Presentation skills Dr. Areefa SM Albahri
Definition A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.
Good speakers/presenters are not born, they are developed. Research has shown that most people would rather die than give a speech. Giving a presentation is a skill, like driving a car. (video) It can be learned. A presentation is less formal. Its purpose is to teach something to the audience. It is used in classes, interviews, business meetings, committees or groups. A presentation is a form of communication with an audience. The object of a presentation is to transmit information and opinion to the audience in your own words, within a limited amount of time.
This called Presentation skills??? Consider: Who are the audience? What points do U want to get across? How much time have U got? What Audio-visual aids are available? Power-point projector? flip chart? Etc., This called Presentation skills??? This called Presentation skills
Presentation skills Following are the steps include in preparing effective presentation: Plan Prepare Practice Present
Preparation material You can use following items to make the content of your presentation: Handouts Personal notes Internet Visual aids
Practice Review all points what you prepare. Review with all visual aids and handouts. Practice again and again to manage time. Review in front of mirror or a friend.
GETTING STARTED Who is your audience? Begin with a reporter’s five questions of: Who, What, When, Where and Why? Who will be in the audience? Will they be colleagues, teachers, friends, children, or a mixture? Will they be male or female? Things to consider when assessing your audience: Gender, Age, Occupation, Education, Religion, Hobbies, Political Belief and Attitudes.
When will you be presenting? What are the issues or concerns of your audience? How can you address them?, what is the purpose of your presentation? When will you be presenting? In the morning the audience is alert after lunch when the audience is full and a little sleepy? --- using a little activity. Are there other speakers on the agenda? Are you first on the agenda or last?
Where will you be presenting? In an auditorium, classroom, or outside? Consider how your audience is feeling. Are they comfortable in cushioned chairs in an auditorium. Will you be speaking in a noisy area? Why have they come? What does the audience expect to gain? Information, views or to be entertained?
HAVE A STRUCTURE Have a beginning, middle and an end HAVE A STRUCTURE Have a beginning, middle and an end. The Basic presentation Write your presentation in this order: Objective Beginning or introduction Main content Summary, conclusion and recommendations Questions
Structure Write your presentation in this order: Objective Beginning or introduction Main content Summary, conclusion and recommendations Questions
Grab the audience attention content should be relevant to topic Structure Grab the audience attention Introduction Get Attention Main theme content should be relevant to topic summary/ Conclusion Key message
Pay attention to the following point before starting
Voice Louder and clear than your normal pitch. Vary pitch and volume. Over emphasis
Appearance Dark colors read as businesslike. Wear comfortable shoes to weight your feet evenly. Allow yourself to move a bit. Look confident.
Professional dress code
Professionals vs. non professionals
Style You already have a style don’t try to copy others. Use words and sentences you use in normal days. Be yourself.
How to start your presentation The first thirty seconds are probably the most important. In that period of time you must grab the attention of the audience. There are several effective opening techniques: start with a thought-provoking question controversial statement or recount a joke.
largest part of your presentation, approximately 80%. Development(Body) largest part of your presentation, approximately 80%. The body of the presentation should prove statements made in the opening. Formulate a series of points. Organize your points so as to follow one another so each point builds upon the previous one. limit the main points. State the purpose, then demonstrate, or recapitulate. Ways to demonstrate a point: Appeal to reason, cite examples, quote statistics, quote an authority, draw a comparison
Conclusion(closing) *It should be approximately 10% of your presentation. *The closing is just as important as the opening. *It should be clever, thought provoking, strong, clear and meaningful. *This is your opportunity to sum it up. Briefly summarise your main points. Answer any questions. Thank the audience for listening. Look at the audience again, smile and slow down.
Factors for successful presentation
Nerve prescription: 1. A little anxiety is good. It will improve recall, raise energy levels and make for a more focused, dynamic speech. 2. Arrive early or arrange in advance to go to the event location. This will enable you to become familiar with the setting. 3. Practice, Practice, Practice - Practice in front of family &/or friends, video tape it and review or talk in the mirror. 4. Practice using your visual aids. Know your equipment.
5. Prepare - If you know your material and 5. Prepare - If you know your material and believe in it you will be more confident and it will show in your speech. 6. Meet and Greet your audience before the program begins. Familiarity breeds comfort. 7. Take a deep breath 8. Make eye contact with friendly and/or a familiar face, as you become 9. Leave your notes on the podium. If your hands are shaking there is a chance, you will drop them. 10. Take care of yourself. Eat well and get plenty of rest. 11. Don’t eat a heavy meal just before you speak. 12. Drink plenty of water and remember to go to the rest room before your speech.
Give yourself to the audience Stay Relaxed Add Natural Humour Key Secrets of Effective Presentation: Be Prepared Give yourself to the audience Stay Relaxed Add Natural Humour Plan your Body and Hand Positions Pay attention to all details Maintain your anxiety- Never Apologize, Confess or make Excuses Give the audience all the enthusiasm you want back Get the audience involved in your presentation
It is very important that you pay attention to even the smallest details. You can never over plan. The person, who fails to plan, is actually planning for a failure