Vision for the region Photo: Fonterra Group Co-operative Limited Competing globally Caring locally
Mission To provide regional leadership to balance economic and environmental outcomes to enable the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of current and future generations.
Flagship goals Sustaining land and water values Achieving co-governance requirements with iwi Facilitating regional development
Flagship goal The values of land and water resources are sustained across the Waikato region.
Flagship goal The Waikato Regional Council meets its legislative co- governance requirements by working together in good faith and a spirit of cooperation.
The people of the region collaborate to achieve a shared vision of the Waikato competing globally, caring locally. Flagship goal
Drivers for change in the Waikato region Increasing global competitiveness Tightening fiscal constraints Increasing complexity Increasing Golden Triangle influence Changing role of local government
Critical success factors High quality environment Innovation (including skilled labour) Efficient supply chains (including transport systems and compliance) Collaborative leadership
Real GDP per capita for Australia, New Zealand and OECD
National Economic Growth Agenda ExportsGDP per capita Current position31% of GDP $57 billion 76% of Australias By % of GDP $150 billion match Australias
Key points Lifting sights to see Waikatos place in NZ/the world Central government a key stakeholder Regional leadership Additional focus on collaboration with stakeholders Explicit delivery across 4 wellbeings Balancing environment/economic development Explicit commitment to regional development