Immigration and Urbanization Chapter 5 Vocab Immigration and Urbanization
New Immigrants People who immigrated to the US beginning in the 1870s. Typically from S. and E. Europe, were typically unskilled, poor, Catholic or Jewish, and likely to settle in cities.
Ellis Island A small island in New York Harbor that served as the processing center for immigrants arriving on the east coast after 1892.
Angel Island Processing center for immigrants arriving to the west coast of the US after 1910.
Nativism A preference for native-born people and a desire to limit immigration.
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882-This law barred Chinese immigration for 10 years and prevented the Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens. Renewed in 1892, and made permanent in 1902 it was not repealed until 1943.
Urbanization Rise in the number of people living in cities at the turn of the century.
Tenements Low cost multi-family housing designed to squeeze in as many families as possible.
Spoils System/ Patronage Government jobs go to supporters of the winning party in an election. Many people believe that this system prevents the government from addressing the nation’s issues and corrupts those who work fro the government.
Pendleton Civil Service Act Creates a Civil Service Commission to make rules about how people gain Civil Service jobs. Under the Pendleton Act, candidates competed for jobs through examinations, and appointments could only be made from the list of people who took the exams. Once appointed, a civil service official could not be removed for political reasons.