Lessons 2 & 3 Interactions of Organisms and Populations This Powerpoint is hosted on www.worldofteaching.com Please visit for 1000+ free powerpoints
How are living things organized? Organisms Populations Communities Ecosystems Biomes
A living thing is called an organism. Example: a deer
All of the organisms of the same species that live in an area at the same time is called a population. Example: a herd of deer
All the populations of all species that live in an area is called a community. Example: deer + rabbits + bears
All the organisms living in an area, as well as the non-living parts of their environment, is called an ecosystem. Example: deer + rabbits + bears + water + temperature + sunlight + soil + air
Large geographic areas that have similar climates and ecosystems are called biomes. Example: tundra, taiga, desert, etc.
There are different kinds of relationships between the organisms in an ecosystem.
Predator/Prey An organism that hunts and eats another organism is called a predator. The organism that the predator hunts and eats is called prey.
Which one is the predator and which one is the prey? zebra lioness
Which one is the predator and which one is the prey? snake roadrunner
Which one is the predator and which one is the prey? fish osprey
Which one is the predator and which one is the prey? fox hare
Symbiosis Symbiosis is when two organisms live together, temporarily or for a longer time, and at least one of the organisms benefits from the relationship.
Different kinds of symbiosis Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism one organism benefits one organism is unaffected + 0 one organism benefits one organism is harmed + - both organisms benefit + +
More about Parasitism The organism that benefits in a parasitic relationship is called the parasite. The organism that is harmed in a parasitic relationship is called the host.
Identify the type of relationships in the following examples:
Moray Eel with Cleaner Fish Moray Eel gets a clean mouth. Cleaner Fish gets a meal. Mutualism
Cattle with cattle egrets Cattle stir up insects as they eat grass. Egrets hang around and eat insects. Commensalism
Acacia plant with ant galls Bull horn acacia trees provide nutrients and housing for acacia ants. Acacia ants attack herbivores that try to eat the leaves. Mutualism
Protection. Anemone is unaffected. Clown fish with anemone Clown fish gets Protection. Anemone is unaffected. Commensalism
Antelope with oxbird Antelope gets rid of parasites. Oxbird gets a meal. YouTube - JumpStart Symbiotic Harmony Song Mutualism
Taenia worm in human eye infects human blood stream. Human may go blind. Parasitism
Mr. Lee “Symbiosis” YouTube - Mr. Lee - Symbiosis rap