Past Continuous Tense (Prošlo trajno-nesvršeno vrijeme) by Branislav Nadaš
Što je Past Continuous Tense? Past Continuous Tense je prošlo trajno – nesvršeno vrijeme. Ono opisuje radnju koja je trajala u prošlosti, ali ne znamo je li završila. Stoga možemo reći da je to nedorečeno vrijeme, i vrlo rijetko ćemo ga samostalno upotrijebiti u rečenici. Uzmimo, naprimjer, rečenicu: The farmer was working at 6 o’clock yesterday evening. Farmer je radio u 6 sati jučer navečer. Farmer je radio, ali je li nešto uradio, završio? Ne znamo, rečenica je nedorečena, nezavršena, i zasigurno da u svakodnevnome govoru ovdje ne bismo stavili točku, već bismo nastavili – Farmer je radio kada se dogodilo …
playing I was You We They were He She It Past Continuous tvorimo pomoću oblika prošloga vremena pomoćnoga glagola “to be” (was i were) i nastavka –ing na glavni glagol: I was playing You We They were He She It
Past Continuous Tense was I playing? were you we they he she it I Upitni oblik Negacijski oblik was I playing? were you we they he she it I Was not Wasn’t playing You We They were not weren’t He She It was not wasn’t
Kakvu radnju opisuje the Past Continuous Tense? The Past Continuous Tense opisuje radnju koja je traja neko vrijeme u prošlosti. Budući da ne znamo je li ta radnja završila ili nije, ovo vrijeme rijetko stoji samo u rečenici, jer ne izriče završenu misao. What were they doing yesterday at 8 o’clock? They were working all day.
Nadalje, The Past Continuous Tense upotrijebit ćemo kada hoćemo reći da je netko nešto radio tijekom nekog perioda u prošlosti… This time yesterday the hairdresser was working
Past Continuous upotrijebit ćemo s Past Simple-om kada opisujemo dvije istovremene radnje od kojih se jedna dogodila u trenutku dok se druga događala. The policeman broke his ankle while he was running after the dog. While I was having breakfast, the telephone rang.
Past Simple/Past Simple uvijek znače slijed radnji (jedna poslije druge) dok Past Simple/Past Continuous značr dvije istovremene radnje. Primjer: When Mary arrived, we were having dinner. This means that we already started dinner before Mary arrived. When Mary arrived, we had dinner. This means that Mary arrived first and then we had dinner.
Vremenske odrednice: While, as, when. While the band was playing a mobile phone rang.
What were Mike and Louise doing yesterday?
Practice: Do you have a good memory? Are you a good witness? Directions: Look at the following picture for one minute. Try to remember as many details as you can, but don’t write anything.
Only one minute… Ready, go ….
One minute…
What do you remember? How many people were there? Where were the people? What was hanging from the ceiling? What was the bank robber holding? What was the bank robber wearing? What color was his hair? What was covering the bank robber’s face? Was the bank robber right-handed or left-handed? What was the bank manager doing? What was the bank teller doing? Who was walking into the bank? What time was it? What was under the bank manager’s desk?