Centre for intelligent electricity distribution


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Presentation transcript:

Centre for intelligent electricity distribution – CINELDI Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future - HighEFF Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems - MoZEES Research Centre for Sustainable Solar Cell Technology - SUSOLTECH Norwegian CCS Research Centre - NCCS Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology - HydroCen Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy - NorSusBio The Research Centre on Zero Energy Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities - ZEN

Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) The scheme is the most prominent tool for long term energy research in Norway. The research activity is carried out in close cooperation between prominent research communities and users. The main objective of the Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research is: to conduct concentrated, focused research of high international calibre in order to solve specific challenges in the energy sector in Norway, and to promote innovations and industrial development. Typical budgets: 300 – 400 mill NOK (30 – 40 mill €) over eight years with 50 % funding from the Research Council of Norway

8 new research centres for environment-friendly energy research (FME) 2016 - 2024

CINELDI will ensure that we are building the smart energy system of the future

CINELDI Objective To enable a cost-efficient realisation of the future flexible and robust electricity distribution grid This will pave the ground for increased distributed generation from renewable resources, electrification of transport, and more efficient energy use

CINELDI Secondary objectives Decision support methodologies and tools needed for the optimal planning and asset management of the future system. New cost effective concepts and solutions for smart operations based on new emerging control and monitoring technologies and extensive real time monitoring. Methods and models for cost effective integration of flexible resources in smart distribution grids, including business models on how to utilize this flexibility. Microgrid concepts, technologies and solutions for optimal design, operation, and integration with the distribution system. Recommendations for the transition to the electricity distribution system of 2030-2040. Ease deployment of research results by extensive use of small-scale pilots and test. Ensure efficient knowledge transfer through user-involvement.

The CINELDI ecosystem

CINELDI Work packages

CINELDI in figures Budget: 361,2 MNOK (40 M€) Duration: 8 years (2016 – 2024) 29 partners Host institution/project responsible: SINTEF Energy Research www.cineldi.no

CINELDI partners Research institutes/ University Knowledge transfer Innovation Authorities (Regulators) International collaborating partners System operators DSO/TSO Technology providers Research institutes/ University Market operator

National partners

International collaborating partners Smart grid alliances: EERA ETIP SNET ISGAN GSGF Research organisations/Universities: Strathclyde (UK) Tecnalia (Spain) Tokyo Inst. of Technology (Japan) TU Munich (Germany) University of Cagliari (Italy) VTT (Finland) AIT (Austria) CentraleSupelec (France) DTU (Denmark) Fraunhofer (Germany) Michigan Tech (USA) NEDO (Japan) Sandia (USA)

Multidisciplinary research CINELDI targets system innovation

The Norwegian Smart Grid Laboratory – an important asset in CINELDI https://www.ntnu.edu/smartgrid

The Norwegian Smart Grid Laboratory - an important asset in CINELDI https://www.ntnu.edu/smartgrid

… as well as smart grid pilot projects and living labs www.smartgrids.no

About 20 PhD and post docs will be recruited Electric power engineering Communication technology Information technology Automation/cybernetics Economics Social science aspects of smart grids http://www.ntnu.edu/ie/smartgrids

CINELDI also targets 150 Master projects Topics for PhD/Postdoc studies in the first phase of research 2017-2020 Modelling of complex interactions and interdependencies for security of electricity supply analysis Modelling of Interactions and Interdependencies in Complex Systems of Power Grid and ICT Systems Risk and vulnerability in the future intelligent electricity distribution system Self-Healing and Autonomous Smart Grid Operation Distributed and centralized control to support smart grid operation with high quality in a cost-efficient way Distributed and hierarchical dynamic state estimation for smart distribution grids 5G for Low-Latency, Secure, and Dependable Communication Services for Fault Handling in Micro Grids Techno-economic optimization for analysing consumer flexibility and related market structures Smart power control in microgrids with modern power converters The value of buildings' energy flexibility in the power market Understanding mechanisms and incentives for motivating user flexibility Modelling transition strategies towards smart distribution grids CINELDI also targets 150 Master projects

Milestones and deliverables

Milestones and deliverables

This presentation has been funded by CINELDI - Centre for intelligent electricity distribution, an 8 year Research Centre under the FME-scheme (Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research, 257626/E20). The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Research Council of Norway and user partners of CINELDI.