Courtesy of Elisabeth M. Cramer, "Early Erythroblastic Leukemia." Blood Volume 94(10):3365-3365 November 15, 1999 ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Early erythroblastic leukemia. Early erythroblastic leukemia. This leukemic blast cell displays typical ultrastructure. The nucleus contains mainly euchromatin and prominent nucleolus structures. Characteristic granules called θ granules (θ) because they resemble the greek letter theta and ferritin containing granules (F) are present in the juxta-nuclear region near the centriole (c). Large size mitochondria (m) and lipid inclusions (L) are frequent (original magnification ×18,000). (Inset) High magnification of the characteristic granule ultrastructure. Ferritin molecules are identified in the granules by their density and shape (F). θ granules exhibit complex internal structures (original magnification ×54,600). (Courtesy of Elisabeth M. Cramer, MD, PhD, INSERM U. 474, Hopital Henri Mondor, 51 av. du Marechal de Lattre-de-Tassigny, Creteil 94010, France.) American Society of Hematology Blood 1999;94:3365 ©1999 by American Society of Hematology