developing sustainment training that allows the majority of the section to gain and maintain proficiency on the majority of the systems. eMILPO has wide use in the BDE S-1 section. COPS, TOPMIS and EDAS are used by the strength management and records section. DCIPS is the system used to transmit casualty reports and is, therefore, one of the most important to maintain redundant capability with operators throughout the section. Casualty Operations remains a zero defect operation for HR Professionals. Emphasize systems training for all Soldiers during pre-deployment activities. EDAS (PRM) -Query -Requisition Updates -Promotion Point Updates -Gains/Loss Roster -Operational Deletion DEERS-RAPIDS (EPS) -Common Access Cards -Family Member Data

ITAPDB Interactions ITAPDB TAPDB-AO TAPDB-R TAPDB-AE TAPDB-G REFRESH BUNDLES IN 2 DIRECTIONS TAPDB-AO eMILPO TAPDB-R RLAS - Active Officers - Mobilized RC Officers - eMILPO, TOPMIS Update - Data Bundle to TAPDB-R on DEMOB, not TAPDB-G ITAPDB REFRESH DAILY - USAR Enlisted/Officers - Shares data w/AO and AE - RLAS updates DB-R - Accepts data bundle at DEMOB - Always DB of record for USAR in ITAPDB - Data warehouse for all TAPDBs - Updates data daily - Used by Leadership- Total COP - Only holds 1 record/SSN - By policy, uses TAPDB-G/R for RC Soldiers even when Mobilized TAPDB-AE TAPDB-G eMILPO RCAS SHOW SLIDE: ITAPDB INTERACTIONS ITAPDB integrates individual records from four physical TAPDB data bases into a single physical data base. Ownership rules determined by the three Army components are applied, so ITAPDB shows which component “owns” the Soldier at the time the records are loaded. To further clarify why manual data must be provided from the deployed S-1 to the RC garrison support agencies, shown on the slide is another way to look at the database relationships between the components. The Integrated Total Army Personnel Data Base (ITAPDB) is the corporate-level data repository for all components which is maintained by HRC. The ITAPDB is completely refreshed daily by the component TAPDB (AO, AE, R, and G). The ITAPDB can only maintain one record per social security number at a time. An agreement has been made that the ITAPDB will only receive inputs from the database which controls the Soldier all of the time; therefore, the ITAPDB receives data on Reserve component Soldiers only from the TAPDB-R and TAPDB-G, whether the Soldier is mobilized or not. eMILPO, which is the system of record while mobilized, does not provide data to the RC TAPDBs, so as S-1s submit status changes in eMILPO to update the AO and AE databases, identical transactions must also be performed by the reservist’s garrison HR provider to ensure the mobilized Soldier’s status is accurately recorded in the ITAPDB. During de-mobilization, an information bundle for USAR Soldiers can be sent from the AO or AE database back to the TAPDB-R to ease the demobilization process; however, that transfer must be done manually for ARNG Soldiers. By policy, the TAPDB-G will not receive an electronic transfer from the AO and AE databases. NOTE: Inform the students that records for mobilized RC Soldiers are maintained in the TAPDB-AO and AE databases for 130 days following the demobilization date. - Active Enlisted - Mobilized RC Enlisted - eMILPO, EDAS Update - Data Bundle to TAPDB-R on DEMOB, not TAPDB-G - ARNG Enlisted/Officers - SIDPERS 10G/RCAS feeds - Serve/State OR Territory - Feeds server @ NGB - Will not accept (policy) data bundle from AC at DEMOB One-way bundle From NG to AC only

