CERNER MILLENNIUM Message Documentation This demonstration reviews how to document a communication, such as a telephone call or message to other USA providers & staff. You can also create brief between-visit clinical notes in this fashion. This has been prepared for Millennium code level 2015.01.15 & mPage 6.0. Subsequent updates may display cosmetic & functional changes. Use the keyboard or mouse to advance.
Users will often need to document communications or other between-encounter notes about a patient—e.g., notes about a telephone call to a patient, or a brief note to another USA provider or staff member. To begin, if you don’t already have the patient’s chart open, search for the patient by typing name or MRN into the search box.
Further refine your search if necessary, then hit Enter or click Search.
Click on the desired patient at the top, & you’ll see a list of encounters at the bottom. You should always see an encounter labeled AAA Message; if necessary, click on the Enc Type column heading to sort it to the top. Double click the AAA Message encounter (or select & click OK).
If you don’t already have an established relationship with the patient, select one. (Different users may see different options.) The chart opens.
On the toolbar, click the Communicate button On the toolbar, click the Communicate button. The dropdown arrow on the right lets you choose to go directly into a few options, like message, reminder, or letter. For this example, select Message.
The New Message window opens The New Message window opens. There are several intuitive options here, which we’ll briefly review. For starters, notice that if you hadn’t already selected the patient, you could perform the patient search from here.
If you’re just leaving a note on the chart, leave the To field blank If you’re just leaving a note on the chart, leave the To field blank. If you’re communicating with another provider or staff member, or you just want to call the note to the attention of someone else, search for that user. Type at least part of the name & click the binoculars button.
Complete your search. Select the desired recipient, then click Add to move into the Send to box on the right. You can select multiple recipients, or a user pool. When done, click OK.
Clicking Include me sends a copy to yourself, e. g Clicking Include me sends a copy to yourself, e.g., to make this a reminder to yourself. You can also CC others. If this is intended to be a note on the chart, click Save to Chart. It will appear on documentation lists, just like encounter notes. If it is just a communication to another user you don’t want saved to chart, leave this unchecked. If you wish, you can also click the As dropdown list to select how it will be categorized. Change the Subject line if desired.
Enter your message; you can type, use AutoText, or Dragon voice recognition. You have access to font formatting tools as desired. There are Actions checkboxes that may sometimes be handy.
If Due date is germane, you can select that; otherwise just leave it blank. (Remind on doesn’t really do anything of significance.) When done, click Send.
Notes like this usually don’t appear on the Documents list you’ll see on a workflow tab (AKA mPage). To see them, click Documentation on the Table of Contents.
Click on the note to review it. The Notes item on the Table of Contents provides similar functionality.
You can also see it under your Sent Items in Message Center.
Note that sending in a prescription is a common activity as a result of an after-hours call. You can electronically prescribe meds on the AAA Message encounter just like any other encounter.