Scientific Method
Scientific Method The scientific method is the process in which scientists conduct experiments
Steps In The Scientific Method 1)State the problem 2)Gather Information 3)Form a hypothesis 4)Test The Hypothesis 5)Analyze Data 6)State a Conclusion
State The Problem In this step you explain what you are going to be testing in your experiment This is formed by observations the scientist has made
Gather Information Scientists investigate the problem by making measurements of some aspect of an object or phenomenon Accuracy is important because with inaccurate measurements come inaccurate conclusions
Form A Hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation or solution to a problem It is an educated guess as to what is going to happen in your experiment This is what you are going to test in the experiment
Test The Hypothesis A hypothesis is then tested by performing an experiment An experiment is a scientific procedure carried out by certain guidelines
Testing The Hypothesis Variable-Factors in an experiment Independent Variable-The factor that is manipulated by the experimenter Dependent Variable-The factor that can change if the independent variable is changed Control-A second experiment that will have all of the same conditions except the variable being tested
Analyze Data This is the step where you organize your data that you gathered from the experiment Make charts or graphs
State Conclusion In this step the scientist determine how accurate the hypothesis was In this step the hypothesis may be either accepted or rejected
Theory A theory is an explanation based on many observations during repeated experiments With new data a theory can be changed or disproven A law is a basic fact that describes the behavior of a natural phenomenon “Rule of nature” Theories are used to explain scientific laws