Time and Labor/Absence Management Your guide to processing Payroll Forms
Time and Labor Entering or correcting time, correcting earnings codes or combo codes: Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet The Reports to Position Number is the position number of the supervisor logging in. By selecting Get Employees will display employees reporting to the Reports to Position number. Other search criteria can be used such as emplid or name.
Time and Labor Enter the punch information as appropriate. The Quantity field can also be used for a total number of hours per day. The Time Reporting Code (TRC also known as Earnings Code) can be changed to work study (H14) or call back pay (H12) if applicable or the combo code (funding source) can be overridden. Click Submit. A timesheet can only be approved upon clicking Submit. Do not use the Approve, Deny or Push Back buttons on this page. These actions will take place on another page.
Time and Labor This navigation is to the page that Time should be Approved on. No changes to time are made on this page. Navigation: Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Reported Time
Time and Labor Enter the desired date or leave as the current date. The View By can be changed by clicking on the drop down. USEFUL TIP: Changing the View By to All Time Before to the current date will display hours that need to be approved for the pay period since NDUS pays on a payroll lag. Or change the date to the beginning of the pay period and leave the View by set to Week. Hourly employees have view only access to their timesheets. Supervisors are expected to make the changes on behalf of the employee.
Time and Labor Select each row or click Select All to choose all rows at once and take action. The supervisor can Approve, Deny or Push Back to the employee.
Time and Labor non-exempt employees Remember, this only needs to be done on weeks when the employee works in excess of 40 hours. Navigation: Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time & Exceptions > Reported Time On this page, the supervisor can Approve, Deny, or Push Back reported overtime/comp time. Choose the correct date from the drop down. Useful Tip: use the first day of the pay period. Click Refresh or Get Employees. Click Employee to Review.
Time and Labor Click Select All and choose to Approve, Deny or Push Back to the employee. Any of the actions taken by the supervisor will result in an email to the employee.
Absence Management Approving, Denying and Pushing Back NavBar > Navigator > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Absence Requests A list of all pending approvals will display. Choose one employee’s request by clicking on the hyperlinked name.
Absence Management Review for accuracy and choose the “Approve” button.
Absence Management Viewing absence request history NavBar > Navigator > Manager Self Service > Time Management > View Time > Absence Request History This will display a list of employees reporting to you. (Employee’s reporting to you is populated automatically by the system via Job Data “Reports To” field.) The Transaction Effective Date will default to today’s date. This date can be changed once you are in the “Absence Request History Page” of the selected employee. **This is also the page the employee will use to EDIT a push back or denied request.
If you need assistance: Hires, JDC’s, Terms – Heidi 7-4988, Misty 7-6124, Tyler 7-4194 Hires, TLAB, I-9’s. One Time Add Pays – Anita 7-2163 TLAB, Retros – Trish 7-6973 Multiple Add Pays, TLAB, BCOMM Setup, Hires, Forms – Joanne 7-2156 Applitrack, Recruitment, Position Descriptions – Peggy 7-4802 Criminal History Background Checks – Tyler 7-4194