NDIS & Housing: How do we house “the Other 94%?” 19 April 2018 Joseph Connellan MC Two Pty Ltd
Session Structure Session Chair: Joseph Connellan Presentation 1: Overview NDIS & Housing Joseph Connellan, Consultant, MC Two Pty Ltd Presentation 20 Minutes Questions/Comments 10 minutes Presentation 2: Support Provider View Pascale Dreyer, NDIS Transition Advisor, National Disability Services Presentation 3: Developers View Dan McLennan, CEO, Summer Housing
NDIS Funded Brick & Mortar Vs Non funded
NDIS Participants Housing Demand Portable & adequate NDIS support means Housing Demand (Mike Allen) 90,000 people Less Growth (SDA) 14,000 people ------------------ Equals Unmet Demand (Social Housing) 76,000 people Victoria Demand (Social Housing) 5,000 to 10,000? NDIS funds for social housing brick and mortar (beyond home modification) $0 Problem? Opportunity?
NDIS: Biggest Social Reform 40 years Charitable -> commercial response From Govt/Non Govt Organisations (NGO) -> private/NGO Government managed regional catchment -> national market Staff from Government functions -> NGO, Private Sector Government Allocation -> Client via marketing Mental Health & Disability Services -> Combined in NDIS
NDIS Evolution Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Status Quo Rationed Supply Aspirational Choice & Control Pragmatic Reasonable & Necessary Rules Insurance Practice
Housing People with a Disability The Three Legged Stool The Other 94% SIL IHS SDA
6. Housing Segments for People with a Disability 100,000+ NDIS participants in Victoria will live in diverse housing settings SSA/ SDA High Needs non SSA Public & Community Housing Private Rental Private Ownership (inc at home with parents & granny flats) The Other 94%
Access to SSA Vs SDA Housing Component Old System Housing & support combined = Accessed through DSR New System Housing & support separate ..SDA higher requirement to access than SSA Not everyone who gets Supported Independent Living (SIL) gets Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Respite Disability Wait List Housing + Support = Accommodation Long Wait/ Crisis Shared Supported Accommodation (SSA) Group Houses Enrol in NDIS Direct Application Supported Independent Living (SIL) Disability Services Wait List Various Vacancy Coordination Investigating Housing Solutions (IHIS) Priority Govt SDA (in Kind) Housing Component NGO & private SDA Access non SDA Non SDA Options
NDIS Policy for non SDA Numbers on one site/under one roof 5 or less under one roof 15 or less in 1 & 2 person units on one site 10 or less in 3, 4,5 person units on one site Separation of Housing and Support Management not ownership Ok in transition Choice of support provider Might need to be shared support
Access to Victorian Social Housing Thousands of NDIS participants: Via the Victorian Housing Register Most qualify for Social Housing - Priority Access Mechanism Supported Housing NDIS named as a support program Made via organisation that provides support (Homeless & Disability). Most NDIS support providers unaware of process Will change with knowledge and funded advocacy from NDIS sector (inc LAC)
Reason for Developing & Managing NDIS Housing Mission Better Support Profit Economic Develop
For Housing & Support Roles What role or combinations of roles do you wish to play? Developer Owner Housing Manager Support Provider Housing for NDIS Participants
Housing Projects for people with a disability Every housing project Key components, number of elements/options often on a continuum Built on 30+ years of successful innovation especially in Victoria 7 questions to understand elements and innovation: What Use(s) in the project? What numbers in what Configuration? What is property impact of Supports? How Accessible are the dwellings? Who was the project Developer? What was Cost and Funding? Who Manages? Use(s) Configuration Supports Developer Manager Cost & Funds Accessibility
How to Answer “What Should We Do?” Mission Better Support Profit Economic Develop 1.Why? 2. What Roles in what Segments? 3. What sort of Project? Roles SDA High Needs Non-SDA Social Housing Private Rental Private Owner Information & Advocacy Developer Owner Housing Manager
Conclusion The Other 94% - Problem? Opportunity? NDIS = People with disability getting adequate & portable support at scale Housing requires whole of community solutions Needs scaled up models and system Can be built on proven innovation Including funding for housing planning Housing people with a disability is community housing’s History Core Business Opportunity Now is Mission Time. Time to lead Time to walk beside Time to get your hands dirty Questions/Comments Joseph Connellan MC Two Pty Ltd E: joseph.connellan@gmail.com M: 0438 388 444