HR Systems Architecture TAPDB-AE ITAPDB TAPDB-R TAPDB-G DMDC DEERS RLAS (TPU) MPDV2 DJMS MIRS SIDP ERS- NG ARIS FCP TAPDB-AO ATRRS TOPMIS I TOPMIS II EDAS COPS DTAS (PERSTEMPO) AORS (IRR) ISM- Modernized FMSWeb RECBASS TC-AIMS HRC-I (Board ERB) E-MILPO COOP eMILPO DARTS TMDS (NIPRNET) AFCOS (ARNG) (SIPRNET) RC Soldier Data (From ITAPDB) PERSTEMPO Counts Data (To ITAPDB) ODSE (USMC) DCAPES (USAF) (PERSTEM PO) MBIS BCS3 Keystone RETAIN SPOT JPD (Contains data from DMDC, TPS INPROC OUTPROC TRANSPROC EDMIS PARRTS TRAC2ES MODS MEDPROS Physical Data MEBITS PDCAPS CRSC AW2 WWAS My93 VIMS SHOW SLIDE: HR Systems Architecture NOTE: Refer students to the systems outlined in different colors while highlighting how the systems feed and draw from each other. To get a basic understanding of the flow of this schematic, let's start with the solid green cylinders. These cylinders represent the core of the architecture, the Army's corporate databases. The solid green cylinders show the four of the five different Total Army Databases that ultimately feed the ITAPDB. ITAPBD receives and integrates individual records daily from five physical TAPDB databases into a single physical database. It contains information on all components (USAR, ARNG, and Active) and is capable of showing which component “owns” the Soldier at the time the record is loaded. The five Total Army Personnel Databases are TAPDB-AO, TAPDB-AE, TAPDB-G, TAPDB-R, and TAPDB-C (acronyms explained below). When an RC Soldier is mobilized, their record is 'bundled' and entered into one of the active component TAPDBs. However, the ITAPDB can only hold one record per SSN. By policy, it uses the TAPDB-G or TAPDB-R database record for RC Soldiers even when mobilized. The information in each TAPDB is formatted differently. This information has to be translated into ITAPDB format. If the information does not translate, information can be lost. For example, under religion, Baptist may be represented by the letter “B” in one of the TAPDBs, but there may be 20 different types of Baptist within one of the other databases. This information could potentially be lost in translation to ITAPDB. Systems outlined in green are HR systems which unit S-1s rely on heavily and will be covered in future slides and in greater detail later in the course. One of the major systems highlighted in green is the eMILPO. S1s rely heavily on this system. It feeds and is fed by many systems. eMILPO's significance and its process will be discussed in the next few slides. Systems in red are USAR specific. Systems in blue are relevant to S1 duties but will not be covered in great detail during the course. (1) Total Army Database-Active Officer (TAPDB-AO) is the database of record for active duty Army Officers. It pushes information to systems such as TOPMIS, eMILPO, and MEDPROS (2) Total Army Database-Active Enlisted (TAPDB-AE) is the database of record for active duty Army Enlisted personnel. It pushes information to systems such as EDAS, eMILPO, MEDPROS. (3) Total Army Database-Guard (TAPDB-G) is the data repository for all ARNG personnel (officer and enlisted). It pushes information fed by Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS) transactions to the ITAPDB. (4) Total Army Database-Reserves (TAPDB-R) is the database of record for all USAR personnel (officer, enlisted, retirees, and veterans). It receives Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) generated transactions and feeds MEDPROS. 11 11

The Adjutant General Directorate SHOW SLIDE : The Adjutant General Directorate TAGD is the proponent for many HR enabling systems including DTAS and TPS. You can access information on each of these systems through the TAGD website. It provides information and links to the systems it owns, links to system user’s manuals, and gives the user an option to post questions or make suggestions for improvement. 12

eMILPO FEEDS Active component - utilized by Reserve / Guard when mobilized Army’s personnel accountability system of record Web based via NIPRNET Provides visibility of location and skills of Soldiers (prints ERBs) Update Soldier Status (AWOL, PDY, etc.) Update Soldier Records DD 93 / SGLV Updates Personnel Actions (Awards, Promotions) Query (DATASTORE) PERSTEMPO Proponent:TAG, HRC SHOW SLIDE: eMILPO (Homepage and Capabilities) eMILPO is a web-based application which provides the U.S. Army with a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for performing personnel actions and managing personnel accountability. eMILPO is user friendly and provides varying levels of visibility of the location, status, and skills of Soldiers. This visibility is vital in determining the strength and capability of the Army and its subordinate commands. eMILPO is the number one enabling system for the core competencies of Man the Force and Provide HR Services. eMILPO is used by S-1 for many different actions, such as: (1) Updates to Soldiers status and records (2) Emergency data updates (3) Personnel actions such as promotions A useful eMILPO tool is the eMILPO data store that provides a query capability. For example, a situation where a query would be helpful is if a Congressman came to your Area of Operations (AO) and wanted to have lunch at the dining facility with Soldiers from his state, you could query this information in eMILPO to generate a list. eMILPO is fed by and also feeds updates to the TAPDB-AO and the TAPDB-AE and also feeds information to other key systems such as Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) and Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking System (DARTS). eMILPO supports the HR key function of Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) because the personnel accountability data that eMILPO feeds into the TAPDB is the basis for the data fed into the primary PRM system, COPS. FEEDS EMILPO DTAS TAPDB DARTS 13

eMILPO Architecture 14 SHOW SLIDE: eMILPO ARCHITECTURE: FMSWeb SHOW SLIDE: eMILPO ARCHITECTURE: This schematic gives a better picture of the systems eMILPO either feeds or is fed from. NOTE: Any updates to a mobilized reserve component Soldier in eMILPO will update his record in the TAPDB-AO or TAPDB-AE, but will not update the Integrated TAPDB (iTAPDB). (Remember that the iTAPDB will continue to read only the TAPDB-G or TAPDB-R for these Soldiers). In order to enter updates to an ARNG Soldiers record, it must be entered into SIDPERS separately. For USAR Soldiers, their record will be rebundled from the active component database and sent to update the TAPDB-R upon the Soldiers demobilization. NOTE: Highlight data store and key systems. TMDS TMDS 14 14

