New Final Focus ‘à la NLC’ Advantages from the machine point-of-view: Better chromaticity correction larger l* l* = 5m final doublet moved out of the detector solenoid l* IP waist β* chromaticity : ξ = l* / β*
New Final Focus with l* = 5m Advantages from the detector point-of-view Larger forward acceptance at low angles Final doublet moved out of the calorimeter less e.m. showers in the detector Lighter Tungsten-mask and simpler support
Main issues of the Design Final Focus Optics Extraction of Synchrotron Radiation from Final Doublet (i.e. check collimation depths) Extraction of Spent Beam from Final Doublet
Final Focus Optics Matching conditions : Two approaches : The R12, R34 terms of the transfert matrix between the paired sextupoles {SV1, SV2} {SH1,SH3} are set to zero Two approaches : x and y corrections « à la NLC » Interleaved sextupole pairs Additional sextupole (+ octupoles, decapoles not implemented) x correction « à la TDR » + y correction « à la NLC » Non interleaved sextupole pairs
NLC-like Optics @ IP ’x = 10 mrad
NLC-like : Beam sizes and Luminosity
NLC-like : Emittance growth with S.R. Optimization with dipole locations
Hybrid Optics @ IP ’x = 2.6 mrad
Hybrid : Beam sizes and Luminosity
Hybrid : Emittance growth with S.R.
The collimation section We use the TDR collimation section with some changes : Reverse the first dispersion bump Introduce a second energy spoiler (ΔΨx =2 between the 2 energy spoilers)
NLC-like optics : Central trajectories
The collimation depths The images of the slits are transported for several energies to each relevant emission positions in the Final Doublet. Their intersection points define the collimated phase space volume and are taken as origins of the synchrotron radiation rays. The emitted synchrotron radiation beam is determined by the rays originating from all 4D corners and all (discrete) energies.
S.R. in FD : 1st order transport FFADA At 1st order transport, the aperture of the collimators are in agreement with the on-momentum predictions for the collimation depths Betatron spoilers : gx = 1.8 mm gy = 0.7 mm BETA Energy spoilers : gx = 1.8 mm (NLC) gx = 1.2 mm (Hybrid) Momentum acceptance : ±0.6 % (NLC) ±0.9 % (Hybrid)
S.R. in FD : all δ-order transport NLC-like optics All order momentum transport generates distortions of the central orbits and beam focusing. The energy spoiler apertures must be reduced in order to keep a good synchrotron radiation extraction. -1.25 % < d < +1.25 % Hybrid optics
S.R. in FD : all δ-order transport NLC-like optics Betatron spoilers : gx = 1.8 & 1.3 mm gy = 0.7 mm Energy spoilers : gx = 0.8 mm Momentum acceptance : -0.39 % , +0.52 % Betatron spoilers : gx = 1.8 & 1.2 mm gy = 0.7 mm Energy spoilers : gx = 0.9 & 0.7 mm Hybrid optics Momentum acceptance : -0.42 % , +0.57 %
Spent beam extraction Angular acceptance of the final doublet as a function of energy and angle
Spent beam extraction Better extraction of low energy charged particles (e+e- pairs, beam-beam bremsstrahlung)
Conclusions Design of l* = 5 m new TESLA final focus is possible within the 600m TDR length constraint. Two solutions are investigated, using the NLC chromaticity correction scheme. For the both cases : The momentum bandwidth is comparable or better than the TDR. The collimation requirements are about a factor 2 tighter than the TDR. The code BETA develops a new tool to investigate the impact of off-energy particle collimation. The spent beam extraction through final doublet is roughly equivalent. Several optimizations are still needed