Handout 4 How to provide customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service PowerPoint presentation Deliver customer service Handout 4 How to provide customer service Explain this is an element in Unit 230 Deliver customer service. Explain the unit is partly knowledge and partly practical. This is a practical element but it is necessary to understand why they should always be able to provide customer service. Learners should have completed Workplace Activity 1.4 prior to this session. You should always during this session explain that as it is partly a practical element the learner will require to gather evidence to show competence in the assessment criteria.
Standards of presentation Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Standards of presentation In any organisation, there will be standards on how staff should dress. Organisations may issue uniforms that have to be worn or expect staff to wear a certain standard of dress. Uniforms are important and are provided for a number of reasons: to promote a professional image of both staff and the organisation to ensure consistency in staff dress to let the customer know who the employee is, who they are working for and so who to approach. Explain to learners this is a practical element of the unit ‘Deliver customer service’. However although it is about practical activities the learner needs to understand that good service doesn’t just happen – good customer service needs standards. Discuss with the learners whether they are required to wear a uniform or not. Discuss why organisations require staff to wear uniforms – what the advantages are. Refer them to Workplace Activity 1.4 and the section on uniforms.
Standards of presentation Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Standards of presentation Even if a uniform is not offered, organisations will expect staff to wear a certain standard of dress, eg a style that reflects the image of the organisation. Personal presentation is important as a tidy, well-presented employee is likely to be confident and proud of their work. He or she will also be representing their employer and so will be presenting a professional image. The employee may also be one of the first people the customer sees and so offers the first impression of the organisation, which must of course be a positive one. Presentation also covers a tidy work area. Encourage the learners to think about uniforms and mode of dress. Discuss organisations with uniforms and what the image is they promote. Discuss what they feel about uniforms and what they feel about organisations where there are no uniforms. Discuss what is meant about personal presentation and the fact it covers more than just dress – it also covers hygiene, tidiness and the way they work. A tidy work area is important and again this reflects the professionalism of the employee. A tidy work area will also ensure the employee is more efficient. Refer again to Workplace Activity 1.4.
Standards of behaviour Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Standards of behaviour In customer service it is important to present a certain standard of behaviour to customers. When dealing with customers it is important to consider your: attitude – customers need to be treated with respect. A positive attitude should always be adopted even when circumstances are difficult. tone of voice – the tone of voice used should again be positive. The tone may need to be altered to suit the situation, eg a softer tone when a customer is upset or needs help, while a more assertive tone is needed when a customer is challenging. body language – when dealing with customers it should always be positive, eg welcoming. Discuss the need to consider standards of behaviour. Discuss the fact there needs to be a certain level of behaviour when dealing with customers. Ask the learners to talk about the service they have received where there has been a poor attitude from the person dealing with them. Ask how they felt and what the attitude was the person should have adopted. Again discuss the tone of voice and body language. Refer again to Workplace Activity 1.4. Work with the group on a role play (Activity 1.4 – role play) and discuss the results.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Adapting behaviour Customers have expectations about the level of customer service they should receive. In order to meet their expectations and so ensure customer satisfaction, it is important to at times adapt your behaviour to suit both the situation and the customer. . Dealing with an angry customer will require that you adapt your body language to show you are listening to their problem. You will also want to adapt your tone of voice to show you are listening but in control. A distressed customer will require you to use your body language to show that you are welcoming. You will also need to ensure you adopt a helpful attitude and have a softer tone of voice. You also need change your questioning techniques when trying to establish needs: starting with open questions to gain initial information, moving to probing ones to gain more information and then on to closed questions to check understanding and to summarise. Ask the learner or group about how they adapt their behaviour. Ask them to give examples of their own behaviour and when they have had to adapt their behaviour.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Any questions? Learners should now progress to session 2 on this element. Workplace Activity 1.4 will have required them to carry out some research on the organisation they are working for.