Future energy plans for the Nordplus countries Legen, wait for it, dary Gerda-Käddi Alting Alfred Johansson Ines Koski Christos Paraskevopoulos Höskuldur Goði Þorbjargarson
Group 5. Future energy plans for the Nordplus countries. Group 1. Various energy forms in use at present in the Nordplus countries. Group 2. The amounts of energy produced in each different way in the Nordplus countries. Group 3. The main users of energy in the Nordplus countries. Group 4. Environmental impacts of each energy form in the Nordplus countries. Group 5. Future energy plans for the Nordplus countries.
Ísland National Energy Authority Efficiency? Public Awareness. Reduction on GHG emissions Fish farming project Sustainable development while increasing living standards Exporting energy plans Alternative fuels (Fuel cells technology, hydrogen) Forum of Alternative Fuels Renewable energy powered vehicles and fishing vessels IDDP (Icelandic Deep Drilling Project) (4-5km, 400-600°C)
Kongeriket Norge Goals -30% CO2 from 1990 levels by 2020 CO2 neutral by 2050 Energy stability Increase natural gas exports Methods Building offshore wind power Expanding hydropower Carbon Capture and Storage Green Certificate market Electric cars
Kongeriget Danmark Wide variety of Energy resources 3 November 2013 surpassed 100% wind power Target for 100% renewable by 2050 Danish consumers have 99,99% energy security Shifting to pro-environmental and consumer friendly system.
Konungariket Sverige Goals EU 2020 goal 20% more energy efficient 50% renewable energy (Hydro, Wind, and bioenergy) 10% renewable energy in transports 40% reduced GHG emissions 2030 – Fossil fuel independent vehicle fleet 2050 – Zero net GHG emissions Methods CO2 & Energy taxes Shift in transport sector Renewable energy Energy efficiency “Smart grids” Nuclear power?
Suomen tasavalta Reduction on the use of coal (First European Country by 2050) Increase on renewable energy (Biomass, windmills, goal for 38%) Decrease of GHG emissions by 20% Improving energy efficiency by 20% Combination of heat and power production Investment on nuclear power Reduction of energy imports Reduction of resources imports (Coal, Natural Gas, Crude oil) Balanced development with focus on environmental impacts
Eesti vabariik Development plan of ENMAK 2030+ Reduction of the energy intensity of the economy while increasing efficiency Less imports on fuels Increase of renewable energy (Windmills) 2009-2018 DPE Development plan of the Estonian Electricity Sector 2018-2020 NDP National Development plan of Energy Sector Reconstruction of Shale Plants
Latvijas Republika Less fossil Fuels More renewable energy (Solar, Biomass, Wind Energy, 10% by 2020) Better efficiency Plan in two stages 2013-2020, 2020-2050 Less GHG Emissions
Lietuvos Respublika Net energy importer Energy sufficiency by 2020 Nuclear power (New power plant) Renewable Energy (Biomass) Major fossil fuel consumer (Coal, natural gas, crude oil) Energy imports (63% Russia, 26% Estonia, 7% Latvia, 4% Belarus) 2nd highest per capital generated energy By 2020 will be leading EU in biomass for biofuel production
Nordplus Renewable goals Resource: Eurostat 01.12.2010 *Iceland's initial data comes from 2005 ** Norway's initial data comes from 2005
Conclusions Diversity on resources Different political backgrounds Different starting point Social awareness Common goals (?) Need for closer co-operation Energy security and environmental sustainability
References http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/transparency_platform/doc/dir_2009_0028 _action_plan_iceland__nreap.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/transparency_platform/doc/dir_2009_0028 _action_plan_norway__nreap.pdf https://www.tem.fi/en/energy http://www.iea.org/Textbase/npsum/finland2013SUM.pdf http://www.danishenergyassociation.com/Statistics.aspx http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/about-bp/energy-economics/energy- outlook/country-and-regional-insights/european-union.html http://www.eia.gov/countries/country-data.cfm?fips=lh http://www.energy-efficiency- watch.org/fileadmin/eew_documents/Documents/EEW2/Estonia.pdf http://www.mkm.ee/326447/ http://www.videszinatne.lv/eng-lv_energostrategy_2050.pdf http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_33609-1522-2-30.pdf?130222203647 http://www.orkustofnun.is/media/eldri-utgafa/Energy_in_Iceland_2ed_2006.pdf
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