Pedagogical practices used by ESL teachers in teaching English as a second language to new adult immigrants BY Chinonye Nwachukwu
Background Immigration has played an important part in shaping Canada's population. Some immigrants came a long time ago and some recently. Today, immigration in Canada has a far-reaching impact on the country's population growth. It was responsible for two-thirds of our population growth in the intercensal period of 2001 and 2006 (Statistics Canada 2006, p. 1).
Challenges of Adult Immigrants in learning ESL New immigrants have low socio economic status Adults who have learned and mastered a first language find it difficult to learn a second language Adults learning second language have accent Adults have trouble with sounds that don't exist in their first language
Theories used in teaching ESL Theories can be divided into two Inductive theories Deductive theories Cognitive Krashen Model Theory Behaviourist Humanistic Transformational Post-constructionist Acquisition-Learning hypothesis Monitor hypothesis Input hypothesis Natural Order Affective Filter hypothesis
Pedagogical methods used in teaching ESL to new adult Immigrants Grammar-Translation Method The Direct or Natural Method The Audio-Lingual Method Audio-Visual Method The Silent Method Suggestopedia Method Total Physical Response Method
Conclusion Finocchiaro (1986) noted that: Teachers everywhere are uneasy about controversies over current linguistic theories …They are deeply concerned about keeping abreast of the best, most modern methods of teaching, about the attention given in the literature to individualized instructions and to performance objectives, about test and grades, about homework, about uninterested pupils, and about gifted and slow learners (p. vii)
Recommendations There is a great need for government to develop policies which will focus on providing funds and scholarships for the ESL learners since most of them are new immigrants who are jobless. There should also be policies focusing on training and retraining for ESL teachers. These training should focus on applying theoretical and pedagogical methods in the ESL classroom, use of information and communication technologies in teaching ESL, Use of different software in teaching ESL, Collaborative and resource sharing approaches in teaching ESL.
Recommendation Cont. Considering the diversity, multiculturalism and the fact that many adult ESL students have different literacy level, different English reading and writing skills, and also have different reasons for learning ESL. Policies should be developed to assess various individual ESL needs, literacy levels and group them according to their English literacy levels. Policies should also focus on the provision of adequate counselling services for the adult ESL learners because most of them are new immigrants suffering from culture shock, unemployment, and poverty and communication problem