Case study – EQAVET NRP 2017-2019 project Croatia Nino Buić Assistant Director for European Affairs, International Cooperation and Projects Sofia, 21 June 2018
Project Design Steps National strategic priorities VET System Development Programme 2016 – 2020 Priority 2: Improving the quality of VET National strategic priorities Institutional priorities Strengthening internal capacities of AVETAE – new internal reorganisation > Dpt for QA Review of the self-assessment approach in Croatian VET schools Established links with other NRP’s Build upon 2016 project Strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs; Complementing EQAVET Framework; Deepening the culture of QA Formulation of project goals
Strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs PLA in Zagreb in December 2017 feedback loops and monitoring students 24 participants from system and provider level Strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs PLA in Dubrovnik in June 2018 Promoting a culture of quality 22 participants from system and provider Other NRP’s PLA’s Dutch EQAVET NRP, October 2017, enhancing quality culture Strengthening capacities of NRP Networking with other NRPs visit to Austrian NRP, 12/2017 AVETAE senior expert advisors working on self-assessment and Croatian NRP
Transnational peer reviews Results Croatia, Austria, Finland and Slovenia Culture of quality assurance in VET will be improved by focusing on the importance of feedback loops and the review phase of the quality cycle by VET providers and NRPs Facilitate exchange and peer learning Cooperation between 4 different NRPs and VET schools through mutual learning and exchange of practices Meetings and visits 3 peer reviews workshops Online meetings 4 transnational peer reviews (one per each country) New elements of EQAVET+ Contributes to the development of additional elements of the EQAVET framework at VET provider level Five core quality areas in focus: Teaching and learning and support to the learning, Planning and programming of the work, Management of WBL, Assessment and certification, Learning results and outcomes. 4
QA workshops for VET schools Linking EQAVET and national developments A continuation of activities from the 2016 EQAVET NRP call Based on the review of the self- assessment approach in Croatian VET schools in line with the EQAVET Provide support to VET schools in self-assessment Further promotes culture of quality, EQAVET and contributes to the strengthening national capacities for VET QA 19 workshops (out of 5 planned) for VET providers’ headmasters, teachers and quality committee members, led by AVETAE sector advisors and members of NRP 19 workshops 511 participants
Piloting of VET graduate tracking system At school level February 2019 Final workshop, review, evaluation and modification of approach October 2018 – February 2019 Exit survey for generation 2017/18 Tracking survey for generation 2016/17 Selection of two pilot VET schools Review and evaluation Pilot implementation Selection Support Training Support to VET schools in pilot phase (methodological, data gathering and analysis) Preparation 2 pilot + 10 additional schools training workshop on proposed approach May 2018 A background document with reflection on tracking of VET graduates in the scope of EQAVET + methodology + survey models 6
Project communication and networking in practice Cooperation with the Secretariat In house dissemination Newsletters, events Knowledge sharing in- house Cooperation with NRPs Translation PLA’s, events Translation of relevant VET QA publications National stakeholders Visibility QA related topics Visibility materials
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