A 30 Second Training for Persons in Mental Health Recovery Things You Should Know About Employment A 30 Second Training for Persons in Mental Health Recovery
things you SHOULD KNOW ABOUT EMPLOYMENT 1. Employment helps with recovery 2. Social Security disability offers work incentives. 3. Employers offer accommodations to make your work easier. 4. Employment can help your physical health.
SOMETHING POSITIVE TO REMEMBER ABOUT EMPLOYMENT Select the one best answer: Employment will probably cause relapse. Social Security Disability offers work incentives. If you go to work you definitely will lose your benefits. If you ask for accommodations at work you will regret it. 4
GOOD DETECTIVE WORK THE BEST ANSWER IS #2 GOOD DETECTIVE WORK THE BEST ANSWER IS #2. “Social Security offers work incentives.” Go ahead
Keep looking, there is only one right answer here. GO BACK
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Employment Repository: https://cpr.bu.edu/resources/employment/workers Benefits Specialists: https://cpr.bu.edu/resources/employment/families/think-about-work/faq/benefits-and-work/benefits-experts Self Advocacy: https://ldaamerica.org/self-advocacy-in-the-workplace-requesting-job-accommodations/
Acknowledgement This training is made possible by a grant from the National Institute on Disability & Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) within the Administration for Community Living, Department of He Grant # 90DP0096. The contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. These slides are the property of the Trustees of Boston University. For information contact 617-353-3549.