GÉANT Planned Topology LV EE LT SE UK PL IE 10Gbps IL NL BE LU 2.5 Gbps FR DE CZ ES SK 34 - 622 Mbps PT CH IT HU AT RO BG GR SI HR CY
GÉANT current status Accpeted Under test Delivered LV EE LT SE UK PL NL BE LU Under test FR DE CZ ES SK Delivered PT CH IT HU AT RO SI
Issues Surprisingly few issues with 10G or 2.5G circuits Most problems to do with PoP setup, Gigabit Ethernet connections, modems etc...
European Distributed Access 2x 2.5Gbps between GÉANT and New York London, Frankfurt 60 Hudson, next to ESNET to connect Abilene, Esnet, Canarie to GÉANT. Circuits and routers being ordered now RFS 21 December 2001
UK GÉANT DE 111 8th Ave. Canarie 622M 622M ESNET M-20 GÉANT M-160 2.5G Abilene switch GÉANT GE DE 2.5G Abilene GSR 60 Hudson
Commodity IP tender 14 responses, down to last 4 interconnection in Europe DE, ES, IT will have connectivity delivered in country Other countries will use GÉANT as transit Minimise use of GÉANT for commodity!
Updated technology rodmap