System Office Updates
Programs and Student Services
Articulation Agreements and System Conference 2 Plus 2 Early Childhood Education Uniform Articulation Agreements Associate in Fine Arts In Music Associate in Fine Arts In Theatre System Conference Updates
NCCCS Student Services Update
NCCCS Student Services Update (3/20/18) Restructuring Goal Comprehensive Services Students with Disabilities Dr. Trudie Hughes 919-807-7208 Career Coaching & Academic Advising Dr. Daniel Alvarado 919-807-7106
NCCCS Student Services Update (3/20/18) Residency Determination Services Colleague Import & Processing Enhancement Recommendations being reviewed by the College Advisory Committee and will be submitted to the system office IT change management process. RDS Interview Improvements Listening Sessions conducted by CFI Student Focus Groups & In-progress Applicant Interviews RDS Data Analysis by SEAA
NCCCS Student Services Update (3/20/18) RDS Public Website: This is one of the ways a student can access RDS system. The site also has general information about the process, has a series of helpful Q & As, and gives access the official RDS Guidebook RDS Call Center (for students) Toll free: 844-319-3640 Fax: (919) 835-2427 Email: This is a dedicated Call Center that answers general questions for students, assists with account/password resets, and provides general guidance when a student fills out their application online. RDS Campus Support (contact information for campuses only) Toll free: (844) 417-0164 Email: This puts the campus in touch with the staff that processes the determinations, rather than the RDS Call Center, and you can check on the status of a student, ask any questions you have, get other support you might need.
NCCCS Student Services Update (3/20/18) System Conference Service Opportunity As One System of 58 Strong Community Colleges, we will participate in the June 2nd Keep Pounding 5K in Charlotte, NC, to demonstrate our solidarity in service to North Carolina in benefit Levine Cancer Institute and Levine Children's Hospital. Challenge: Each college provide/sponsor 58 participants representing each College. Register or Donate to the 58 Strong Team
NCCCS Student Services Team JW Kelley 919-807-7108 Wanda White 919-807-7104 Daniel Alvarado 919-807-7106 JJ Evans 919-807-7212 Monty Hickman 919-807-7195 Melissa Lentz 919-807-7238
How do we leverage the strength of #WeAre58Strong? …for everyone? Ask Group
Student Success Students make informed decisions Student Success Pathway Students make informed decisions Students progress through effective learning pathways that lead to credentials of economic value, without unnecessary detours Students are provided integrated, targeted supports and interventions when they are most effective Roadmap to completion that includes connected courses, programs, and support services.
Student Interest and Access 1. Goal: Increase the percentage of North Carolinians, particularly within underserved populations, pursuing and easily accessing education or training through North Carolina Community Colleges. Clear & Supported Pathways for Student Progress and Success 2. Goal: Provide a continuum of education, training, advising, and support to help students and workers make informed decisions that lead to credentials and careers. Economic and Workforce Impact 3. Goal: Ensure the educational pipeline prepares a workforce possessing the interest, knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet the needs of NC’s employers, now and into the future. System Effectiveness 4. Goal: Advance organizational effectiveness, operations, and decision-making to support a cohesive system of nimble, empowered, and community-driven colleges.
Prior Learning Sources and Assessment Sources of PLA: Military Education and Training Portfolio for Life and Work Experiences Standardized Exams Challenge Exams Career (Continuing education) Credit Industry recognized certification Apprenticeship
Additional Updates CCRG 2SHC CCP ESAP Associate In Education Model Concept and Work
We are North Carolina Community Colleges #WeAre58Strong We are North Carolina Community Colleges