Igneous Rocks Chapter 3.2 ©Mark Place, 2007-2008 www.LearnEarthScience.com
Formation Form when magma or lava cools and hardens. Magma: inside Earth Lava: outside Earth
Where they are made? http://www.indiana.edu/~geol116/week3/maggran.mov INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS Inside Earth http://www.indiana.edu/~geol116/week3/maggran.mov
Texture of the Rocks? Igneous rocks have different textures. Texture is how a rock looks and feels. Texture is based on the size of crystal grains in the rock.
Crystal Size is Determined by: cooling time
crystal size cooling time
Large Crystals Indicate long cooling time Small Crystals Indicate short cooling time
SLOW cooling-large enough crystals to see with your naked eye Intrusive Extrusive form on or near the surface QUICK cooling -small or no crystals form below the surface SLOW cooling-large enough crystals to see with your naked eye
Characteristics used to classify igneous rocks
Texture glassy } extrusive fine
Texture coarse } intrusive very coarse
Porphyrytic: When you have a mix of large and small crystal grains. This rock experienced two cooling situations.