Common Operating Picture Synchronizer (COPS) Most powerful PIM enabling system available to AC BDE S-1s Enables viewing of strength information with drill down capability Strength Management (Officer and Enlisted) Strength projections View available and non-available population Query Pulls from EDAS, TOPMIS and PMAD PA/SR, PIM, enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Common Operating Picture Synchronizer (COPS) NOTE: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-115 Common Operational Picture Synchronizer (COPS) is the most powerful PIM enabling system available to AC brigade S-1s, which allows a common view of authorized unit strength and Manning the Force Personnel Management Authorization Document (PMAD) authorizations. COPS is designed to give HRC and Strength Managers the capability to view officer and enlisted strength and authorization data. COPS takes feeds from TAPDB, The Army Authorization Document System (TAADS), and the PMAD and provides an automated strength report for AC units. The top of the system, HRC, and the unit have an identical view which allows managers at both ends to manage shortages based on the same situational awareness. COPS further emphasizes the need for S-1s to ensure eMILPO, and other automated systems that update personnel readiness statuses (i.e. Medical Protection System), are maintained and monitored on a continual basis 15

Tactical Personnel System (TPS) All components Real-world, mobile, rapid deployment system Creates manifests and Task Force organizations Stand alone program which downloads data from Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS), Common Access Card (CAC), and iTAPDB file (from HRC) Feeds DTAS PA / SR, PIM, enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Tactical Personnel System (TPS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-110. TPS is software that supports real-world rapid deployment accountability. It utilizes barcode scanner functionality for deployment manifesting and for jump manifests. It serves primarily to create deployment and redeployment manifests for all military personnel (to include: Army AC/USAR/ARNG and joint personnel), for DOD/DA civilians, for contractors, and for foreign nationals. TPS can construct a limited task force organization database, and provides the capability to query and view/print reports, such as the personnel summary and crew status. TPS is highly mobile and can maximize personnel accountability for the tactical commander during "split-base" or other operations and can be used as a hasty field reporting system. Some of the systems that TPS interface with include: (1) Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) is the current DOD identification system. TPS interfaces with RAPIDS by reading a Soldier’s SSN from a barcode. TPS takes the SSN into the Windows buffer and pulls the Soldier’s record from a resident database (CD-ROM or hard drive) that is downloaded from SRDC. (2) DOD Smart Card/Common Access Card (CAC); TPS reads the barcode located on the back of the CAC. DOD is looking at the possibility of accessing the Integrated Circuit Chip via an Integrated Circuit Chip Reader (ICCR). (3) Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS); TPS can create a personnel roster or manifest (TRN file) that is uploaded into DTAS. TPS helps establishes the deployed personnel database for Army, Joint, and Coalition operations which enhances the Army’s ability to account for personnel in a theater of operations. Proponent: TAG, HRC 16

Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) All components Army standard for deployed accountability Builds the deployed theater database Near real-time visibility at all echelons for military and civilian personnel by name, unit, location, duty status, and time Extracts data from eMILPO and Theater Medical Data Store SIPRNET web enabled PA/SR, PIM, enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-117 DTAS is software developed to provide near real-time visibility and accountability for military and civilian personnel in a deployed theater of operations. It provides HR professionals and commanders with a tool and database to accurately account for and report military and civilian personnel by tracking the duty status of all deployed personnel by Name, Social Security Number (SSN), Unit Location, and Day. DTAS will collect, store, pass, process, and report personnel accounting data for active duty personnel (including mobilized), joint service members, DOD/DA civilians, and contractors. It is web enabled and accessible worldwide via physical connection to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) or by mobile computers. DTAS provides visibility for the entire theater of operations. This visibility is vital in determining the war fighting capability for all ground forces within a specific theater. DTAS extracts basic Soldier data from eMILPO and is the standard Army system for deployed personnel accountability. An important feature of DTAS is that it will not double count personnel. Proponent: TAG HRC 17 17 17

Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS) II Active component Real time, interactive, system which supports officer management Allows for view / print of RFOs, ORBs, promotion orders, and DA photos Unit strength reports (Officers) Officer Record Updates to TAPDB-AO Web based PRM/PIM enabling system Proponent: OPMD, HRC SHOW SLIDE: Total Officer Personnel Management System (TOPMIS) II Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-136 TOPMIS II is a real time, interactive, automated system which supports the management of the active component officer force. Assignment and distribution managers in HRC Fort Knox use TOPMIS II to create requisitions and process assignments. It is used by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) /ACOMs/ ASCCs/ DRUs/installations/ BDEs to manage officer strength and distribution of officers. TOPMIS II’s strength management tools can drill down to the Distribution Management Sub-Level (DMSL) by grade, AOC/MOS, and location. TOPMIS II helps maintain officer record data on TAPDB-AO by allowing the viewing and updating of personnel information. The field user can view and print RFOs, ORBs, and official Department of the Army photos and a detailed query system gives the ability to create custom made queries to retrieve data specific to your needs such as requisition reports or command billets. 18

