More4 Quarterly Update Q2 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

More4 Quarterly Update Q2 2018

More4 Highlights More4 reaches more ABC1 Adults per month than Sky 1 and ITV4 More4 continues to perform strongly amongst ABC1 Adults, taking a 1.1% Share of the audience during Q2 More4 has an impressive ABC1 profile of 47%, which is higher than ITV1, ITV2, ITV3, Channel 5 and 5Star More4 reaches more Adults daily than The Times, The Guardian No.1 rating programme for ABC1 Adults on More4 this quarter was an episode of The Good Fight Sources: BARB/Advantedge Q2 2018, GB TGI, 04/17-03/18

Audience Insight

More4 profiles an older, upmarket female audience Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q2 2018 Profile base=All adults.

More4 reaches more ABC1 Adults on a monthly & weekly basis than ITV3 and ITV4 Source: BARB/Advantedge Q2 2018 , reach condition = 3 consecutive mins. ABC1 Adults.

Average Daily Reach/AIR (Adults) More4 reaches more adults than The Times, The Guardian and the i Average Daily Reach/AIR (Adults) (000’s) Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q2 2018 reach condition= 3 consecutive mins. GB TGI 04/17-03/18

Highest Rating Programmes ABC1 Adults Programme Title 000’s 1 THE GOOD FIGHT 374 2 BUILDING GIANTS 328 3 THE YORKSHIRES DALES AND I 300 4 24 HOURS IN A&E 248 5 BUILDING THE DREAM 245 6 OUTLANDER 222 7 GUY MARTIN’S SPITFIRE 221 8 MY FLOATING HOME 203 9 FOUR IN A BED 186 10 EMERGENCY HELICOPTER MEDICS 182 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q2 2018, Highest occurring prog. title

Highest Converting Programmes ABC1 Adults Programme Title Index 1 KIRSTIE’S VINTAGE GEMS 175 2 RIVER COTTAGE BITES 153 3 BUILDING GIANTS 127 4 QUEEN VICTORIA’S LAST LOVE 125 5 UGLY HOUSE TO LOVELY HOUSE 6 BUILDING THE DREAM 122 7 THE TALLEST TOWER 121 8 LEE MACK: HIT THE ROAD MACK 120 9 KIRSTIE AND PHIL’S LOVE IT OR LIST IT 10 THE UNDATEABLES 117 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q2 2018, indexed against all adults, Highest occurring prog. Title.

More4 viewers are commercially receptive Are commercially receptive, saying they tend to buy products from companies who sponsor TV programmes (Index 211), and say TV adverts are the types of ads they find the most useful in helping make a purchasing decision (Index 123) An image conscious group, they are 42% more likely to say they like to stand out from the crowd, 6% more likely to say they have a very good sense of style and 14% more likely to say they enjoy shopping for clothes. See themselves as influencers and early adopters, saying they buy new products before most of their friends (index= 143) and that they love buying new gadgets and appliances (index= 107). Source: GB TGI 04/17-03/18 base = all adults, viewers defined as all adults who state M4 as 1st favourite channel.