Welcome! Please come in and sign up for a conference at the round table and write down how your child is going home on the first day next to the computers. When you are done you may pick a seat and look through the packet on your desk.
About Miss Powell Moved to Loudoun County from Ohio in 1997. Attended Loudoun County Public Schools Attended Ashburn Elementary, Farmwell Station Middle School, and Broad Run High School Graduated from Virginia Tech Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies Master’s in Elementary Education Many educators in my family Six years of teaching experience Second year at Cedar Lane
Math Students will be challenged at their math level All classes will use enrichment materials and differentiation Students need to continue to practice their multiplication facts at home using Reflex Students will also work on Dreambox The homework for the week will be given on Monday and due on Friday
Science We will use many hands-on experiments and group work, as well as the integration of Science in other subject areas Some topics that will be covered Scientific Investigation Planets in the Solar System Ecosystems Weather Force, Motion, and Energy Electricity and Magnetism Virginia Resources
Social Studies Virginia Studies Geography Economics Wars: Revolutionary, Civil Famous Virginians
Writing Fine tune the use of paragraphs Work on grammatical skills Students will be assessed on grammar skills every other week Students will write critically across all subjects Word study work for the week Students will work on word study in class Students will be assessed on their assigned words every other week.
Reading Focus: TO ENJOY READING! Have your child read 20 minutes every night Reading and all other subjects will be integrated Students will not log their reading at home, but will record books they finish in class in their Reader’s Notebook Will focus on some of the following: Fluency Comprehension Expanding vocabulary
Behavior Management Individual behavior Incentives: Pride Paws Best Behavior Punch Card Prize Coupons Group Incentives: Table Points Remember an engaged student=a well behaved student!
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support ) school Cedar Lane is a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support ) school PBIS is a school wide behavior incentive program Focuses more on positive behavior by rewarding students for positive behavior If a student models the correct behavior and is seen by another teacher/administrator, may receive a ticket
Homework and Graded Papers Students will bring home a math packet every Monday. The packet due back to school on Friday. To encourage good study habits, I recommend completing one sheet every night. Agendas filled out daily, should be checked by you nightly Graded papers will be sent home on Fridays Students are to read for 20 minutes every night
One to the World and Project Based Learning School wide and county initiative Students will create meaningful projects that are: Significant to the content and curriculum Connected to a real-world problem Can be shared beyond the classroom Students make a connection to their work
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) We are a BYOT Classroom Students can bring in technology with signed permission We will use technology for everyday uses Math centers Dictionary.com Independent reading Office 365 Taking tests on Interactive Achievement Dreambox Reflex
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Students will need to download many apps on their devices Look out for an e-mail with a specific list What if my child doesn’t have a personal device? Don’t stress! We have a laptop cart that we share We will also have IPads in the classroom.
Weekly Communication Homework Agendas Weekly emails Upcoming quizzes/assignments What the students will learn Upcoming events/parties
Class/School Updates Class Email Class/Grade Webpage Bloomz School Cedar Lane Facebook Cedar Lane Twitter School Webpage
Please Remember To… Sign up for a conference time Fill out how your child is going home on the first day of school Check out the “Wish List” and make a donation if you can Fill out any forms tonight and return at Open House or the First day of school if you can Leave the Emergency Form and Dismissal Form with me Stop by the library to get to know some of the specialists and resource teachers!
Final Thoughts My goal is to provide a safe and fun learning environment. Not only do I want my students to do well academically, but to enjoy themselves as well. I am extremely excited for the school year and to work together to help your child succeed!