Electronic - TOPMIS (eTOPMIS) Active component Supports officer personnel readiness management Read only information retrieval (RFOs, promotion orders) Data from TAPDB-AO Web based PRM/PIM enabling system Proponent: OPMD, HRC SHOW SLIDE: Electronic-TOPMIS (eTOPMIS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-136 & 3-137 eTOMPIS is an active component web based system which allows for information retrieval that promotes officer personnel readiness management. The system is read only and not designed to update records. eTOPMIS is capable of pulling batch/multiple ORBs, a feature not available for TOPMIS II. It also produces promotion orders for 2LT to COL and CW2 to CW5 and Officer Requests For Orders (RFOs). eTOPMIS receives its data from the Total Army Personnel Database-Active Officer (TAPDB-AO). 19

Web Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) Active component Supports enlisted management (assignments, deletions, and deferments) Creates, validates, and modifies requisitions Provides enlisted strength management information (gains and losses) Posts information directly to TAPDB-AE PRM/PIM enabling system Accessed through PERNET SHOW SLIDE: Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-121 & 3-122 Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS). EDAS is a real-time, interactive, automated system which supports the management of the enlisted force. Assignment and distribution managers in HRC use EDAS to create requisitions and process assignments, to create and validate requisitions, and to add or modify requisitions. It also provides enlisted strength management information. Installations primarily use eMILPO to update data on TAPDB—Active Enlisted. Field users use EDAS to create requisitions and to read data that they are authorized (e.g., information on Soldiers assigned to their commands and incoming personnel). Proponent: EPMD, HRC 20

Defense Casualty Information Processing System All components and Services Software generates standardized reports in the field Sent via email to casualty offices – final destination the Casualty Memorial Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC) Stores info locally on the computer when email / internet unavailable Casualty, PIM enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Defense Casualty Information Processing System(DCIPS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-105 The Defense Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS). DCIPS is the web-based online database tracking system used by all Services for casualty reporting, mortuary affairs, and casualty case management for casualties and Family members from current and prior conflicts. The online casualty reporting component of DCIPS is used by units and CACs located in areas with consistently reliable NIPRNET capability. DCIPS is a standalone component of DCIPS and provides the capability for forward deployed units, or units in emerging theaters, with little to no NIPRNET connectivity to create, manage, and submit casualty reports to higher headquarters for upload into the DCIPS online system. Proponent: TAG, HRC CMAOC 21

Medical Protection System PRM, PIM enabling system (MEDPROS) All components as well as DA Civilians and Contractors Tracks all immunization, medical readiness, and deployable data Web based Some data is automatically fed from TAPDB PRM, PIM enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-158 MEDPROS is an Army Medical Department (AMEDD) owned web-based system that provides commanders real time, worldwide readiness and deployability data of their organization. This includes all medical and dental readiness requirements IAW AR 600-8-101. They include immunizations, permanent physical profiles/duty limitations, eyeglasses/inserts, blood type, medical warning tags, personal deployment meds, pregnancy screening, DNA, HIV and dental status among other data elements. Some data is automatically captured from central Army source systems such as TAPDB or medical systems such as the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), the U.S. Army Medical Surveillance Activity (USAMSA), the Corporate Dental Application (CDA) and the Defense Eligibility and Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS). Other data is manually entered into MEDPROS. Proponent: AMEDD

Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) SHOW SLIDE: THEATER MEDICAL DATA STORE (TMDS) The Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) provides web-based access to service member information collected at theater based medical treatment facilities (MTFs) using AHLTA-Theater, Shipboard Automated Medical System (SAMS), Global Expeditionary Medical System (GEMS), and Caché TC2. WHAT DOES IT DO? - Provides patient visibility and tracking, regardless of where the patient was treated or what theater system was used to enter their medical information. - Patient movement history and treatment records from other applications. - Provides an ability to search for patients using last name or partial social security number. - Provides discrete reports on the movement of patients, patient status, movement history, injury/illness statistics and frequently annotated ICD-9 codes. Must request a TMDS user account prior to accessing the system.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) All components A satellite communications system  designed to provide worldwide data and voice communications connectivity Fielded under Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR)/HR transformation Provides “reach back” communications to .mil websites - NIPR only PA/SR, PRM, PIM, EPS, casualty enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-171 The Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) is a satellite communications system designed to provide worldwide data and voice communications to US forces. It is set up to communicate to .mil websites (no internet, Google, Hotmail, etc.) and is part of Combat Service Support Satellite Communications (CSS SATCOM). It is a critical tool for the S1 shop and assists with accomplishing Personnel Information Management and Essential Personnel Services missions. The system was fielded under the Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR)/HR transformation. VSAT also includes the Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI) client module. Proponent: TAG, HRC 24

