Introduction to SharePoint Site Administration at Computershare Carey Bates and Joan Thomas InfoDev, Shelton December 2005 Thank you for taking the time to come and learn about administering Sharepoint. Each of you has a unique responsibility to maintain your site effectively. What you will learn today will help you do that – with ease. For those of you who don’t know infodev..introductions… Introduce us (Joan, Catherine, me) Have people introduce themselves – go around the room. Encourage them to take note of each other, to share in the future Encourage use of discussion boards.
Agenda Overview (Demo) of SharePoint Terminology Lesson Creating with SharePoint Role(s) of an Administrator Front Page and SharePoint Customizing Your Site Workshop Sharing SharePoint Tips We have a few things on our agenda today, namely (list) The most important thing to understand is how SharePoint is used throughout the company And to harness its capabilities for use in our organization. You will learn about roles, terminology and how to use Front Page to customize your site. Is anyone unfamiliar with FrontPage? Front Page is a dynamic html editor that allows you to modify html files in code view or page view (with graphics and layout). It is a Microsoft product that supports SP, another Microsoft product. NOTE: This is not a Front Page training session, however you will learn how to access and post files, Modify site information and learn about the architecture and structure of Sharepoint file storage. You will also learn by practicing – we will have a workshop in which you will have some hands-on time to apply and try what you have learned. CANDY INCENTIVE: Who has a tip to share with us on how you manage information on your site? Who would like to show us your favorite area on your site?
Overview of SharePoint Sites Overview of Navigational Buttons Highlight 3 sites (Development , InfoDev, and PM) Subweb Overview Each of our sites is a subweb of the main portal When a new site is created, roles and rights are assigned When using same rights as parent, all users from the top-level site are authenticated to the subweb Convention used: AMERICAS\smithj Basic Navigation Review of storage (document libraries) Lists Components Tour first, then Create Sequence, then repeat for create First, show clutter, then solution (i.e., front end page) Sites: Each site has navigational buttons – to make it easier for you to navigation around SP (JMT shows) There are three sites in particular that are using “front end pages” – where information is compiled in a separate html page, But referenced on the main page easily. This method makes it easy to manage information without clutter. <SHOW Clutter of TWP document library on INFODEV. SHOW TWP Front-end page that summarizes key current deliverables> <How many of you have become so frustrated with Sharepoint b/c….?> Subwebs: What is a subweb? A subweb is a website that is branched off of but connected to the main site. Each department has their own subweb. You can view existing subwebs (and their URLs) under Site Administration. Which leads to one of your jobs as a site administrator: Assigning roles and rights to individuals or groups **As a manager, you have a site and need rights. Anyone else needs to ask their manager. (Go into Site Administration (which they will have access to) and show the subweb list) Also show them roles and rights. Explain roles briefly. **Note** each person that signs up for this class will need admin rights assigned You can create a subweb off the subweb, however we recommend using front end pages for multiple subject areas within a subweb. It is easier to maintain and less confusing as sites and posting increase in number. Basic Navigation: Overview of toolbar (Document libraries (how to create a new one and post to it), Lists, Discussion Boards, Site Settings) You will use the site settings option the most as an administrator. Lists – you can create custom lists, or a list of links (for example, reference material for a team and a new project)
Terminology Lesson Main Site Discussion Boards Lists Navigational Buttons Announcements Discussion Boards Used by teams to communicate (i.e., Development's Code Base) and share ideas. Lists Created to organize information (i.e., a list of links) The Contacts component is a customized list Document Libraries Created for projects or teams that want to post documents Typically, document libraries are organized by project or team. (JMT – you’re on the hook to drive) Main Site Navigational Buttons – each project or department has a button that links to their subweb. The navigational buttons are static and can only be changed by a site administrator The buttons are displayed on each page (with the exception of Front end pages) Announcements You use the Announcements area to announce items to your team. If you do not have the announcements component on your team’s page, you can add it <DEMO>(Site Settings, Customize Home page layout – demo how to move a component to the page and Save) Discussion Boards Used by teams to communicate (i.e., Development's Code Base) and share ideas. <DEMO: TWP CODEBASE> Lists Created to organize information (i.e., a list of links) The Contacts component is a customized list You use lists to organize common information (i.e., name & contact info, or links related to a project) Lists that you create are saved to the SP server for reference and use <DEMO: show where the lists are, using InfoDev as eg demo removal/add of contacts component) Document Libraries Document libraries provide the backbone for document and file stores on SP Using file names and descriptions <CB – PRINT OUT SOME EXAMPLES and HAND OUT> Created for projects or teams that want to post documents Typically, document libraries are organized by project or team on a particular subweb
