Presentations w/ Visual Aids How to correctly use PPT & Talk
Audiovisual Aid- Anything that the members of your audience can see or hear that helps them understand and remember your presentation. Pictures Graphs Diagrams Slides Movie Clips
Why Aids- Audiences have a 55% increase in information learned if they have an aid. Also helps with recall of information later Think- Math class or my demonstrations with objects. It’s why I have funny pictures that relate! AND slides
Benefits of V.A. Add interest
Benefits of V.A. Simplifies complex topics
Helps audience remember your speech.
Different Types- Speaker An assistant- Objects Sounds/pictures and PPT You can show how to tie knots or do magic An assistant- Demonstrate CPR on. Objects Sounds/pictures and PPT The weatherman does it all the time.
Technology Warning! ALWAYS have back ups and make sure you practice, practice, practice so there are NO surprises. Staff Presentations
Prior Exposure- Being exposed to the visual aid prior. Have you seen it before? What was the effect? Why did the visual fail or work? Think kids of Africa.
Helpful Tips! Aid must support what you are saying
Test the size of the visual aid.
For PPT Check Legibility of text. Easy to read font DO NOT OVER LOAD SLIDE Do not read slide word for word Keep slides short Think- would I want to write this slide down
PPT Hints Do refer to PPT while facing the crowd ALWAYS face crowd Don’t block view of screen for audience members Do use slide transitions Don’t use typewriter style Do put only important info Don’t write complete sentences
PPT Correct spelling Keep the background & lettering simple and easy to read. NOT like this
This would not be a good background. It is too hard to read
Take time to do it right!
Keep animation simple Do not overload it with annoying animation. Can use other sources- like Prezi.
Maintain Eye contact with audience NOT your visual aid!
Rapid City- Going to Mt Rushmore 11 dollars You will then go on a tour of the trails around the area. Hike Harney Peak where you will take pictures along the way- Careful be wary of chip monks! Next set up Camp at Custer State Park Drive to Sullivan Lake Go Custer for an evening Meal Needles highway- to look at wildlife and have a good time. When do go hiking in Spearefish.
Why Rapid City? Outdoor Paradise! Hiking! Wildlife Sullivan Lake Harney Peak Mount Rushmore Wildlife Custer State Park Pa
This is a Sales Speech! Sell me on the trip! I need to be convinced- Pathos Ethos Logos
This is Iowa?
When Constructing Speech Word choice is Crucial!! Tell me why should I choose this place. Too often I am told here is what you do. Sell me on the place and activity! Make it sound exciting. Provide justification for decision.
Be Realistic- Do we have the time to complete all the events? Is it something we would want to do?