Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates MOS 42A – Human Resources Specialist Advanced Individual Training / MOS-T Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates
TLO 3.0 – Strength Accountability ELO 3.1 – Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates LESSON OUTCOME: Students will gain a basic understanding of the HR key function Personnel Accountability. Students will gain a basic understanding of the purpose, content, format, and processing of the AAA-162 and AAA-342. Student will demonstrate their ability to input personnel accountability transactions in eMILPO and generate reports. Army Learning Area (ALA) – General Learning Outcome (GLO’s) ALA Human Dimension – GLO 7 ALA Professional Competence – GLO 13 & 14 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Direct / Interactive Instruction METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Structured overview Demonstration Drill and Practice Practical Exercises ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162), Unit Personnel Accountability Notice (AAA-165), Alpha Roster (AAA-342), AR 600-8-6 (Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting), AR 630-10 (AWOL, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings), eMILPO Functional Guide/Users Manual, access to the eMILPO Training Database, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. STANDARD: Perform the following with 70% accuracy: 1. Process strength related updates to maintain accountability of all personnel. 2. Identify corrective actions required to resolve the AAA-165 Unit Personnel Accountability Notices. 3. Reconcile out-of-balance strength conditions on the AAA-162 Unit Personnel Accountability Report. ACADEMIC HOURS: 10.0 LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson introduction Personnel accountability overview Personnel accountability eMILPO transactions eMILPO Unit Personnel Accountability Reports AHRS Enterprise Datastore ASSESSMENT Practical exercises. Students are required to complete a knowledge-based assessment delivered via the Blackboard Academic Suite and obtain a passing score of 70% or higher. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 3: WHERE IS?
Learning Objective ACTION: Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to the eMILPO training database, a Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162), Unit Personnel Accountability Notice (AAA-165), Alpha Roster (AAA-342), supporting documents (orders, 4187, DA Form 31, etc), AR 600-8-6, AR 630-10, and the Electronic Military Personnel Office Field User’s Guide, Version 4.7.5. STANDARD: Perform the following with 70% accuracy: 1. Process strength related updates to maintain accountability of all personnel. 2. Identify corrective actions required to resolve the AAA-165 Unit Personnel Accountability Notices. 3. Reconcile out-of-balance strength conditions on the AAA-162 Unit Personnel Accountability Report.
Overview Personnel Accounting
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the Arrival Functions.
1 Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. 2 Type the SSN 9CL0657SN and click “Add” 3 Click “Search” 4 Select PFC BRESHEARS and click “OK”
4 Select PFC BRESHEARS and click “Save” Enter all necessary Data to complete the Soldier Arrival Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
1. Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. 2. Type the SSN 9CL0011SN and click “Add” 3. Click “Search” 4. Select SPC Fuentes and click “OK” Click “OK” to Proceed
Enter all necessary Data to complete the OCONUS Arrival Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu. Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the Summary page.
# 8 1 Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. Click “OK” to Proceed 4 Select SPC Fuentes and click “OK” 1 Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. 2 Type the SSN 9CL3266SN and click “Add” 3 Click “Search” # 8 8
Enter all necessary Data to complete the Soldier Arrival Date Correction Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the Summary page. Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
1 Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. 2 Type the SSN 9CL3266SN and click “Add” 3 Click “Search” 4 Select PV2 Abell and click “OK” Click “OK” to Proceed
Click “Save” and the system will display a confirmation message.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the Attachment Functions.
1 Use the drop down to select SSN for the Search Criteria. 2 Type the SSN 9CL3283SN and click “Add” 3 Click “Search” 4 Select SGT Herod and click “OK” Click “OK” to Proceed
Enter all necessary Data to complete the Attach Soldier transaction. Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the Attachment Listing page.
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
4 Select PFC Kolb, SPC Laritgue, and SPC Macias, then click “OK” 1 Use the drop down to select UIC for the Search Criteria. 2 Type the UIC WKCLSN and click “Add” 3 Click “Search” Click “OK” to Proceed
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu. Enter all necessary Data to complete the Mass Attachment transaction. Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the Mass Attachment Summary page.
Select Add Duty Status and click “Submit”
Click “Save” the system will display the Duty Status Listing.
Note the new Duty Status entry. Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the Patient Tracking.
Select the radio button for SPC Crisler’s history. Click “OK” The system will then display the Patient Tracking History – Soldier Data page.
Click “Close” 2 times to return to the Main Menu.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the Reserve Component Accounting Functions.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the DFR/DFS Functions.
Click “Save” The system will then display the Dropped from Rolls or Strength Soldier Data page. The system will then display the DFR/DFS Summary page.
Enter all necessary Data to complete the DFR/DFS transaction. Click “Save” to save the current record.
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
Click “Save” The system will then display the Dropped from Rolls or Strength Soldier Data page.
Enter all necessary Data to complete the DFR/DFS transaction Enter all necessary Data to complete the DFR/DFS transaction. Click”Save”
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the Transition/Loss Functions.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the PCS Departure Functions.
Click “Save” to save the current record Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the PCS Departures Summary page. Enter all necessary Data to complete the PCS Departure transaction
Click “Close” to return to the Main Menu.
Note: This information will display as read only. Click “Save” to save the current record. The system will then display the Revoke PCS Departures Summary page. Note: This information will display as read only. Note: Click “YES” to proceed.
Click “Close” to return to main menu.
Click the “Plus” sign to expand the RA Strength Functions.