Reserve Component Automation Systems (RCAS) Primarily National Guard USAR uses some mobilization modules Web-based information system that provides visibility of personnel management data and mobilization planning Unit level personnel can view all data for Soldiers assigned (awards, flags, medical, language) Populated by SIDPERS daily PA/SR, PRM, PIM, EPS enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Reserve Component Automation Systems (RCAS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-131 The RCAS is an automated information system that supports commanders, staff, and functional managers in mobilization, planning, and administration of the Army’s RC forces. It is primarily a National Guard system, but the USAR uses some mobilization modules. t is a web-based information system that provides visibility of personnel management data, tools for retirement points accounting, and mobilization planning. Unit level personnel can view all data for Soldiers assigned. RCAS is populated by SIDPERS daily. Changes made in RCAS are not posted to SIDPERS. RCAS is a suite of different programs determined by user roles. These programs can include: Milpo: creates and publishes personnel orders MPDV (Mobilization Planning Data viewer): Allows users to automate the SRP process and upload unit and individual data into DARTS RPAM (Retirement Points Accounting Management): Database with user roles at different levels. Primarily used to provide Soldiers with their NGB 23B (retirement points worksheet/totals) UPSCMS: Read only data base updated by SIDPERS 1xday or over multiple days depending on the state. The system does have capability to update limited 25

Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS-ARNG) National Guard SIDPERS 10G - Database of record for personnel – each of the 54 States/Territories maintains its own database Each State transmit updates to NGB and NGB loads this info into TAPDB-G Produces qualification records, unit manning reports, and strength accountability reports Updates TAPDB-G PA/SR, PRM, PIM, EPS enabling system SHOW SLIDE: Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS-ARNG) SIDPERS-ARNG is used by the National Guard. It performs functions similar to those performed by eMILPO. It is the Guard’s database of record for personnel – each of the 54 States/Territories maintains its own database. Some personnel outputs for SIDPERS-ARNG are personnel qualification records, unit manning reports, and strength accountability reports. Each state transmits their updates to the National Guard Bureau (NGB) and the NGB loads these state level changes into TAPDB-G. 26

Director's Personnel Readiness Overview A comprehensive information management system used and customizable reporting tool capable of creating PDF, powerpoint graphs and charts using “canned” or user customized data fields. Read-only database used by the National Guard that pulls from ATRRS, MEDPROS, SIDPERS, TABDB, DJMS and other systems.

Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) USAR Client-server Web enabled application for the management of personnel and resources Shows overall readiness posture of unit by Soldier RLAS generates TAPDB-R transactions and electronically transmits the data to HRC SHOW SLIDE: Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-130 RLAS is a software application developed to provide the USAR with a client-server, web-enabled application for the management of personnel and resources. RLAS generates TAPDB-R transactions and electronically transmits the data to HRC, updating each individual Soldier’s records in the database. RLAS shows the overall readiness posture of a unit. This is the sign-on screen. RLAS is an acronym for Regional Level Application Software. RLAS is a Y2K compliant replacement for CLAS, MLAS, BLAS, AMLAS, etc. It runs on RCAS hardware, uses internet technology, and features a fully-integrated database. This allows online, interactive updates from different levels within the system and between RLAS and external systems. RLAS allows all levels within the chain of command to see the same data RLAS uses the Total Army Personnel Database – Reserves (TAPDB-R). TAPDB-R replaced SIDPERS-USAR. The screenshot above is the landing page after signing on. There are three modules in RLAS (Personnel, Resource Management, and Training). Typically, HR professionals only have the Personnel module, as seen above. Hovering over the Personnel tab provides a drop-down menu with numerous choices for data entry. RLAS has some built-in reports, but is not user-friendly for creating custom queries. 29

Commander’s Strength Management Module This is the landing page for CSMM (Commander’s Strength Management Module). Brief descriptions of the numerous modules are on the landing page. CSMM is an incredible tool that most HR professionals love. It is extremely user-friendly for pulling data and creating reports, presentations, charts, etc. CSMM pulls data from many systems and databases. CSMM is not a system for entering data. The above screenshot shows an example of a built-in leadership report. By hovering over “Leadership Reports,” drop-down menus opened up displaying a wealth of data choices.

Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking System (DARTS) All components – primarily the RC Centralized readiness processing Interfaces with RCAS Receives personnel readiness and unit data from eMILPO, and MEDPROS Utilized at mobilization stations to complete the transition of Soldiers from reserve to active SHOW SLIDE: Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking System (DARTS) DARTS provides the Army a centralized mobilization readiness processing capability for deployment, redeployment, post deployment, demobilization, and reconstitution information. The DARTS application Main Menu consists of four options or modules covering four functional areas, Individual, Unit, Admin, and LogEval and includes functionality to run reports on these areas using Ad Hoc Query. They contain submenus and functions to allow a user to complete unit and Soldier readiness processing (URP/SRP), Redeployment/Post Deployment and Reconstitution Checklist (RPDRC), track logistical data from deployed units, and create customized queries and reports. DARTS could enhance SRP operations by providing an automated checklist and instant access to a Soldier's data. An individual’s data is brought up at each station by scanning their ID card. The Soldier’s data is then displayed, along with deployability status. If a Soldier is non-deployable, the area in which they are a "No-Go" is indicated. The Checklist is reviewed at the Exit Station to determine if all stations have been visited. Currently the tool requires a manual downloads from other systems such as eMILPO and RCAS to initially populate. Once populated, the tool allows commanders and supporting agencies in the SRP process to track deployability of personnel. The tool is maintained by U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM). In addition to requiring an AKO account, users must also have a DARTS account established by FORSCOM. PIM/PRM enabling system Proponent: FORSCOM 31

