AP Exam Breakdown 3 hours 15 minutes
AP Credit By passing this test you will earn 6 hours college credit. Out of pocket cost if you fail this test, UTSA - $668 per hour = $4008 for 6 hours + 2 books at about $100 each St. Mary’s - $1810 per hour = $10,860 for 6 hours + 2 books at about $100 each
APUSH Scale Score range AP Grade Minimum % Right 94-100 5 72 94-100 5 72 79-93 4 60 64-78 3 49 47-63 2 36 0-46 1 0-35
Division of AP Test into Time Periods Period Approximate Exam Weight 1491-1607 5% 1607-1754 10% 1754-1800 12% 1800-1848 10% 1844-1877 13% 1865-1898 13% 1890-1945 17% 1945-1980 15% 1980 Present 5%
Multiple Choice Section You will have 55 minutes for this section Questions will be grouped into sets of 2 to 4 questions for each prompt 55 questions Of these 6 will be experimental that will not count toward your score but you will not know which these are.
Short Answer Questions 50 minutes to complete this section 4 short answer questions One will be experimental and will not count Does not require a thesis statement Concentrate on writing concise statements that include specific historic examples Use complete sentences Outlines or bullet points will not be accepted Don’t forget synthesis
Long Essay Question ATFQ Answer The Full Question 35 minutes to complete this section You will be given 2 long essay questions You will be asked to select one Thesis is required Detail is required Conclusion is required Don’t forget synthesis ATFQ Answer The Full Question
DBQ Begins with a 15 minute reading and planning period You will then have 40 minutes to complete the essay Essay question that requires you to interpret and analyze 7 brief documents Essay should be broken down into these parts Intro, thesis, doc’s, conclusion Don’t forget synthesis