1 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs What if you were able to see the Moon and its hidden face, in the same time?
2 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs What if your whole network could be visible from a single platform?
3 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs The way things should be… We can help you achieve that
4 … and Roll-Out IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs a tool for Telecom Networks Inventory
5 a simple tool for complex needs IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs
6 Netvision functionalities Google Maps GIS (Geographical Information System) Site access details with descriptions and photos Site Audits & Panoramic pictures Drawings storage and approval flow Line of Sight planning and reporting Project and Roll-Out management Network inventory (all equipments installed on site) Link & Circuit planning and provisioning tool Radio Data Any other tailor-made development
7 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Google Maps GIS (Geographical Information System) A Google Maps API combined with a system of layers and filters allow displaying the desired combination of Sites, Links, LoS Links, Circuits, Planned Work Events and Upgrades, based on each elements pre-defined parameters (status, capacity, technology, etc.).
8 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Site access details with descriptions and photos When hoovering over a Site or clicking on a Link, a contextual menu allows direct access to the elements attributes (structured into several layers), as well as the initiation of basic operations.
9 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Site access details with descriptions and photos Easily accessible information about Site details and access procedures allow saving I&C and Maintenance costs. Site Engineers will spend less time trying to get access to equipments, into relatively complex/unknown environments.
10 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Site Audits Customizable Site Audit reports (for any purpose), with photos and descriptions, exportable in PDF files.
11 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Panoramic photos Direct access to site Panoramic pictures, for Radio or Transmission purposes. An unlimited number of sets of Panoramics can be taken and stored in the application, in order to keep up to date with the environment changes or the need of install equipments at different heights.
12 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Drawings storage and approval flow Site drawings passing through different stages (Draft, Lease Sketch, Detailed Design, Build Permit, As Built) can be stored with their respective revisions. A client-specific approval process can be defined, so that each concerned department (Built, Health & Safety, Radio, Transmission) give their feedback and approve or reject the architects proposals.
13 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Line of Sight planning and reporting For networks using Microwave technologies, a Line of Sight application module handles the process of requesting, scheduling, reporting and accepting LoS Surveys. - Important gains in quality, efficiency and signifficant cost savings - 2m vertical accuracy of terrain database (for Western Europe), able to detect obstacles such as pylons, trees, buildings in the path (ref.:
14 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Line of Sight planning and reporting A typical Line of Sight report, with Zoom-In, Zoom-Medium & Zoom- Out photos from each end. Interactivity between planners and surveyors, by means of a forum- like sub-module where discussions can be hold between parties, to clarify aspects of the job. Reports can be exported in PDF, for supervision, external partners or client- reporting reasons.
15 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Project and Roll-Out management Each site of the network can be assigned to one or several projects (swaps, technology upgrades, health & safety reviews, preemptive maintenance, etc.) Project activities are defined by the Project Manager and assigned to teams, while the activity owner reports directly through Netvision the status of each task, per site, per project.
16 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Network inventory (all equipments installed on site) Site Floorplans (extracted from drawing files) are used as background layer for adding planned/installed objects through the browser interface. Virtually unlimited classes of objects can be defined and handled, such as Cabinets, Feeders, Power Equipments, Cable Trays, DDFs. Clicking on an object opens the objects detailed view, allowing management of further lower hyerarchy objects.
17 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Network inventory (all equipments installed on site) Example: The view of an indoor cabinet with its available units. Each equipment installed will use a pre-defined number of units. Planners and Installers using the same common platform will be able to accurately track all existing equipments and available space, for further network planning and maintenance.
18 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Network inventory (all equipments installed on site) The equipments and data inventory goes from Floorplans to as low as virtual circuits over Radio, Transmission, or IP interfaces. It looks pretty much like an equipment Management System or OSS and can be linked, on request, with such systems, for reporting purposes, for example.
19 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Link & Circuit planning and provisioning tool MW Link budget calculators such as IQ Link, Connect, Tems, Pathloss, are mainly designed to be used by planning departments. Netvision fills the gap between Planning, I&C and Operations, by making the Planned information and Installation/Operations reports available in the same platform.
20 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Link & Circuit planning and provisioning tool Example: A link budget introduced in Netvision will contain a lot more info (like dish and modems positions) than any link budget generated by a Planning Tool (IQ Link, Tems). The same Link Budget (to be viewed as a « work order ») will be populated with I&C information, and could become an acceptance document. Signifficant cost savings in terms of efficiency can be achieved.
21 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Radio Data module The Radio Data module handles the planning of all Radio parameters, per site, per technology (DCS, EGSM, 3G, LTE), down to Cell level. Successive configurations are saved as versions, allowing for structured history keeping.
22 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Radio Data – Drive Test Post-processed drive test data can be stored in the application, enhanced by the accessibility and user-friendlyness of Google Maps API. Correlation with the Planned Works / Upgrades module, so Drive Tests can be simply requested as Work Orders and the Subcontractor notified automatically of the new request.
23 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Any other tailor-made development Most tailor-made features, as per customers requirements can be developed in the following (estimate) timeframes: -Low complexity (adding fields in DB, datafixing, search options, etc.) – 2 working days -Medium complexity (creation of new managed objects, search forms, etc.) – 1 week -High complexity (modelling new business concepts, introduction of new managed technologies) – 1 month
24 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Pricing model 1.Sold as a monthly invoiceable hosted service 2.No initial set-up fee (if a minimum 1 Year contract is signed) 3.Basic platform provided; modules (options) to be activated, depending on Clients neccessities. 4.Scalability - Approximate cost of a « Testing environment » of 100 Sites (with the corresponding Links, LoS, Projects) will be around 2.000/month, all modules (options) included - Approx. cost of a « Full-size environment » of Sites will be around 2.000/month, with the basic options active - Approx. cost of the « Full-size, full-options » solution, for Sites, will be around /month 5.Upgrades and Developments that add intrinsic value to the application are provided free of charge 6.Customer-specific developments – to be quoted separately
25 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs Pricing model - simulations See attached spreadsheet for price simulations: - only modify yellow cells
26 IMK Consulting Simple tools for complex needs THANK YOU! For further details or commercial inqueries, please contact: 0032/485/ /747/