Sensor technology and embedded intelligence CSE-E4670 Introduction to Industrial Internet Kari Tammi
Homework 1. Check the commercial example: AND 2. Consider what this means in terms of Sensor technology? Data transfer? Data analytics? 3. Consider the benefits of the technologies shown in the example Who benefits? What are benefits?
Internet of everything? Digital revolution or evolution? Q: What’s that? A: Number of answers ~ number of persons giving an answer (slightly provocative answer) Q: Is there a difference between Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, Industrie 4.0, or Big Data? A: Probably yes, but terms overlap quite a bit Large companies have been active in defining what digital revolution means for their business (strategy & marketing work) 10.11.2018
IoT - Internet of Things (with permission of Dr. Olli Ventä /VTT) Xu, He, Li, Intenet of Things in Industries: Survey, IEEE Tr. on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, No. 4, Nov. 2014.
Industrie 4.0 (with permission of Dr. Olli Ventä /VTT) Siemens 2013
Industrial Internet (with permission of Dr. Olli Ventä /VTT) Evans, Annunziata, Industrial Internet: Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines, General Electric, Nov. 26, 2012.
Back to homework – discussion Consider what this means: Sensor technology, Data transfer & analytics 10.11.2018
Consider the benefits: Who benefits? What are benefits? 10.11.2018
Sensor technologies exist, but they are not the key point as such Engineered sensors and biological sensors, examples: Pressure, ultrasonic, humidity, gas, acceleration, force, … Light, motion, temperature, magnetic fields, gravity, … Molecules, toxins, nutrients, pheromones, … THE KEY IS WHAT USEFUL YOU CAN DO! (useful = economically justified in this context) 10.11.2018
Embedded intelligence, not the key point either, but different questions Where to analyse, examples: Local microcontroller, digital signal processors, … Computers, computer grids, graphic cards, … Cloud computing, … THE KEY IS WHAT USEFUL YOU CAN DO! (useful = economically justified in this context) 10.11.2018
Summary: enablers for Digital Evolution Low power sensors, wireless broadcasting, no battery changing! Data transfer (5G is promising and solves speed & security issues) Understanding machine/power plant/process (need for physical models to create information out of Big Data) Reliability (sensors, cables, connectors data transfer, data analytics) Understanding benefits (who pays, who benefits) Business models (sharing the benefits gained) 10.11.2018 Red = must know
History of Coke machine Date: 11-Jun-90, Subject: Re: Interesting uses of networking …The Coke machine was hooked up to a computer by John Zsarnay and/or Lawrence Butcher (now at Xerox PARC); essentially, the six little out-of-product lights on the pushbuttons were monitored… They were connected, I believe, to a terminal server machine that was programmed by Mike Kazar to keep track of the time of the last transition (short-term and long-term) for each column. He and Dave Nichols put together a simple Coke@+(TM) protocol by which any machine on the local University-grant Ethernet, and later the Internet as a whole, could probe the current status of the machine; Dave wrote the program that became the ``coke'‘ command, which printed out the length of time since each column had been totally empty… 10.11.2018