DEERS/RAPIDS DEERS is a database that allows personnel information to be tracked and stored. RAPIDS is the application used for accessing the DEERS database in order to update beneficiary information and create ID cards. RAPIDS pulls personnel data from the DEERS database. Users must save to DEERS to issue ID cards. SHOW SLIDE: DEERS/RAPIDS Notes: Refer students to FM 1-0, para 3-106 As part of HR transformation, brigades were provided a deployable RAPIDS workstation to issue Common Access Cards while deployed and back at home station. Note that DEERS is a database that allows personnel information to be tracked and stored while RAPIDS is the application used for accessing the DEERS database in order to update beneficiary information and create ID cards. RAPIDS pulls personnel data from the DEERS database. Users must save to DEERS to issue ID cards. DEERS = Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System RAPIDS = Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System

HR Self-Service Systems Tools for Soldiers SHOW SLIDE: HR SELF-SERVICE SYSTEMS NOTE: Inform students the icons that relate to specific self-service systems are hyperlinked to each site. Time permitting, allow students to navigate through a few systems. These self-service systems fall under Personnel Information Management (PIM). Because Soldiers should be their best career manager, these websites are vital in assisting Soldiers ensure their professional files are up to date. The following self-service applications can be accessed on the HRC home page: The eTOPMIS icon takes the user to the eTOPMIS system. User must log-on with their AKO account first, then their TOPMIS log-on and password. The iPERMS immediately takes the user to the main iPERMS site. Users then choose their component (AC, ARNG, AR) icon to access their records. The Interactive Web Response System (IWRS) icon reflects administrative information on OERs for all officers, regardless of component, and NCOERs on AC and AR NCOs. IWRS also offers several important evaluation monitoring and analysis reports. (4) The SR Rater Profile icon allows the senior raters to monitor their rating profiles. The icon enables access to DA Form 67-9-2, The Senior Rater Profile Report. This report is critical to the S-1 in helping the commander manage his/her senior rater profile.

Personnel Automation Systems (PAS) Management Introduction Systems Administration Managing User Accounts SHOW SLIDE 42: PERSONNEL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS (PAS) MANAGEMENT Learning Step/Activity 3. Define Bn and Bde Personnel Automation System (PAS) Management Responsibilities Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 10 mins As the System Administrator (SA), the BDE S-1 is responsible for establishing accounts for all users of eMILPO assigned to the BDE. Commanders will look to the S-1 as the SA to maintain their individual clerk accounts and to ensure the accounts are accessible at all times to maintain unit readiness. eMILPO provides the Army with a reliable, timely and efficient mechanism for performing personnel actions and managing strength accountability. eMILPO provides visibility of the location, status, and skills of Soldiers from multi-echelon levels. This visibility is vital in determining the strength and capability of the Army and subordinate commands within the Army.

System Administrator Menu eMILPO System Administrator Menu SHOW SLIDE: SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR MENU (EMILPO SCREEN) The System Administration Menu allows the authorized UA to select an option to process system administration functions. The functions covered in this section will be the User Account Functions, System Functions, and System Reports. To access the functions available on the System Administration Menu, the following steps must be performed: (1) User Account Functions. To perform User Account Functions, enter the user’s AKO ID in the provided text entry field, and click on the corresponding radio button for the function. (2) System Function. To perform a System Function, enter a UIC in the provided text entry field, and click on the corresponding radio button for the function. (3) System Reports. To generate a System Report, click on the corresponding radio button for the report. (4) Click “Submit” to proceed. The system will display the appropriate data page for the selected function. Roles and Responsibilities. Remember, a distinction is made between functional roles (Senior User Administrator, User Administrator, and Users), and workflow roles within the eMILPO application. Workflow roles refer to the responsibilities of assigning tasks and approving personnel requests and actions. Workflow roles include the following: (1) Brigade S-1 Chiefs and Clerks (2) Battalion S-1 Chiefs and Clerks (3) Career Counselors (4) Commanding Officers (5) PERSTEMPO Chief and Clerks (6) Human Resource Chiefs and Clerks (7) Senior System Administrators (8) System Administrators (9) Unit Administrators (10) None NOTE: Explain the following system administration rules to the students: The UA will approve or deny requests for access based on eMILPO security requirements. Only those users with a legitimate reason to access the eMILPO application will be approved and only the UA can add, modify, remove, and unlock user access or accounts for UICs for which he or she is authorized. The UA will not have visibility of user accounts with UICs that are not under his or her assigned authority; and a user’s rights are determined by the groups to which he or she have been assigned.

