Get a sheet of paper and answer the following question: Can something be a success and a failure? Explain Any examples?
The Crusades History’s Most Successful FAILURE
During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church had risen in power Background During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church had risen in power After the fall of Rome, the Eastern portion of the Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire
Background- Causes Jerusalem was a holy land for the Christians The Seljuk Turks (Muslims) took over Jerusalem and would not let Christians visit European Christians were also afraid that a strong Muslim presence would threaten them
Pope Urban II and his call 1095- Pope Urban II issues a call for a “holy” war or Crusade to take back Jerusalem Pope assured that those that die in Crusade will have a place in Heaven Also that anyone who went would be able to keep what they stole (better life for peasants)
Map of Crusades
1st Crusade- 1096 Crusaders capture Jerusalem = Success, but it does not last long 1187- Muslims recapture Jerusalem
Crusade # 2 Pope calls for another crusade but it fails
Third Crusade Led by Richard the Lionhearted- King of England Results in a truce with Muslim Kingdom Christians (unarmed) would be allowed in city (they get what they wanted originally)
The Crusades = 7-8 total However, the European Christians break the truce and try to take Jerusalem 5 more times Each time is a massive fail But there were other crusades….
Children’s Crusade - 1212 20,000 – 30,000 children went out Went without weapons, wanted to use religion Most died of disease, starvation and others were sold to slavery
Spanish Crusade- The Inquisition 1400 The Spanish Inquisition was a backlash in Spain in response to a rising Muslim presence. Wanted to get rid of all non Christians = very violent
Why did the Crusades fail? After the 1st attempt, Europeans became less motivated due to constantly losing Soldiers of the Crusades cared more about making a better life than actually winning
Effect of Crusades Increased trading helped business flourish Merchants increased Europeans become more reliant on Trade with Middle East = leads to exploration to find better trade routes
How will increased trading effect society? -More $$ available -Merchants get increased power taxes increase to king King no longer need to give land for loyalty, instead can give money -Growth of cities Move back to cities to trade