Safal Solutions Pvt. Ltd. SafalPACS System Automation for Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society
Safal Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Provide system solutions for small enterprises and institutions, including those operating in rural area, enabling them address livelihood enhancement programs effectively.
SafalPACS SafalPACS is an IT solution for Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS) to automate their Accounting & Inventory Management Systems. It will capture member details, saving & credit and trading transactions and produces profit & loss, balance sheet and many more anlytical useful reports for monitoring purpose.
Modules CustomerDepositsLoanAccountsBorrowings Analytical Reports Statutory Reports Insurance Water Tax
Customer Module Classify customer –Member or non - member Capture attributes of customers –plot details –share –Asset –Identification proof –Photo –Income –Family details It can add, modify and delete and list the customer.
Deposit Modules Saving account Term deposits Provides maturity information Calculation of interest at time when deposit is withdrawn before maturity period
Loan module Product definition for –KCC loan –Mid term loan –SHG loan –Loan against security –Housing loan –Bond loan Linking loan product with purpose –KCC loan –SHG loan –Housing loan Scale of finance –Multiple loans to same members –Change of interest rate at the time of sanction –Repayment schedule Overdue analysis
Loan module Loan application AppraisalSanctionDisbursementRepaymentLoan close
Accounts Accounts of PACS Stock MDTW – business of irrigation All books of accounts
Borrowings Maintains information about various borrowings from various sources and allows borrowing to be linked with the loans lent.
Analytical Reports Provides reports like: –Aging analysis –Disbursement analysis –Recovery analysis, etc. Across multiple dimensions like –Geography, –Loan product, –Operational summary, –Income generation activity, etc.
Statutory reports Reports specified by NABARD
Insurance module Processing of non loan insurance from application to claim settlement.
Water tax Register customers and collect rent based on irrigated acreage of Community owned irrigation facilities.
Advantage Rapid data entry Tagging of Loans with Insurance Linking Loans with Insurance Flexible with various methods of interest and instalment calculations. Daily reconciliation facility for a better control Consolidated Report viewing at Head Office. Correction of wrongly entered transactions along with audit trail on the correction. Highly Flexible and customizable
PACS Digital PACS Full MonitoringTime Saving Accurate Accounting Much Documentation Poor MIS
Salient features Loan and account is integrated Loan and deposit tracking reports NABARD accounts coding system following Output reports based on NABARD norms Providing end-to-end support or customized support
Thanks Contact details: Safal Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 17, Asha Co Operative Society, SBH Colony, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad , Andhra Pradesh, India. Contact No: , Website: Prepared by: Vikash Kumar Sahu (Senior Executive), Safal Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mob: ,