Human Resources Command Identity Management System (HIMS) SHOW SLIDE: HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND IDENTITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HIMS) The IMS Application is available via SPEX(Secure Processing Extranet) on the Public Internet via the HURS link on the Army Human Resource Command website. Click on the Continue button to proceed. Click either of the two links to access IMS. Select your DOD EMAIL certificate

Human Resources Command Identity Management System (HIMS) (Add/Update) SHOW SLIDE: Human Resources Command Identity management Systems (HIMS) (Add/Update) The Add/Update User Access Tab is only accessible to users that have been granted Sponsor privileges. This tab is used to register users in HIMS and to request access to HRC administered systems on behalf of an individual user. Type the user’s AKO ID in the “AKO User ID” box and click Fetch User” . The system will validate a user’s AKO ID against the AKO database and auto-populate applicable information. The users’ AKO profile information will populate if the user is registered in HURS. NOTE: Tell the students that Soldiers granted sponsor privileges will also be allowed to do the following functions below. Add/Update Access: Add new users or update existing users’ access in IMS View User Access: View existing users application access, user IDs, sponsorship level, activity logs and/or user account comments Manage Sponsorship: Delegate another user as a sponsor (Level 2 sponsors only) Transfer User: This option is to transfer a user from sponsor to sponsor, not PSC to PSC. Deactivate User: Remove all application access from a user and place their profile in ‘deactivated’ status Work List: View listing of users that you have added access to and/or updated with quick access to Actions List (Update, View Access, Manage Sponsorship, Transfer, Deactivate) Pick List: List all users listed under your PSC code or search for user by Last name with quick access to Actions List (Update, View Access, Manage Sponsorship, Transfer, Deactivate) Reports: Run reports to view what applications your users have access to, either can be ran by PSC code or by the application. Note: The reporting feature does not guarantee the application account is active. Sponsor may need to contact the system support helpdesk to correct account access or permission issues. See system support contact information at bottom of this manual.

Human Resources Command Identity Management System (HIMS) (Add/Update) SHOW SLIDE: HRC USER REGISTRATION SYSTEM (HURS) – SELF SERVICE The PSC, Echelon and Duty Position are categories used for role based provisioning and are primarily for service organizations that operate at the PSC level. HRC accounts will be created based on the Office Symbol provided. NOTE: Tell the students that the PSC, Echelon, and Duty Position data fields will determine what additional system accesses a user may request. Users requiring access to systems not identified within their particular role should select the applicable “checkbox” for any additional systems required. The Comments section is used to request special access. Once all data is entered and system access has been selected, click on “Update Access and Attributes”. The sponsor and the user will receive an activity notification email from IMS for each application that was requested and/or updated. One the access has been created, the sponsor and user will be notified via email and if the access requires a user name and password, they will be supplied in that email.

Check on Learning Q. What is the website for eMILPO? A. AHRS Web Portal is at Q. All users must have what type of User ID and Password before requesting access to the AHRS Web Portal? A. All users must first have an AKO User ID and Password before requesting access to the AHRS Web Portal. Q. What HRC system is used to manage access to the TOPMIS, EDAS, PERNET, and COPS? SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity with the students before proceeding. Q. What is the website for eMILPO? A. AHRS Web Portal is at Q. All users must have what type of User ID and password before requesting access to the AHRS Web Portal? A. All users must first have an AKO User ID and password before requesting access to the AHRS Web Portal Q. What HRC systems is used to manage access to TOPMIS, EDAS, PERNET, and COPS? A. The HRC User Registration System –Self Service or HURS SUMMARY: We have just completed Identify PAS Management responsibilities at BN and BDE S-1 level. Next, we will determine official documents required in the Military Personnel File (MPF). A. HRC User Registration System - Self Service or HIMS

Army Military Human Resource Records (AMHRR) Historical Data Officer Promotion Selection Boards Senior Enlisted Promotion Selection Boards School Selection Boards Maintained in iPERMS for all components AMHRR Custodians Active Officers, WO and Enlisted = HRC, Fort Knox AR (all Soldiers) = HRC, Fort Knox ARNG Officers and WO = ARNG Readiness Center ARNG Enlisted Soldiers = State Adjutant General SHOW SLIDE: Army Military Human Resource Records (AMHRR) NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-104, Chapter 1, para. 1-6. The AMHRR is a permanent record remaining under Army control for 62 years from a Soldier’s final separation date to include retirement, separation, and death. Upon the first day of the 63rd year records are transferred to the control of NARA . The AMHRR is initiated when a Soldier becomes a member of any Army Component. The responsible custodian is determined by the Soldier’s status during entry. Shown are the different purposes and custodians for the OMPF. The AMHRR is the historical and authoritative source for authentication of veteran or Service-related benefits, entitlements, and services. AC commissioned and warrant officers: The AMHRR is started and maintained by the CDR, HRC upon receipt of an accession packet from ROTC, OCS, or USMA. AC enlisted Soldiers – The AMHRR is created and maintained by the CDR, HRC upon receipt of an enlistment packet from the MEPS CDR. AR Soldiers AMHRRs are started and maintained by the CDR, HRC upon receipt of an officer accession packet or an enlistment packet from the MEPS CDR. ARNG Soldiers will have their AMHRR started and maintained as follows: - Officer and warrant officer AMHRRs are created and maintained by the Chief, National Guard Bureau (NGB). - Enlisted Soldier AMHRRs are created and maintained by the Soldiers’ State AG.

