Branson Convention Center 2017 Year End Review
Comparison of Actuals and Budget TOTAL REVENUE: 2017= $4.5M / 2016=$4.3M / 2017 Budget $4.1M TOTAL EXPENSES: 2017= $4.9M / 2016 = $4.7M / 2017 Budget = $4.4M OVERALL PROFIT & (LOSS) 2017= ($445K) / 2016 = ($399K) / 2017 Budget = ($329K)(See below) ***Please note $81,300 in parking revenue budgeted without system in place. Two budgets originally submitted with losses of ($329K) and the second ($410K)***
2017 Overall Financial Performance BCC General Operating Results (Loss) 2017= ($191K) / 2016 = ($231K) / 2017 Budget = ($222K) BCC Marketing Results (Expense) 2017= $254K / 2016 = $168K/ 2017 Budget = $107K BCC Overall (Operating & Marketing) Results (Loss) 2017= ($445K) / 2016 = ($399K) / 2017 Budget = ($329K)
2017 Results REVENUES CATERING: Tremendous year with our top tier returning groups that included Conklin Companies, Travel South Showcase, Associated Electric Cooperative, MO Healthcare Association, Association of MO Electric Cooperatives, Diamond Bound Dinner Event and MO Community College Association. Surpassed budget by $240K! CONCESSIONS: Successfully increased gross sales by 5% (2016 vs 2017). 2016 Gross Sales: $190,756 2017 Gross Sales Goal: $200,293 2017 Actual Gross Sales: $203,887 Goal Achieved and surpassed by $3,594 ($13,131 more then prior year)
2017 Results REVENUES EVENT SPACE RENTAL: Once again a strong source of income. Rental came in over $470K for 2017. These fees are typically associated with our Cheer & Dance Groups, Sport Groups, Concert Events like Xtreme and Religious Assemblies. These groups also bring large numbers of attendees to the city and can range from 2,500 all the way up to 10,000 (MO NASP). ANCILLARY REVENUES: Audio Visual, Equipment Rental and Internet Service provided strong revenues for 2017. With net revenues combining to surpass the $143K mark. PARKING REVENUE: Generated over $69K in “Self Parking” to a budget of $55K.
2017 Results EXPENSES MARKETING: In 2017 the BCC was able to partner with the CVB on some great initiatives to help drive business into the city. By partnering on such great events and Tradeshows like Connect Missouri and MPI World Education Congress, the center and city were exposed to thousands of meeting planners from all over the country. These events did increase our marketing spend for the year. Sponsorship to both of these types of events range from $20K to $30K but also put you front in center to the countries best planners and events. OPERATING EXPENSES: All operating expenses were inline with budget or below including utilities, salaries & wages, contracted services and operating supplies for the year. Our “Net Operating Loss” was under budget by $30K. (See P&L)
2017 Results General Overview Items CUSTOMER SERVICE SCORES: The BCC Continues to strive in the “Customer Excellence” area. Scoring over 90% in areas such as: Sales & Events Job Knowledge & Professionalism 94% Courtesy of building staff 97.4% Cleanliness of Facility: 95.8% Quality of F&B Services: 94.4% Overall Satisfaction with the BCC: 92.8% We also received (13) letters from planners and clients sharing their wonderful experience here at the BCC!
2017 Results General Overview Items Updated “Recycling Units” throughout the facility. Older units repainted and branded with new recycling and trash labels. Completion of “Split Rail Park”. The BCC now has fully completed Outdoor Event Space located to the south of the facility. Great for lunches, receptions and weddings. Finally, another strong year from a Sustainability perspective. Once again we were able to achieve a 47% diversion rate. Our internal green team continually focuses on recycling glass, composting food items as well as recycling cardboard, metal, cooking oil and pallets. Estimated Group Attendance: 2016 (92K) / 2017 (98K) Increase by over 6,000 people! Groups: 2016(193) / 2017 (173) Group Room Nights at Hilton Properties: 2016 (38,907) 2017 (43,161)