Creating with SharePoint Creating a Site (Subweb) Using the following URL, I am going to create these items in SharePoint: Adding a subweb Managing Users Assigning Roles Adding Document Libraries Creating a Site (Subweb) We are going to use what we learned in the overview to see how it works. Use the following URL to accomplish the tasks below: Add a subweb – demo (use Technical Documentation) Managing Users & assigning roles – add a user (keelingc) as advanced author Adding Document Libraries – go to site created and click documents Add a document library (Database Designs Docs)
Role(s) of an Administrator Posting Information Announcements Creating Views (handout) Development Site - Hydrogen Project Link Setting Up Users Assigning roles and rights Site Organization Document libraries for file storage Front-end pages for organizing information Example: InfoDev's Front-end page for TWP Making Changes Administrator privileges Posting Information You can use the Announcements functionality to make announcements to your group. This is a great way to keep team members updated on an area of mutual interest. CANDY INCENTIVE: How many of you know how to post documents to SharePoint? If everyone knows, do not demo If one knows how and wants to demo, invite them to show it for an incentive. Setting up users You will be responsible for assigning roles and rights to members of your team that want to participate in discussions You will also be responsible for adding new users (i.e., new employees) that will need access to the information on your site. (By default, all users have browser access from the main site level, however some individuals will need privileges to post or Participate in discussion boards.) Organizing Your Site Document Libraries provide the primary means of document storage on SP For example, you create a document library for a team (i.e., EES) All documents related to that project are posted to the Document Library. You can then create a front-end page (using front page) that references those documents that are posted to the document library. This eliminates the confusion of users having to search or enter into a Document Library that has many, many files. By creating a front-end page, you are giving them the information they need up front (i.e., the TWP page (show)) Making Changes As the administrator for your site, you have the rights to change anything on the site A common change is the customization of the Home page Layout Site Settings > Customize Home Page Layout Here, you can drag and drop existing components (or lists) into the center or right columns of your Page. Click OK to view the page.
Front Page and SharePoint Basic Overview Use of Front Page as an HTML editing tool Use of menus Use of code Folder Structure Overview of folder structure at site level Default.htm Graphics storage and referencing Functionality Inserting Rows and Columns Inserting Web Components Adding Images Adding a New Link EDIT WITH FRONT PAGE MENU OPTION AND THAT IS IT! NO TIME. Question: Who knows Front Page and/or HTML? Front page is the primary editing tool we use with SP. If you know html, you are certainly welcome to use a different editor. Before we go off on a tangent, it is important to understand the basics of how Front page and SP interface. Go to the InfoDev page (this is going to be a TOUR) Demo File, edit with microsoft front page. Show folder structure and Explain the default.htm file (how it is important to back it up prior to making a change) Explain that if they mess up the default.htm, they will have to contact Chicago to restore the File from the nightly backup…which can take time. Explain graphics and file folder storage. How html code must reference graphics correctly, etc Folder Structure All document libraries are indicated by a folder At each site level, you see the folders Functionality Inserting Rows and Columns – demo Layout Tables briefly Inserting Web Components – insert a component Adding Images – show how to add an image via page view Adding a New Link – show how to add a link via page view (problem is, I’m used to doing it through the code…so I’ll have to practice this!)
Customizing Your Site Use of Front-end pages Use of Components (i.e., Lists) to organize a page Use of Layout Tables in Front page (recommended for formatting) Adding graphics Customizing and creating views You can customize your site using: Front-end pages Components Layout Tables in Front Page Graphics Customizing Views At this point, you’ve learned about everything except using views. Views are categories that you can create and assign to document postings. Once created and you have documents posted with an affiliation to a particular view, You can then select the view (in the left pane) to sort on just the document in that view. (PASS AROUND HANDOUT – DON”T GO TOO DEEPLY INTO THIS) This is one of the nicest organizational features of SP
Workshop 15 minute session on creating a front-end page using the following URL: Ask Questions Links and references to SharePoint doc/reference material are available on the InfoDev portal page. Class will access the following site: Each attendee will be authenticated here as an administrator (once class list is set). I will have a handout for this workshop. I will send it around to you all on Monday. (Sharepoint Administrator Workshop.doc) The following will also be distributed: Examples of file naming conventions (basic guidance) Tanya’s QRG for Creating Views Create a subweb. Create a News List (add 2 items) Make sure it is visible on the main page (Customize Home page setup) Create a links list (add 2 links) Create a document library and post 5 of their own docs, creating 2 additional columns for display) Add announcements and contacts Create a document library. Post something into it.
SharePoint Tips Group Discussion: How will your group use SharePoint? What people in your group will most likely use the various functions? Which ones?