AC and AR: Accessing iPERMS The Web Upload function is used to transmit electronic images of AMHRR documents from a remote location to the Indexing Data Center and insert them into a Soldier’s AMHRR in iPERMS. This transfer uses your Web Browser’s Encryption capabilities to safely transmit the electronic documents. SHOW SLIDE: ACCESS TO THE INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (iPERMS) NOTE: Inform students that additional information and FAWs are available at each link and check to ensure each student completes iPERMS Training prior to gradating a. No person is entitled or authorized to obtain or possess information contained in a Soldier’s record solely by virtue of position. Records contained in iPERMS contain protected information and will only be made available to authorized and verified personnel, as required, in the performance of official business. b. Records contained in iPERMS are designated “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” regardless of classification and will be protected to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. c. iPERMS is the repository of AMHRR file legal artifacts for all active Army personnel (includes Active duty, Reserves, and National Guard). AKO Login has been disabled. CAC LOGIN ONLY. Some benefits of iPERMS are - (1) Ability to generate images from paper copies of records from remote locations. (2) Images become a permanent part of the Soldiers OMPF within 48 - 72 hours. (3) Any commercial Document/Image Scanner can be used. (4) Reduces workload; Transition Centers mail 6,200+ separation packets to iPERMS per month. (5) Savings of postage costs for mailing. (6) Secure communications between sender and iPERMS via web. (7) Some indexing can be performed at remote locations. (8) Bottomline….Timely – Secure – Cost Savings – Paper Reduction. AC and AR: ARNG:

Key Supporting Documents (KSDs) for Army Military Pay Audit Readiness Each pay entitlement must be supported by a KSD that justifies its payment. The Army‘s repository for the KSDs is the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management Supporting finance or human resource offices will maintain KSDs electronically for a period of six years and three months from the date of a Soldier's separation or retirement. All units with access to eMILPO will annotate the KSD review date in eMILPO. All other will use some sort of tracking system to capture KSD review date. AR 600-8-104, Para 3-7

Conducting the Soldier’s Annual Review Installation MPD responsibilities: Assist Soldiers in Non-PSDR units in reviewing and updating personnel records Will upload and verify receipt of authorized documents to iPERMS During In/Out-processing provide Soldiers with a copy of their current ORB/ERB and assist them updating, validating, and uploading substantiating documents Assist Soldiers in reviewing their records briefs for accuracy prior to proceeding to their unit of assignment Will assist Non-PSDR commanders in tracking compliance of HR Metrics Brigade and Battalion S-1s: Assist Soldiers in maintaining accurate and complete records in supporting their annual records reviews Upload and verify receipt of authorized document to iPERMS to include KSDs Establish procedures for scheduling, conducting, and tracking completed annual record reviews Assist Soldiers in updating, validating, and uploading substantiating documents as needed to ensure Soldier’s record’s are accurate to include KSDs. SHOW SLIDE: CONDUCTING THE SOLDIER’S ANNUAL REVIEW para 3-7 Point out the MPD and S-1 responsibilities – similar in nature. HR Metrics – Is a guide for commanders to use to see how effective their HR support is. HR Metric Guide for commanders has been published – you can access it Leaders at ALL levels must ensure compliance by Soldiers within their units and emphasize to Soldiers the advantages and importance of accurate personnel records when considered for future assignments, promotions, retention, and professional development opportunities. Commanders and leaders are encouraged to use the “My Board File” (MBF) certification report tool to track the status of board file view/certification data for Soldiers eligible for DA slection boards. Log onto the HRC Website: HTTP://WWW.HRC.ARMY.MIL Select Self Service Option Under “Tools for Soldier” – Select “My Board File Certification Report: Log in VIA CAC Area Enter the UIC of the desired unit in the search criteria to locate your unit’s report Note: This report provides a list of Soldiers identified as eligible for an upcoming selection board by name, rank, and certification status.

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Direct Personnel Information Management (PIM) Conditions: Given classroom instruction, AR 600-8-104 (Army Military Human Resource Records Management), FM 1-0 (HR Support), applicable MILPER/ALARACT Messages and an awareness of the Operational Environment. Standard: Score 80% or higher on a knowledge based exam consisting of the following learning activities: 1. Define PIM and its relationship to other HR Core Competencies and HR Key Functions 2. Communicate primary HR Enabling Systems used by BDE S-1s 3. Define BN and BDE Personnel Automation System (PAS) Management Responsibilities 4. Disposition of paper records. 5. Identify the components of the Army Military Human Resource Records Management (AMHRR) SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform the students of the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) requirements. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM 3-11.4, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM 3-11.5, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination.   RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated at the end of the Provide HR Services Module. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. Understanding PIM’s relationship with other HR Core Competencies and Key Functions is critical to your success as an HR Professional. This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, system architecture, and HR enabling systems