6B17 Minerals In Rocks
B17 Mineral/Rock Background Minerals come from the Earth and their crystal sizes are very small. Many rocks are made from minerals. Rocks can often be identified by the minerals they contain. Each rock may contain one or many different minerals. CHALLENGE QUESTION: Can you identify one of the minerals found in a rock? How?
B17 Mineral/Rock Data Table Name_______________ Hr__ Date___ OBSERVATIONS GRANITE LIMESTONE Color(s), Texture(s), etc. Mineral Crystal(s) description (one or more than one mineral inside) More observations
B17 Mineral/Rock Procedure A Record all observations on the Data Table. Examine both rocks with a magnifying lens. Write if each rock is made of one mineral or more than one mineral. Each rock contains either calcite or quartz. Which property should be tested to identify the mineral inside? You may want to review the data from the last activity. Write 1 paragraph about tests you would use.
Calcite/Quartz Mineral Properties PROPERTY CALCITE QUARTZ COLOR Colorless, white, pink, blue, red, or green Colorless, white, pink, blue, purple, or yellow TRANSPARENCY Translucent Transparent LUSTER (SHINE/REFLECT) Dull Glassy HARDNESS (MOHS SCALE) 3 7 STREAK COLOR White LIGHT REFRACTION Sometimes shows 2 images Always shows 1 image
B17 Mineral/Rock Procedure B 4. These properties are useful to test a large mineral sample, but not useful if the minerals are small and found deep inside another rock. We need a test to use while it is still in the rock. 5. We can see if the minerals react with acid. Quartz does not react with acid, but Calcite will bubble and fizz with hydrochloric acid. This should help us tell them apart. Watch the demo and record observations in your data table.
B17 Mineral/Rock Analysis: Date_____ Name____________________Hour__ Which mineral is in granite? Use evidence. Which mineral is in limestone? Use evidence. How do rocks look different than minerals? Copy these lists. Cross out the word in each list that does not belong. Circle the main word in each list that includes the others. Explain why. a. Fluorite, quartz, mineral, granite, diamond b. Rock, property, streak color, transparent, luster c. Limestone, granite, calcite, rocks