EER Work Programme 2011 – electricity


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Presentation transcript:

EER Work Programme 2011 – electricity Asta Sihvonen-Punkka Electricity Working Group Chair Florence Forum 13 December 2010

CEER will: Continue as a platform for Europe’s energy regulators Concentrate on a limited number of issues prioritised not only by the regulators but also by stakeholders Work on smart grids and smart meters; quality of electricity supply; RES and energy efficiency; financial services; gas storage and LNG; and retail market monitoring as well as international cooperation with other regulators

Key areas of work 3rd package implementation Security of supply and infrastructure Affordability and consumer issues CC, RES and energy efficiency Financial services and energy trading Regional market integration External relations

Electricity deliverables Smart grids Review of regulatory approaches Quality of Supply 5th Benchmarking report RES Non-harmonised support schemes Energy efficiency GGP Generation adequacy GGP Network investments (cross-sector) Financing and cost allocation

EER 2011 Work Programme Regulators want to directly contribute to key energy policy areas of the EU also outside the work within ACER The 2011 EER work programme has recieved broad support from stakeholders in the public consultation Regulators are looking forward to continue working contructively with all interested stakeholders

Thank you for your attention!