HADITH “Cleanliness is one half of religion” “The key to Paradise is Salah and the key to Salah is cleanliness” HADITH
2 types of Cleanliness Major Cleanliness Minor Cleanliness Ghusl Wudhu
Key Words Mustahab – Desirable Act Fard – Compulsory Commanded by Allah Not a Muslim, if not carried out Major sin if left out on purpose Mustahab – Desirable Act No harm or punishment if its not carries out But a person gets reward for doing it Sunnah – An act carried out by the Prophet Reward for carrying out a Sunnah act No sin for not carrying it out
Four Fard acts in Wudhu All acts done once Wash the whole face Wash both hands up to and including the elbows Masah of a quarter of the head Wash both feet up to and including the ankles All acts done once
12 Sunnah acts in Wudhu Intention Miswak Begin with Bismillah Wash hands to wrist 3 times Rinsing mouth 3 times Cleaning nose 3 times Combining of the fingers Washing 3 times. Once is compulsory Continuously, wash a part before the previous one dries Wiping the whole head Wiping the ears Doing whudu in order Starting with the right side
Desirable acts in Wudhu Face the Kaabah Sit on a high place To do wudhu in a clean place Wipe the neck once only Read Bismillah before every act
Undesirable REMEMBER NOT TO DO THIS: Not to be wasteful Not to splash water Not to talk
Things that Break Wudhu Going to the toilet Vomiting Injury on the skin to make the blood flow Ear or nose bleed Sleeping on the side or back Fainting Laughing during praying salah
“Who ever does wudhu like my wudhu then prays two units……his sins will be forgiven” HADITH