SSWH 7 Analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics, society, and economics.
Middle Ages Period in Europe from 500-1500 In between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Renaissance Characterized by de-centralized governments in Europe. Also referred to as “Medieval” times.
Feudalism: Terms You Need to Know Lord/Noble A man of high rank. Rich. Peasant A person of the lowest rank. Poor Fief A piece of land given by a Lord to someone of a lesser rank in exchange for loyalty
Feudalism: Terms You Need to Know Vassal A person given a fief Knights A soldier who performs military service to a noble.
Feudalism Political system of the Middle Ages Definition: Lords gave land to vassals in exchange for protection
Feudal Obligations Under feudalism, every person had obligations to a superior. The king promised God he would take care of the country. The nobles promised to support the king. The king gave them a fief in return for loyalty and knights. The nobles were then vassals of the king.
Feudal Obligations Peasants had to do jobs for the nobles and pay them rents. Worked the land in return for protection.
Manorial System Economic system in Europe during the Middle Ages People lived on a Manor Self-sufficient, isolated village Produced EVERYTHING needed for survival Trade was almost impossible because of nomadic raids.
Do Now Which of the following words does NOT belong? Explain why in 2-3 sentences. Peasant Vassal Knight Noble
Charlemagne King of the Frankish Kingdom in Europe. Conquered several of the other countries Came the closest to uniting Europe under one government. After he died, his kingdom split up.
Christianity Since there was no political stability, The Church was the only thing that was unchanging. The Church had a lot of power. People believed that they HAD to do things that the Church told them to do to go to Heaven Without the Church, a person could not go to Heaven.
1054: The Great Schism (Split) Argument arose between Church leaders. The Christian Church split into two parts: The Roman Catholic Church Western Europe Centered in Rome The Pope became the Leader The Eastern Orthodox Church Eastern Europe Centered in Constantinople
The Church had ways of limiting the power of Kings in Western Europe. Excommunication Banished someone from The Church preventing them from going to Heaven Lay Investiture Practice in Western Europe where Kings appointed Church officials.
King Henry IV of Germany Pope Gregory VII Banned Lay Investiture in order to have more power. King Henry IV of Germany Objected to the Pope taking this away The Pope Excommunicated him Compromise They agreed that the Kings could still appoint Church officials, but the Pope could veto.
Later Middle Ages Feudal authority diminished as Kings got stronger. Crusaders brought back samples of goods from the East which spurred trade. As trade increased, trading centers developed into larger towns and cities.