EVSC 1300—Spring, 2018 Exam 3 35 total points >28 A 22–27 B 17–21 C Median = 22.5 Stn. Deviation = 6 35 total points >28 A 22–27 B 17–21 C 12–16 D <= 11 F
EVSC 1300—Exams 1–3—Spring, 2018 Median Std. Deviation 74.5 15.0 >=90 A 75-89 B 60-74 C 46-59 D <=45 F I will assign plusses and minuses to the final course grades. These are total points, not percentages. This is your current grade with the curve incorporated. It is your highest possible grade if a) you don’t take Exam 4 or b) you take Exam 4 and don’t improve your point total (remember that I drop your lowest exam). Extra credit is not included.
EVSC 1300—Exams 1–3—Spring, 2018
>= 94 A 84-93 B 74-83 C 62-73 D <= 62 F EVERYONE ACES EXAM 4 This would be the grade distribution if everyone takes Exam 4 and gets a perfect score. Everyone’s lowest grade would be dropped and there would be no curve (90-100% is an “A”, etc.). This is the “worst case scenario” if you don’t take Exam 4. For example, if you currently have 75 points your grade is a “B–.” If you don’t take the final and everyone else does and aces it, your 75 points becomes a “C–.” Note that this will not happen!!
The final grade distribution will shift to the right. current grade distribution final grade distribution (lowest exam dropped)