Select Report
Army Human Resources Systems (AHRS) AKO LOG-IN You will have to provide a User ID and password when logging into the AHRS portal Enter your User ID and password given out by the Instructor User Login for all students is “cXX.sXX” Substitute XX with student number.
Accessing AHRS Enterprise Datastore Select “OK” to continue
Accessing AHRS Enterprise Datastore Select “Continue” to access COGNOS Main Menu
COGNOS (Datastore) Main Menu Click here to change to Details View 5. The “Details View” displays the Public Folders in a different format and allows the user another alternative to access all or a specific folder. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 56: DETAILS VIEW.
Details View Reports Link
Personnel Accountability Click the Personnel Accountability Link
Click the AAA-342 Alpha Roster link Access AAA-342 Report 3 Click the AAA-342 Alpha Roster link You may see a window that tells you that “Your Report is Running” while your list of UICs is built.
Select Display Children UIC Hierarchy Select Your UIC Select Display Children Select MPC
Perform Unit Strength Reconciliation MOS 42A – Human Resources Specialist Advanced Individual Training / MOS-T Perform Unit Strength Reconciliation
2 1
Situation You are the new EMILPO human resources specialist for W8CLSN. You are replacing a Soldier that departed on emergency PCS three weeks ago. Your first order of business is to clean out your distribution box. You encounter the following situations:
Situation #1 You receive PCS orders on Specialist Fuentes. After a review of SPC Fuentes’ leave form (DA Form 31), and the personnel register (DA 647), you find that SPC Fuentes has departed on PCS. In fact, SPC Fuentes departed two weeks ago.
Departure 9CL3266SN Losing UIC: W8CLSN Departure Date: 14 Days ago Gaining UIC: W0CLSN MDC: NZ Type: RD Reason: AC TDY Days: 0 Leave Days: 5
Situation #2 You receive PCS orders on Sergeant Herod. After a review of SGT Herod’s leave form (DA Form 31), and the personnel register (DA 647), you find that SGT Herod Fuentes has departed on PCS. SGT Herod departed eight days ago.
Departure 9CL3283SN Losing UIC: W8CLSN Departure Date: 8 Days ago Gaining UIC: W0CLSN MDC: NZ Type: RD Reason: AC TDY Days: 0 Leave Days: 7
Situation You are the EMILPO human resource specialist for (W0CLSN). You have returned from leave and distribution has piled up in your inbox. Your first order of business is to clean out your distribution box to ensure zero strength deviation. You encounter the following situations:
Situation #3 You received PCS orders and a Leave form (DA Form 31), on Specialist Fuentes. SPC Fuentes signed in on the personnel register (DA Form 647) over a week ago. You review the AAA-162 and see that SPC Fuentes must be added.
Arrival 9CL3266SN Assignment Type: Local CONUS Arrival Date: Today’s Date Gaining UIC: W0CLSN MDC: NZ
at. From the main menu, have soldier expand the Arrival menu and click Soldier Arrival. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 96: SOLDIER ARRIVAL-SOLDIER SELECTION.
ay. Have students selecte the SSN, click Search, select SPC Fuentes and click OK. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 98: SOLDIER ARRIVAL-SOLDIER DATA.
ba. Ensure that all soldiers are at the Soldier Arrival – Summary screen. Have soldiers click Close to return to the Main Menu. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 100: SITUATION #4.
Situation #4 You receive PCS orders on Sergeant Herod. After a review of SGT Herod’s leave form (DA Form 31), and the personnel register (DA 647). You find that SGT Herod signed in to his unit five days ago.
Arrival 9CL3283SN Assignment Type: Local CONUS Arrival Date: Today’s Date Gaining UIC: W0CLSN MDC: NZ
Situation #5 A Soldier of your battalion has been attached to another unit for training, administrative actions, and pay. Using supporting documents, the attached unit has verified that the soldier has arrived and signed in on the DA Form 647 (Personnel Register).
br. Have Soldiers select Add Attachment and click Submit. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 109: ATTACH SOLDIERS-SOLDIER DATA.
SITUATION #6 You have also received a DA Form 4187 requiring SGT McGuinnes, 9CL4363SN to be added as an attachment.
SITUATION Normally DA Form 4187s are the source documents used to update a Soldier’s duty status, however, a DA Form 31 can serve the same purpose in lieu of the DA Form 4187 since it also changes the duty status of a Soldier.
Duty Status SSN: 9CL4367SN CURRENT DUTY STATUS: PRESENT FOR DUTY NEW DUTY STATUS: ORDINARY LEAVE TODAY’S DATE KOBLOS, AMY DA Form 31 is Used in Lieu of DA Form 4187 to change leave duty status
AAA-162 Compare the beginning and the ending totals of the AAA-162 for W0CLSN
AAA-162 Compare the beginning and the ending totals of the AAA-162 for W8CLSN
Learning Objective ACTION: Process Personnel Strength Accountability Updates CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to the eMILPO training database, a Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162), Unit Personnel Accountability Notice (AAA-165), Alpha Roster (AAA-342), supporting documents (orders, 4187, DA Form 31, etc), AR 600-8-6, AR 630-10, and the Electronic Military Personnel Office Field User’s Guide, Version 4.7.5. STANDARD: Perform the following with 70% accuracy: 1. Process strength related updates to maintain accountability of all personnel. 2. Identify corrective actions required to resolve the AAA-165 Unit Personnel Accountability Notices. 3. Reconcile out-of-balance strength conditions on the AAA-162 Unit Personnel Accountability Report.